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Introduction to (Demand) Forecasting

Bindu malik

Forecasting Methods
Qualitative (Subjective): Incorporate factors like the forecasters intuition, emotions, personal experience, and value system. These methods include:
Jury of executive opinion Delphi method Consumer market surveys

Time series projection method

1. Trend projection method 2. Exponential smoothing method 3. Moving average method

Causal methods
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Chain ratio method Consumption level method End use method Bass diffusion model Leading indiacator Econometric method

Jury of executive opinion

Opinion of a group of managers is combined into sales estimate Expeditious method Permits consideration of variety of factors Biases Reliability is questionable

Delphi method
Eliciting the opinion of group of experts by mail survey. More accurate and less expensive than face to face meetings

Trend projection method

Determining the trend of consumption by analysing past data Projecting future consumption by extrapolating the trend- graphical, least square, moving average.

Exponential smoothing method

Forecasts are modified in the light of observed error. F-t, s-t, ,-t - smoothing parameter -t : error in forecast

Chain ratio method

Sales may be estimated by applying a series of factors to a measure of aggregate demand. It uses a simple analytical approach E.g. a firm planning to mfr. Stainless steel blades in india tried to estimate its potential sales in the foll. Manner:

1. Adult male population in india: 150 million 2. Prop. Of males using shave blades: 0.60 million 3. Adult male using shave blades: 90 mill. 4. No. of times in a yr a person uses blade:100

5. Total shavings done: 9000million 6. prop. Of shavings done with stainless steel blades: 0.40 7. Average no. of shavings with shaving blade: 4 8. No. of stainless steel blades: 600 million 9. Prop. Of stainless steel market: 0.20

Consumption level method

Useful for a product which is directly consumed Estimates the consumption level on the basis of elasticiti coeffecients 1. Income elasticity of demand 2. Price elasticity of demand

End use method

Suitable for estimating demand of intermediate products, Following steps: 1. Identify the possible uses of a product 2. Define the consumption coeffecient for various uses. 3. Project the output level. 4. Derive the demand

Consumtion coeff. Varies from one period to another. Diff. to estimate the projected output.

Bass diffusion model

Developed by frank bass. For new products The coeffecient of innovation-p The coeffecient of imitation-q

Leading indicator methid

Leading indicator: those that change ahead of other indicators called lagging indicators E.g change in the level of urbanisation( leading indicator) may be used to predict the change in demand of flats( lagging indicator)

1. Identify the leading indicator 2. Lead-lag relationship does not remain stable.

Econometric method
Forecast the future behaviour of econometric variables in the model: two types 1. Single equation model 2. Simultaneous equation model

Single equation model

One variable i.e dependent variable is influence by two or more independent variables

Simultaneous equation model

Economic relationship in terms of more than one equation.

Uncertainities in forecasting
1. Data about past & present market 2. Methods of forecasting 3. Environmental change

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