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Comparison between UK Culture and India Culture UK

Humor Indirect communication Patient Friendly

India Respect Co-operation Helpful nature Treats guests as god

Comparison between UK business culture and India business culture

UK business culture
English is official language Time is money

India business culture

English is one of the official language Greet each other by a handshake Exchange business cards at the first meeting by right hand Any business meeting has to be arranged well in advance The working relationship can be homely relations

Working relationship can be

informal The British prefer facts and figures in your presentation Always polite and quiet when they work

British culture
Main British peoples main culture
Humor Indirect communication Patient Friendly

Business culture
Tips for UK Business Culture English is official language Time is money Working relationship can be informal The British prefer facts and figures in

your presentation
Always polite and quiet when they work

For some countries, being late for work or an appointment is acceptable, they will not be severely punished. But for most of European, they are clock conscious, time is money, being

Time is money
The British are known for their punctuality. So arrive on time.

Working relationship can be informal

Compared with other countries, relationships in the UK workplace can be a reasonable relax and informal. The way they talk between colleagues or boss can be flexible, most people can call their boss and other colleagues

The British prefer facts and figures in your presentation.

When the British people are meeting, they prefer to heart the facts and figures in presentation and try to avoid too much theory and idealism.

Always polite and quiet when they work

In UK workplace, it is polite to shake hands before and after a meeting. Unless you meet frequently. Also, they are very quiet and do not talk so much when they work.

Main India peoples main culture
Respect Co-operation Helpful nature Treats guests as god

Business culture
Tips for India Business Culture
English is one of the official language
Greet each other by a handshake The working relationship can be homely relations Exchange business cards at the first meeting by right hand

Any business meeting has to be arranged well in advance

Greet each other by a handshake

People also greet each other by a handshake. In a one-to-one meeting with a male counterpart, a woman usually initiates a handshake.

Exchange business cards at the first meeting by right hand

While meeting a person or client for business purpose, always exchange business cards at the first meeting. You must exchange the cards with your right hand only. Cards must be put away with due respect.

Any business meeting has to be arranged well in advance

These have to be fixed in writing and confirmed by phone. It is better to avoid fixing meetings on or near national holidays like Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi Birthday or either of the two Eids. People often club their leaves to enjoy extended holidays during this time.

The working relationship can be homely relations

Indians value punctuality in others, but they often lag behind the schedule themselves. A 10-minute late is acceptable in most of the cases. It can also be seen that family responsibilities getting preferences over business, which leads to last minute cancellation of meetings, though not quite often.

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