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What is e-waste

Electronic waste, e-waste,e-scrap or waste electrical and elecr=tronic equipment(weee) describes loosely discarded,surplus,obsolete,or broken electricals or electronic devices.


Hazards of e-waste

Envoiornmental groups claim that the informal processing of electronic waste in developing countries causes serious healty and pollution problems.some electronic scraps components,such as crts, contain contaiminants like cadmium,beryllium,mercury,lead and brominated flame retardants.


Re use is an option to recycling as it extends the lifespan of a allowing others to purchased used items,recycling can be postponed and value gained from use.



e-waste processing systems have matured in recent years,following increased regulatory,public and commercial scrutiny,and a commensurate increase in entrepreneurial interest.part of this evolution has involved greater diversion of electronic waste from energy-intensive downcycling processes

Processing tecnique

In developed countries, e-waste processing usually first involves dismantling the equipment into various parts(metal frames,power supplies,circuit boards,plastics), often by hand but with the lowest healthy and safety standards


E-waste threat

There is more to rubbish and waste than our usual bumping of dustbins.a recent study claims that e-waste volume is to increse in coming years. According to a recent report,by 2020 indias e-waste from old computers will jump 500% We should we using the e-waste for 3/3/12 beneficial purposes through

Have you ever thought of the pollution and enviornmental hazards of e-waste?india would we confronted with the threat of accumulation of e-waste in the coming yearsif necessary policy and regulations are not put in place to check its growth now.

Rising e-waste

The total e-waste in different forms in the country would now come to around more than 1.46 lakh tonnes per year.if these figures are only for india,imagine the worlds e-waste! This is expected to exceed eight lakh tonnes by 2012,korian joseph,assistant professor,enviornmental engineering,centre for enviornmental 3/3/12 studies,anna university,chennai said.

E-waste facts

India generated about 350,000 tonnes of E-waste every year and imports 50,000 tonnes illegally. 20 to 50 million metric tonnes of Ewaste disposed world wide each year Only 13.6% of disposed E-waste is recycled 68% of consumers stockpile used computer equipment in their homes


Generator states

Starting that e-waste has given rise to new enviornmental challenges,joseph said maharashtra,tamil nadu,ap,up,wb,delhi,karnataka,gujar at,punjab and mp, generates 70%of the total e-waste in the country.


Harmful effects

Quoting a study by an ngo,he saidbangalore city with 1,322 software companies,36 hardware units and business process outsourcing units disposes 8000 tonnes of waste per year the biggest concern was the presence of toxis materials like lead.cadmium,mercury and arsenic,printer catridge links and toners that pose significant health 3/3/12 risks.these companies can

Toxic threat

Iron and steel were the most common materials found and accounted for half of the total ewaste,followed by plastics and nonferrous metals. toxic substances and other harmful substances are usally concentrated in printed circuit boards.

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