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Broking Houses

Why this Topic

What is Customer Satisfaction

To do Comparative study of the broking houses in Pune To Find out most preferred broking house by customers To know the customers satisfaction level To know the switching rate of the customer doing share trading

Type of the Research- Descriptive Research Instrument- Questionnaire Types of Questions- Open Ended & Closed Ended Types Of Analysis- Statistical

Sample Size- 30
Sample Procedure- Non Probability Sampling Convenience Sample Extent- Pune City

Primary InformationTelephonic Interview Personal Interview Questionnaire Secondary SourcesInternet Magazines

To the Society. Will know about the various broking houses get the idea that there are various tools of investment. To know the current position of the broking houses.

Firms will know about the competitors Firms will know how much customers are satisfied with their houses And the ratio of the customers who wants to switch over to another broking houses Which is the most preferred service by customer

Safety of capital


Beating Inflation




Growth of capital


Share khan


India bulls


Unicorn Investment


Icici direct




Others Unicorn investment Icici direct Indiabulls Sharekhan 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Icici direct

Unicorn investment


Sharekhan 0 1 2 3 4 5

16 P E R S O N s 14

10 8 6 4 2 0 Excellent Very good Good Average Poor

40 60
yes No

58% people prefer sharekhan. 44 % are not happy with their broking houses. And the response of 20% customer about their satisfaction was moderate. 60% also wants to change their service provider to experience the better services And 90% customers dont follow the tips which is given by their broking houses

Many people dont follow the tips provided by the broking houses Main purposes of investments are GROWTH OF CAPITAL. People want to invest their money in the security market but they havent the proper knowledge

Customer service Improvement A/c opening time is high so it should be reduced As company demand 5000 rs or more while opening an a/c so it should be lesser Some promotional activities are required for the awareness of the customer..

Time Bounded. Lack of Resources. Sample Size is low. Some of the respondent are very harsh and they did not give us the right information. Complete data was not available due to company privacy and secrecy

A large number of people are not aware about the share trading. Sharkhan is the big competitor in the market.
And my study also reveals that no one is happy with their current broking firm.

Kothari, C. R. Research Methodology Explore 2011 NCFM Modules Websites

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