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Suhail Khan TYBMM Roll no 56


Who are they? Beliefs

Fashion and Lifestyle Drug Use

Hippie Who are they?

Flower Childs of 60s
Spiritual Anti Consumerism

Anti Working
Peace and Love

Hippie Beliefs
"To be a hippie you must believe in peace as the way to resolve differences among peoples, ideologies and religions. The way to peace is through love and tolerance. Loving means accepting others as they are, giving them freedom to express themselves and not judging them based on appearances. This is the core of the hippie philosophy."

Hippie Sex/Love

Hippie Sex/Love

Free Love

Sexual Experimentation
Open Relationships

Hippie Fashion/Lifestyle

Hippie Fashion/Lifestyle

Hippie Fashion/Lifestyle

Hippie Fashion/Lifestyle

Hippie Fashion/Lifestyle

Hippie Drug Use

Hippie Drug Use

Hippie Drug Use

Hippie Destination : GOA


media focus in west 1970s Transition of Acid Rock to Punk Rock Hippie Trail Ended up in Goa

American Hippie Eight Finger Eddie Father of Goa Hippie Movement Came to Goa in late 60s Discovered Flea Market 14 Feb, 1974 Discovered Colva and later Arambol beach. Died Oct 2010, 84 Years

Goa Trance

Rave Culture

Rave Culture

Current Situation

Police raid in 1991 Ban on Hashish Russian Mafia Arambol Hippie Colony

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