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Amity Business School

Transactional Analysis: Its use in improving communication in business.

Amity Business School

Transactional analysis or TA is a branch of psychotherapy developed by Eric Berne. His definition of it is a theory of personality and a systematic psychotherapy for personal growth and change. Knowing about TA can be very useful for improving our communication skills. TA is about how people are structured psychologically and is both a theory of communication and a theory of child development.

Eric Berne

Amity Business School

There are three ego states in Bernes model: Parent- taught concept. Adult- learned concept Child- felt concept. An ego state is A consistent pattern of feeling and experience directly related to a corresponding consistent pattern of behaviour. Ego states are irrespective of age and are capitalised to differentiate from the normal use of the words parent, adult and child.

The 3 Rules of Communication in TA

1st Rule of Communication

Amity Business School

So long as transactions remain complementary, communication can continue indefinitely. 2nd Rule of Communication When a transaction is crossed, a break in communication results, and one or both individuals will need to shift ego states in order for the communication to be reestablished. 3rd Rule of Communication The behavioural outcome of an ulterior transaction (one where two messages are sent at the same time; one overt social and one covert psychological) is determined at the psychological level and not at the social level.

Amity Business School

The ego states are sub-divided Parent ego state is divided into: Parent into Critical Parent CP which is negative, unsupportive, critical. Nurturing Parent NP which is supportive, helpful, nurturing, comforting. Child ego state is divided into: Free Child FC (sometimes referred to as Natural Child NC) which is spontaneous, free-wheeling, playful, self-indulgent, curious, rebellious. Adapted Child AC which is toned down behaviour that has been learnt in response to the reactions from other people to us and our behaviour. The learned or adapted responses are more likely to generate a given result from the receiver

Complementary Transactions
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Where the message is sent from one ego state and the reply is from the expected ego state. The transaction is complementary. For example, a supervisor communicates in the parent-to-child ego when he reprimands an employee for being late. If the employee responds by apologizing and saying it won't happen again, the employee is in the childto-parent ego state and the result is a complementary transaction

Examples of Complementary Transactions

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The government is making us all criminals by putting speed cameras everywhere

They are its really annoying

Above is example of Critical Parent to Critical Parent


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C Its due at one fifteen

what time is the train due?

Above is example of Adult to Adult.

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Oh, Im really struggling with all this painting

Dont worry, Ill give you a hand right now

Above is example of Adapted Child to Nurturing Parent

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Oh what the hell, lets have another drink and pudding

yeah, great idea make that 2 drinks a pudding, and some gateaux

Above is example of Free Child to Free Child.

Crossed Transactions
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When a message is sent from one ego state and the sender expects it to be sent back from the expected ego state: but its sent back from a different one. The transaction is crossed; communication is non effective

For example, a manager in the adult-to-adult state might rationally ask an employee about a mistake in a report the employee composed. A crossed transaction occurs if the employee responds using the child-to-parent ego and complains, "Why are you always criticizing my work?"

Examples of Crossed Transactions

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You messed that up, its full of errors and typos

Rubbish, its your fault. Its you that cant understand or use correct English

Above is example of Critical Parent expecting reply from Adapted Child but receiving reply from Critical Parent.


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The deadline is tomorrow. Well need to stay on a final half hour to give it another check

What do you mean we. If you didnt always leave things to the last minute

Above is example of Adult expecting reply from Adult but receiving reply from Critical Parent.

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Oh, Im really struggling with all this painting

Oh, I know what you mean, its really difficult isnt it

Above is example of Adapted Child expecting reply from Nurturing Parent but receiving reply from Adapted Child.

Using TA for effective communication

Need to keep the transaction complementary.

Amity Business School

Using ego states we can look at how others communicate and how we communicate with others. Can also use TA to plan transactions. For example we can identify which ego state would be most valuable for us to send the message from and which ego state it would be better for it to be received by. Identify if they are habitually in one ego state and then decide if communication to that ego state would be appropriate or not. We can help communication if we need to by trying to shift the other persons ego state by inviting people to move into a different ego state

Amity Business School

Invite them to move into Adult by: Asking a question Stating a few facts Asking for their opinion Asking for their preference Asking for their view

Invite them to move into Nurturing Parent by: Asking for their help Asking for their advice Asking for their expert opinion Communicating your fears/worries


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Invite them to move into Natural Child (Free Child) by: Being one yourself Showing the funny side of the situation Going to nurturing parent Being enthusiastic Showing an unconventional way of looking at things.

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