Audio Visual Aids PT

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visual aids are any device which can be used to make the learning experience more concrete , more realistic and more dynamic KINDAR . S. JAMES


visual material should function as integral part of educational programme Audio visual aids should be centralized under specialized direction and leader ship Advisory committee should be appointed for the selection and co-ordination of AV aids Instructors have to help the student how to use AV aids Budget appropriation should be made regularly Legal aspect should be considered

Projected av aids

Opaque projector, built of large black Consists two mirrors at top & bottom;1000w bulb principle Light rays passes through the first mirror, then to the object, light rays from the illuminated picture then focuses to the second mirror , then it is projected to screen by using a convex lens operation :handle beneath the epidiascope is lowered then the picture want to project is placed on the plate and handle is fixed again , then switch on light


in retention of material Attract attention Arouse interest among the student Tests students interesting


is easily breakable It should be planned in sequence

Magic lantern, used for projecting film strips It contains condensing lenses to concentrate all light into beam,500w bulb, smooth channel for threading the film Near the base of the channel there is knob which carries a film strip, can be turned by hand to pull the film strip through the projector OPERATION : projector is placed on the table, as face to the screen, insert one end of the film strip in the knob (inverted position), film strip is advanced by turning the knob The blower and the lamp switched on; distance between the projector and the screen is adjusted to get the picture on the screen


is an economical visual material It is to make a convenient to handle and carry Takes up little space and can be eassily stored Logical sequence to teaching


equipment used for is quite expensive


Vital teaching aid, replaces chalk board, produces images behind and over the head of the teacher It consists metal box with 1000w bulb and a concave reflector vertical rod on the side of the box carries objective convex lens and mirror which can be slows up and down by using rock and pinion arrangement
Size of the sheet is 25cm *25 cm


Put the plug into the power wall socket switch on the blower first and lamp Move the objective lens and mirror up and down to get the image on the screen

Place the OHP on the table facing to screen

Explain the material on the transparency with a small pointer

Permits the teacher pointing the material & observe the student on the same time It can be used in fairly lighted room Materials projected can be changed quickly and easily Operation of OHP is convenient OHP can be used with other type of AV aids

OHP is too costly Writing by some type of pen get blotted out on plastic

Still picture gives illusion of space

Photographs are made by stereoscopic camera

Observer receives the impression of reality

Two photographs being taken from slightly different angle which are enlarged and merged into one view

Micro film contains photographed reading material each frame being reduced photo of printed page. It can be used for the storage and retrieval of information. when micro film is passed through microfilm reader, an enlarged image is found on the on the screen

Metaphorical presentation of reality, humorous caricature It is an interpretative which uses symbols to portray an opinion , situation Quality of drawing should be high ADVANTAGES Initiate certain lesson, motivate students to start a discussion, make the lesson lively and interesting

Series of pictures very interesting in teaching stories, historical events, scientific process It enhances imagination , stimulate reality and involvement

Visual illustrative media for depicting the relation between main idea and supporting facts purposes of charts for showing relation by means of facts and figures To show the continuity of process For presenting abstract idea For showing the development of structure To stimulate thinking HOW TO USE THE CHART EFFECTIVELY?

Types of chart
Narrative chart : narrating the idea and the facts Cause and effective chart :relationship between rights and responsibilities Chain chart: expressing idea and facts in the form of cycles Evolution chart: for expressing changes in specific item from beginning Strip tease chart : expressing information step by step. it has Great suspense value, holding attention and building interest, Increases interest and imagination of audience Pull chart Flow chart Time or table chart Job chart Tree chart Flip chart Pie chart

These are the sequence of cards which are presented before the audience in proper sequence to till a complete story, size :25 * 30cm, it should contain picture or diagrams


cut full sheet chart paper into four equal parts Height of the writing should be 5cm It should hold in a way that the audience can see properly


used to introduce and present the topic Can be used to review a topic Can be used to develop cognitive ability of recognition and recall of students

