Waste Management

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WASTE is unwanted or useless material.

Industrial Waste-Produced by Industrial Activity. Bio-Medical Waste- Solids, Liquids or Laboratory waste which is Infectious or dangerous. Hazardous Waste- Waste that is a threat to public health or environment. Municipal Waste-Everyday items consumed and discarded by us.

Oils Metals Chemicals Concrete

Needles Syringes Wound Dressings Disposable Gloves

Industrial WASTE


Radio-Active Waste Explosive waste Chemicals

Food wastes Containers and packaging material Plastic bottles and covers News papers, Clothing

Industrial Waste

Smoke From Industries

Metal Wastes

Oil films on water bodies

Metal scraps

Bio-Medical Wastes

Wound Dressings

Syringes and Injections

Biomedical waste

Heaps of biomedical waste

Hazardous Waste

Nuclear waste


Radio-Active wastes

Air Force Waste

Municipal Waste

Vegetable wastes

Food Wastes


Plastic Bottles


ORGANIC WASTE- It is biodegradable and comes mainly comes from plants

INORGANIC WASTE- This type of waste which doesnt get decomposed easily

How Municipal waste can be Converted and Utilized

Municipal waste can be reduced and reused by some recycling processes. It can be broken down into simpler materials for different uses.

Organic Waste
The organic waste can be used to produce BioGas or Vermicompost. Biogas can be used as alternate fuel for cooking purposes or for generating electricity. Biogas is fast emerging as an alternative fuel for running engines and cooking purposes. It is not harmful to environment. Vermicompost is formed when earthworms eat the food waste and excrete. Vermicompost is used as manure for plants and crops.

Extracting manure for organic waste

Collecting organic waste

Vermi pits

Manure output

Breeding earthworms for excretion

Producing bio-gas and power from organic waste

Inorganic Waste
Inorganic waste mainly consists of plastic bottles, cans, and covers. The plastic bottles are crushed and recycled. Plastic bottles can be melted to cast them as chairs, tables. Plastic carry bags are washed and cut into strips to make bags, curtains, files, decoration pieces, jewellery boxes etc.

Everyday 3200 MTons of garbage is collected and remove from CHENNAI. The plant, with its capacity of 250kgs of organic waste per day, is expected to produce 25cum of biogas per day. The generator has a capacity of 5kW per day. Inorganic waste can provide employment for upcycling plastics.

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