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Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Generator

Sarah Herder Aubrey Spilde Margaret Zahller ESM 288 May 17, 2006

MHD power generation uses the interaction of an electrically conducting fluid with a magnetic field to convert part of the energy of the fluid directly into electricity Converts thermal or kinetic energy into electricity

Lorentz Force Law: F = QvB

Where F is the force of the acting particle (vector) V is the velocity of the particle (vector) Q is the charge of the particle (scalar) B is the magnetic field (vector)

Conversion Efficiency
MHD generator alone: 10-20%
Steam plant alone: 40% MHD generator coupled with a steam plant: up to 60%

Heat transfer to walls

Maintenance of magnetic field

MHD + Steam plant

What we thought in 1975:

Maximum electric power generation is unlimited by physical principle, only by technological development With no dynamically or thermally stressed components, the system is expected to be robust, with high operational safety, and little required maintenance Can yield full output of power in between 0.3 to 0.5 seconds Ideally suited for emergency back-up or reserve power or experimental scientific uses (pulsed power) Research under way by a number of countries including the US, China, Italy, and Japan

ENTER: The Department of Energy (DOE)

Called for a Proof-of-Concept program to be completed between 1983-1993
focused development on open-cycle, coal-fired, commercial MHD power plants & creating a database for the private sector

Tested combinations with other power conversion components (nuclear & steam)

Results of DOE Research

successfully proved the concept of MHD technology
Program was discontinued in 1993 due to the high cost of designing, constructing, and operating a complete system
Much higher than the corresponding cost for other coal-fired power generation options already in use Lower efficiency than developing gas turbine technology

More Results of DOE Research

Knowledge benefits:
database of technologies for pressurized high-temperature gas heaters Contributed to subsequent clean coal technology projects

NO realized economic, environmental, or security benefits

(Total Money spent on MHD program: $1.02 Billion by government & $90 million by industry (in constant 1999 dollars))

Lessons Learned (according to the DOE)

Private sector interest in developing a technology, as evidenced by a willingness to cost share in the demonstration process, must be considered.
There must be an understanding of where a technology fits in an R&D portfolio from a priority standpoint, so that decision makers at all levels can be provided with all the information they need to make the best decisions in the interest of the overall R&D program. Difficult decisions to terminate programs must be made as early as possible and available funds redirected to the areas of greatest potential.

Other uses of MHD Technology

The Yamoto: a boat built by Mitsubishi powered solely by MHD propulsion Can travel at up to 15 km/hr

Final application:
The Hunt for Red October
Caterpillar drive uses MHD technology to silently power sub (no moving parts) so that the Commies can attack the US undetected (but Sean Connery defects and saves the day)

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