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Xiang Li, Urology Department West China Hospital, Sichuan University


To Dr. Lu Yiping and Dr. Wang jia To other Colleagues working on renal and liver transplantation

Transplantation is a Dream?

Dream of Paranoia Dream of excellent surgeon who wants to excel himself. Dream of excellent scientist who believe nothing is impossible.

Can you imagine? Can you imagine? Can you imagine?


Basic concepts of transplantation Clinical Organ transplantation

Renal Transplantation, RT MHC and Tissue Matching Graft Rejection Immunosuppression

Transplantation Immunology

Definition of Transplantation


Implantation of non-self tissue into the body the process of taking cells, tissues, or organs called a graft (transplant), from one part or individual and placing them into another (usually different individual). donor : the individual who provides the graft. recipient or host: the individual who receives the graft.

Blood Transfusion

First attempts were unsuccesful (MISMATCH) Discovery of blood groups (Red cell antigens)
A-B Landsteiner 1900  Rh Levine, Stetson 1939

Succesful transfusion = Transplantation


Others: Bone, Tissue-engineering, etc Transplantation

Organ Transplantation


Autologous graft (autograft) : within an individual, autotransplantation Syngeneic graft (syngraft, isograft) : identical twins, isotransplantation Allogeneic graft (allograft, homograft) : non-identical, allotransplantation Xenogeneic graft (heterologous graft, heterograft) : between species, xenotransplantation

Classification of Renal Transplantation

Auto-RT Cadaveric Allograft RT Living Donor Living related

Living unrelated Xenograft RT (In experimental)

Transplantation History

experimental kidney transplantation -1912  Alexis Carel-Nobel prize 1935 human kidney transplant in Russia - rejection P.B. Medawar (1945) skin grafts  Self skin accepted  Relative not accepted ! What is the difference ?  Immunologic mechanism A. Mitchison (1950)  Lymphocytes are responsible for rejection

Transplantation History

Peter Gorer (~1935)  Identification of 4 group of genes for RBC Gorer and Gorge Snell (~1950)  Group II antigens are responsible for rejection  Major HistoCompatibility genes (HLA)  Nobel prize 1980 George Snell 1954 Succesful kidney transplant between identical twins in Boston Peter Bent Brigham Hospital  Joseph Murray 1991 Nobel prize


1933 1954 1958 1959


First clinical RT (Voronov); First long-term successful RT(Twin); Discovery of HLA(Human Lym Antigen); Radiation be used for immunosuppression; 1961 Azathioprine (Aza); 1962 Prednisolone; Tissue Matching; 1966 Cross-Matching; Late 1960 Preservation the Kidney>24hr ; 1972 First successful RT(LRD) in china; 1978 Clinical use of Cyclosporine(CsA).

Key factors for succesful transplantation


Knowledge of MHC haplotypes Effective immunosuppression Ability to identify and treat infections Available donors

Applications of allografting transplantation

The importance of transplantation:

Clinical Organ Transplantation

Liver Transplantation Renal Transplantation


Indication: End stage liver diseases (ESLD) Hepatic Disease to ESLD


Congenital malfomation; Congenital liver metabolic disorders; Acute liver failure; Chronic liver failure: (1) Cirrhosis: Hepatitis B, Alcoholic; (2) Parasites: Hydatid disease of liver, ect. liver malignance

END STAGE RENAL DISEASES (ESRD) Definition: (1) Various causes; (2) Irreversible injury; (3) Functional failure. Morbidity

Europe: 50/million; China: 90-100/million


DIALYSIS Chronic Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD); Hemodialysis (HD).


Renal Transplantation

Renal transplantation is associated with as survival benefit for patients with ESRD when compared to dialysis; Even marginal donor kidneys confer a significant survival advantage over maintenance dialysis. The preferred therapy for most of the Pts with ESRD; More cost- effective; Better survival; Better life quality.


Active invasive infection; Active malignance; High probability of operative mortality; Unsuitable anatomic situation for technical success; Severe psychological or financial problem.

Pre-OP Selection

ABO Blood Group: Compatible; Cytotoxicity Test: Donor Lymphocyte Recipient Serum Recipient Serum Cross matching Donor Lymphocyte Donor Serum Recipients Lymphocyte


Mixed Lymphocyte Culture Tissue typing (HLA)

OPERATION DONOR (1) Living donor


Nephrectomy via flank approach; Nephrectomy via Laparoscope.

(2) Cadaveric Donor


Total midline incision; in situ flashing: Euro-collins/UW solution; Bilateral radical nephrectomy. Low temperature preservation.


Potential Advantages of living versus cadaveric kidney donor

Better short-term result(about 95% versus 90 % 1-yr function); Better long-term results(half-life of 12-20 yr versus 8-9 yr); More consistent early function and easy of management;

Potential Advantages of living versus cadaveric kidney donor


Avoidance of brain death stress; Minimal incidence of delayed graft function; Avoidance of long wait for cadaveric transplant;

Potential Advantages of living versus cadaveric kidney donor


Capacity of time transplantation for medical and personal convenience; Immunosuppressive regime may be less aggressive; Help relieve stress on national cadaver donor supply; Emotional gain to donor.

