The Study of Political Science

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Is a systematic study of the state and goverment Derived from the Greek word Polis meaning a city or a equivalent

to a sovereign state. Latin Scire - to know It is primarily concerned with the association of human beings into a body politic or a political community (one organized under goverment and law)

Political theory The entire body of doctrines relating to the origin, form, behavior and purpose of the state are dealt with in the study of political theory. 2. Public law The a.) Organization of goverments, b.)The limitation upoin goverment authority c.) The powers and duties of goverment offices and officers, and d.) the obligations of one state to another are handled in the study of public law.

3. Public administration In the study of public administration attention is focused upon the methods and techniques used in the actual management of state affairs by executive, legislative and judicial branches of goverment.

History history is past politics and politics present history. The ppolitica scientist frequently adopts a historical approach and employs kbnowledge of the past when he seeks to interpret the present and probable developments in political phenomena. 2. Economics - Until the 19th century, political science and economics (the study of production, distribution, and conservation and consumption of wealth) were coupled

under political aconomy. Today, these fields arre jointly concerned with the factt that economic conditions affect the organization, development, and activities of states, which inturn modify or even prescribe economic conditions. The political scientist regularly adopts an economic approach when seeking to interpret matter as public financial policies and goverment regulation of business.

3. Geography Geopolitics ( concerned with the study of inflluences of physical factors such as population pressures, sources of raw materials, geography upon domestic and foreign politics) indicates one approach which a political scientist frequently must adopt to help explain such phenomena as the early growth of democracy in the United States or the rise of authoritarian goverments in developing countries.

4. Sociology and anthropology the political scientist, the sociologist (who specializes inn the study of society as a whole) and the anthropologist (who studies mankind in relation to physical , social and cultural development) are all deeply concerned with the origins and nature of social control and goverment authority with the abiding influences of race and culture upon society, and with the patterns of collective human behavior.

5. Philosophy the concepts of Aristotle,

Plato and locke (an other uversal thinkers about the state) are important to the specialist in academic philosophy and also tho the political scientist. These concepts are the underlying forces in the framing of constitutions and laws. 6. Psychology The political scientist as well as the pschologist promote studies of the mntal and emotional process motivating the political behavior of individuals and groups. One of the many topics which the political scientist handles from a pschological approach is that of public opinion, pressure groups and propaganda.


To discover the principles that should be adhered to in public affairs and to study the operations of goverment in order to demonstrate what is good, to criticize what is bad or inefficient, and to siggest improvements.

2. Its findings and conclusions may be of

immense practical use to constitutionmakers, legislators, executives, and judges who nees models or norms that can be applied to immediate situations. They may be of immense practical use to individuals who seek to understand tthe state in which they live.

1. 2. 3.

Education for Citiizenship Essential parts of liberal education Knowledge and understanding of goverment.

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