It depicts numerical or quantitative or statistical data are presented in the form of visual symbols


Data are presented through the sectors of circle

Category 4

Category 3 Series 3 Series 2 Series 1

Category 2

Category 1 0 2 4 6

A graphic presentation extends the scale horizontally along the length of the bars

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Category Category Category Category 1 2 3 4

Concepts are presented through the lines drawn either horizontally Or vertically .The plotted points are connected each another

Pictorial graph
Pictures are used for expressing the idea ,more attractive and easily understood. Vivid pictures are used for depicting the information

Display boards

chalk board
It is the life of the class room, helps to teacher in explaining, illustrating, and giving notes to children. It can be made of plastic, wood, cement or glass

types of chalk board ORDINARY CHALK BOARD: it is movable and adjustable

And contains a wooden support ROLLER TYPE: made of thick canvas, wrapped on a roller

Magnetic board: made up of steel on which magnet can

used to hold the objects

BLACK OR GREEN BLACK BOARD: framed with wood and

available on black or green color

Rules in using chalk board

Letters and drawing should be in large size and legible Avoid spelling mistake Writing should be in straight row Do not use abbreviation While writing on the board , the teacher should ensure that the class is attentive



teaching aid Captures student attention It can be used again and again

makes the student to heavily depend on teacher Makes chalk powder to inhaled by teacher Constant use of chalk board make it smooth and full of glare

Bulletin board
It can be used for educational and informational purpose. It is a soft board which holds pins or tags and used for displaying material

Principles in the use of bulletin board

A board for posting notices should be kept separate from those for current events and study Placement of bulletin board is to have one near the administrators office , other near the library third on conference hall, fourth one is in class room Appearance should be neat orderly and attractive manner Notices should be removed as they have fulfilled the purpose Crowding of material should be avoided ,organized in attractive manner Bulletin board should be kept a little above the eye levels of the average individuals

Flannel board
The rigid material covered with flannel cloth. The item to be displayed are pictures, or drawing

Magnetic chalk board

A magnetic chalk board is framed iron sheet carrying porcelain coating .Magnetic chalk board can used to write with chalk stick , glass marking pencil, and to display pictures

3-Dimensional aids
Models are the substitutes of real things . It can be made of clay, plaster of Paris, thermacole cloth, wood etc

Types of model
Scale model: correct idea of an object can be displayed Simplified model : gives a idea about external form of object Working model : to demonstrate in a simple way of an operation or process Cross section model :inside of an object is visible

Part of a real object taken from natural setting. It shows the quality of structure . Eg :section of lung

Mock up
It emphasizes the functional relationship between device reality and its workability. Certain elements of original reality is emphasized to make it more meaning full eg :an artificial kidney to demonstrate dialysis

It can be made up of plastic material to stimulate life object

Brought from natural setting into class room that will make the instruction more meaning full

Audio aids

CHARACTERISTICS OF AUDIO EXPERIENCE Immediacy : can describe the events as they happen Emotional impact :through the combined effect of music , voice , and environmental sound students interest can captured One way communication :no possibility of students feed back


Recording can be stopped at will Recording can play when we required It can be used for introducing as well as summarizing the topic To evaluate the speech defect in ones own speech To teach good pronunciation in foreign language


It combines the sound and sight ,thus makes the experience more concrete, real, and immediate

Offers uniformity in communication even the back bench feels the pleasure of front row seat
It offers opportunity for seeing and listening It can teach large number of students at a time It provides excellent learning opportunity for both pre service and inservice education of teachers Helps to make the leisure time more interested

Activity aids

Makes the class room instruction more lively and interesting. Student get the opportunity for participating as well as in observing


Handling large number of student Multi dimensional learning through works and graph The high storage capacity of a computer allows to complete many activity at a time

It lacks human and emotional factor Computers are very costly Problem in developing language


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