Potential disadvantages of live donation


Psychological stress to donor and family; Inconvenience and risk of evaluation process(i.e., intravenous contrast); Operative mortality(about 1 in 2000 Pts.); Major post operative complications (about 2% of Pts.);



Potential disadvantages of live donation Minor postoperative complications(up to 50% of Pts.); Long-term morbidity(possible mild hypertention and proteinuria); Risk for traumatic injury to remaining kidney; Risk for unrecognized covert chronic renal disease.

Recipient Operation
Extraperitoneally in the contralateral iliac fossa via Gibson incision.

Why contralateral ?


Blood Vessel Anastomosis:


Donor renal V Donor renal A

Recipientsexternal iliac V Recipients internal iliac A

Ureter Anastomosis:

Donor ureter

Recipients bladder

Anti-reflux anastomosis

Clinical phases of rejection


Hyperacute rejection (minutes to hours)


Preexisting antibodies to donor HLA antigens Complement activation, macrophages

2. 3.

Accelerated rejection Acute rejection (around 10 days to 30 days)

Cellular mechanism (CD4, CD8, NK, Macrophages) Mixed humoral and cellular mechanism


Chronic rejection (months to years !!)


Immunosuppresents play a very important role in organ transplantation; Immuosuppresents extremely increase the effect and the survival rate of organ transplantation;


Immunosuppresents are a double edged sword; the most important thing is to increase their positive effects, and in the same time decrease their side effects (i.e., organ toxicity, infection, tumors, ect.).

Diagnosis of rejection Symptom/Sign


fever; urinary output q; graft tenderness; graft size o; hypertension; myalgia/arthragia.

Laboratory Test  Serum creatine, SCr;  Urinary creatine, Ucr;  Color doppler scan;  radiorenogram;  Ateriogram;  Biopsy: (1) Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB); (2) Core needle biopsy(CNB).

Treatment of kidney rejection

Hyperacute (Sometimes during the operation !)

No therapy, usually results in graft failure kidney should be removed BIOPSY ! Increase immunosuppression

Acute (Most frequently in the first 4 weeks)


Increase steroid dose Increase cyclosporin (monitor serum level !) ATG, ALG, OKT3


ACE inhibitors, prostacyclin analog drugs Steroid, Imuran, Cellcept

Transplantation Immunology

Histocompatibility Antigens

Major histocompatibility antigens


MHC class I molecules :


almost all nucleated

MHC class II molecules :

of renal arteries and glomeruli

APCs, endothelium

Minor histocompatibility antigens : HY molecule

Major histocompatibility antigens

Human leukocytic Antigen



( 1, 2, 3, 2-microglobulin) ( 1, 2, 1, 2)

Gene-Code alleles: A, B, C loci Gene-Code alleles: DP, DQ, DR loci Gene-Code alleles: C4A, TNF, HSP70



MHC complex: Gene

Major histocompatibility antigens


MHC loci are highly polymorphic Many alternative alleles at a locus The loci are closely linked to each other A set of alleles is called a HAPLOTYPE One inherites a haplotype from mother and another from father The alleles are codominantly expressed

nheritance of MHC alleles

Mother Father










Possible children of parents with HLA haplotype A/B and C/D R1=C-D recombination R2=A-B recombination

nduction of Immune Responses Against Transplants


alloantigens and xenoantigens : antigens that serve as the targets of rejection the antibodies and T cells that react against these antigens are said to be alloreactive and xenoreactive, respectively. allorecognition  direct  indirect


Senzitization stage Not needed in hyperacute reactions ! Effector stage  Alloantibodies: bind to endothelium, activate the complement system, and injure graft blood vessels


Effector stage (Mostly cellular mechanism)  Alloreactive T cells : recruit and activate macrophages ---> DTH response delayed type hypersensitivity

Alloreactive CTLs: CTL mediated cytotoxicity lyse graft endothelial and parenchymal cells directly

ADCC CD4, CD8 lymphocytes, NK cells, macrophages


From: Kuby: IMMUNOLOGY (fourth edition, 2000)

Tissue typing


Microcytotoxicity assay  Known antibody to WBCs of donor / recipient  Complement mediated lysis if Ab present on cell surface Mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC)  Irradiated donor lymphocytes (stimulants)  Incubated with recipient lymphocytes  3H Thymidin incorporatin measured Flow cytometry cross typing DNA analysis  Genomic typing (very precise, many subtipes)

Hyperacute Rejection

Occurs within minutes of transplantation Pre-existing IgM (natural) antibodies against  ABO blood group antigens  less well-characterized antigens in xenograft  alloantigen, such as foreign MHC molecules, or alloantigen expressed on vasular endothelial cells

