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Derived from the Latin word "stringi", which means, "to be drawn tight" Stress is the body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. A state of psychological and / or physiological imbalance resulting from the disparity between situational demand and the individual's ability and / or motivation to meet those demands. The rate of all wear and tear caused by life. Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, nervous, or anxious.

Causes of Stress

Causes of Stress Organization

Career Concern Role Ambiguity Rotating Shifts Role Conflict Occupational Demands Lack of Participation in Decision Making Work Overload. Work Under load Working Conditions Lack of Group Cohesiveness. Interpersonal and Intergroup Conflict Organizational Changes Lack of Social Support

Causes of Stress

Causes of Stress at Home

Death of spouse, family, near relative or friend. Injury or illness of any family member. Marriage of self or son or daughter or brother or sister. Separation or divorce from partner. Pregnancy or birth of a new baby. Children's behavior or disobedience. Children's educational performance. Hyperactive children. Argument or heated conversations with spouse, family members or friends or neighbors. Not sufficient money to meet out daily expenses or unexpected expenditure. Not sufficient money to raise your standard of living. Loss of money in burglary, pick-pocketed or share market. Moving house. Change of place or change of city or change of country.

Types of Stress
The feelings make us feel good "good stress" or "positive stress". Exert a healthy effect on you. It gives one a feeling of fulfillment or contentment and also makes one excited about life. Occurs for a short period of time. Eustress is also often called the curative stress because it gives a person the ability to generate the best performance or maximum output.

It is a negative stress. It is a stress disorder that is caused by adverse events and it often influences a persons ability to cope. Distress can be classified further as acute stress or chronic stress.
Acute stress is short-lived chronic stress is usually prolonged in nature.

Types of Stress
When a person is pushed beyond what he or she can handle, they will experience what we called hyperstress. Hyperstress results from being overloaded or overworked. When someone is hyperstressed, even little things can trigger a strong emotional response. People who are most likely to suffer from hyperstress are: Working mothers who have to multi-task, juggling between work and family commitments A wall street trader who are constantly under immerse tension

People who are under constant financial strains. Generally people working in fast pace environment.

Hypostress stands in direct opposite to hyperstress. Hypostress is one of those types of stress experienced by a person who is constantly bored. The effect of hypostress is feelings of restlessness and a lack of inspiration.

Consequences Of Stress
Lower immunity to diseases Weight loss/weight gain Decreased ability to heal Depression Decreased need for new experiences Hair loss Poorer functioning of internal organs Living in survival mode Inability to sleep Heart problems. Muscle pains Emotional imbalances/phobias/anxieties Diabetes

Tips for dealing with stress

Don't worry about things you can't control, such as the weather. Solve the little problems. This can help you gain a feeling of control. Prepare to the best of your ability for events you know may be stressful, such as a job interview. Try to look at change as a positive challenge, not as a threat. Work to resolve conflicts with other people. Talk with a trusted friend, family member or counselor. Set realistic goals at home and at work. Avoid overscheduling. Exercise on a regular basis. Eat regular, well-balanced meals and get enough sleep. Meditate. Participate in something you don't find stressful, such as sports, social events or hobbies. Music

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