Hyperacute Graft Rejection

Acute Rejection

Occurs within transplantation





Acute vascular rejection

Necrosis of cells of the graft blood vessels (vasculitis) Mediated by IgG antibodies against and endothelial cell alloantigens complement activation

Acute Rejection

Acute cellular rejection

Necrosis of parenchymal cells with lymphocyte and macrophage infiltrates Effector mechanisms :
 CTLs  Activated

macrophages  Natural killer cells

Acute Cellular Rejection

Chronic Rejection

Occurs over months or years Fibrosis with loss of normal organ structures Wound healing following the cellular necrosis A form of chronic DTH or a response to chronic ischemia caused by injury to blood vessels

Prevention and Treatment of Allograft Rejection1


drugs that inhibit or kill T lymphocytes toxins that kill proliferating T cells antibodies that deplete or inhibit T cells anti-inflammatory agents

Prevention and Treatment of Allograft Rejection2

Reduce the immunogenicity of allografts


ABO blood group typing HLA typing and matching blood transfusion

induce donor-specific tolerance

Graft-versus-host Disease (GVHD)


Occurs in bone marrow recipients Initiated by T cell recognition of host alloantigens The effector cells are less well defined : NK cells, CD8+ CTLs, cytokines

Acute GVHD

Epithelial cell necrosis :


Skin Liver The gastrointestinal tract

Characterized by skin rash, jaundice and diarrhea

Acute GVH

Immunosuppressive therapy 1.

Allogenic transplantation always require immunosuppressive therapy Most of the drugs available are nonspecific Common side effects of therapy:

Infection Cancer Bone-marrow depression

Immunosuppression 2.

Conventional drugs (1st phase)


Steroids /Prednisone/ (0.1-10 mg / kg) Azathioprine /Imuran/ (0.5-3 mg/ kg) Cyclophosphamide (0.5-20 mg/ kg) Methotrexate (0.1-0.3 mg/ kg)

Immunosuppression 3.

New drugs (1):


CYCLOSPORIN A (=REVOLUTION !) 2-8 mg/ kg FK506 tacrolimus /PROGRAF/ Sirolimus - rapamycin Gusperimus - dezoxyspergualin

Effects of cyclosporins

Receptor: cytoplasmic immunophillin calcineurin blockage NF-Atc Rapamycin also binds to immunophillin, but the complex does not block calcineurin, it blocks proliferation in G1 phase.
Highly lymphocyte specific. IL-2 action is impaired. T lymphocyte (Th) is blocked.


Immunosuppression 4.

Purin antagonists

IMURAN CELLCEPT (micophenolate mofetil) Mizoribin bredinin

Pirimidin antagonists

Sodium-brequinar (highly lymphocyte


Monoclonal antibodies

OKT3 (Anti CD3 mAb)

CD3 T cells Activated T lymphocytes

Anti-TAC (anti-IL2 receptor)


Anti-CD4 Anti-LFA1 + anti-ICAM-1 experimental Anti-cytokine (IL-2, TNF , IFN )

Problems of Transplantation

There are not enough organs


At least 150,000 patients in industrially developed countries badly need donor organs and tissues Every 14 minutes another name is added to the national transplant waiting list. About 16 people die because of the lack of available organs for transplant each day. When the immune system of the host detects foreign graft tissue, it launches an attack, resulting in tissue rejection


Gene technology may as a solution

Gene technology offers the possibility to breed the desired organs in animals.

Lack of organs is no longer a problem technology makes it possible to humanize the bred organs - the immune system identifies the organ as its own tissue. Immune system rejection is prevented

From which animals are we able to transplant organs

1. The Chimpanzee: Its DNA sequence differs from ours by only 2%

2. The Baboon: Its organs are too small for a large adult human

3. The Pig: Surprisingly similar to our anatomy and physiology

Organ breeding: A transgenic animal carries a foreign gene inserted into its genome. The transgenic animal shows the specific characteristics which are coded on the inserted gene A gene which is responsible for the construction of a human organ makes the organism produce the organ additionally.

The insert of a foreign gene into an animal

I. DNA microinjection
The DNA is inserted into the cell with a small syringe

II. Retrovirus gene transfer

The DNA is carried into a cell by a virus.

Suppression of immune system rejection


The genes which are responsible for the own tissue not being rejected can be injected into an animal embryo the organs of which are then similar to the ones of the human. It is possible to humanize the bred organs by making certain genetic modifications. Then the organs are accepted by the immune system.


Transplantation provides us the means of restoring the function of a nonfunctional organ. In the case of BMT it enables us to administer such high doses of chemotherapy that would destroy the BM as well as the residual tumor. A lot immunologic knowledge had to be collected to understand what is happening.



HLA typing and matching is essential for allografting transplantation. Effective immunosuppressive therapy (Cyclosporin) revolutionised organ transplantation. The future is to transplant cells, that would restore the function of the affected organ. Gene therapy is growing, and will cause another revolution like cyclosporin did in the 1980s.

To seek what everybody has sought To think what nobody has thought Try your best, everything will be possible

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