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4.2 - Practice coaching skills. 4.2.1- Provide guidance to team. 4.2.2 Provide encouragement and motivation.

Practice coaching skill 1

Coaching to Quality Quality coaching discussions can be some of the most difficult to have. Let's explore how to approach these performance coaching sessions to achieve the behaviour change you need. Team Coaching Investing Wisely in Coaching Managing your coaching time and applying your coaching skills like you would your investments provides a more strategic approach to achieve a measured return on your investment.

Practice soft skill 2

Performance Coaching Quality Performance Opportunity Coaching Strategy Performance coaching is essential and having a strategy to approach team development is key. Using QPO, you can focus on coaching the right employees to achieve the greatest team performance improvement. Coaching One on One People need individual coaching. Do your employees get regular and consistent time with you, focused on their development? Let's look at how to leverage one on one performance coaching for individual gains. Good Leadership Skills Characteristics of a Leader We all know what a leader looks like as we've seen it in other people, but do we all know why they're such great leaders? They all share certain characteristics that determine good leadership skills. Emotional Intelligence Do you know what your EQ is? Emotional Intelligence is a factor that sets good leaders apart from great leaders. Let's explore what this concept means and how to apply it with the people and teams you manage

Practice coaching 3
The 10 Basic Coaching Skills

How this program will make you a better coach?

Establish coaching agreement Establishing trust & intimacy Coaching presence Powerful questioning Active listening Direct communication Creating awareness Designing actions Planning & Goal setting Managing progress & accountability

Mastering the basic skills always makes you better at anything! Your confidence will increase as you learn how to talk like a Coach. Knowing the common mistakes and how to avoid them will allow you to coach full on and recover quickly when things go wrong. Setting up your agreements and procedures will give your coaching the professional edge.

example of leadership skills

guiding your own leadership behavior and learning; aligning team members around organizational strategy and values; training others; building unity in a time of change.

information for training or in a group meeting

Assign one quality to each leader or pair in your group and ask them to make a short presentation on their item to the whole group; encourage group comments and discussion from everyone. Each definition in the list below contains discussion questions to start your group's discussion about that leadership quality. The more you make such discussions and "mini-training" part of your routine, the more your leaders will focus on and develop these skills.

10 ways to become good leader

1. Learn More About Your Leadership Style

Understanding your current leadership style is essential. What are your strengths? Which areas need some improvement? One way to start assessing your skills is to take this leadership style quiz to get a general idea of how you lead. Once you have completed the quiz, read about the major characteristics of your dominant style. Are these qualities helping or hindering your leadership? Once you've determine which areas need some work, you can begin looking for ways to improve your leadership abilities.

2. Encourage Creativity

Effective leaders should offer new challenges with sample support to achieve these goals. One way to foster creativity is to offer challenges to group members, making sure that the goals are within the grasp of their abilities.

3. Serve As a Role Model

Transformational leaders exemplify the behaviours and characteristics that they encourage in their followers. They walk the walk and talk the talk. As a result, group members admire these leaders and work to emulate these behaviours. If you want to become a better leader, work on modelling the qualities that you would like to see in your team members.

4. Be Passionate

Would you look to someone for guidance and leadership if they did not truly care about the goals of the group? Of course not! Great leaders are not just focused on getting group members to finish task. Let people know that you care about their progress. When one person shares something with the rest of the group, be sure to tell them how much you appreciate such contributions.

5. Listen and Communicate Effectively

Another important characteristic of transformational leadership involves a focus on providing one-on-one communication with group members. By keeping the lines of communication open, these leaders can ensure that group members feel able to make contributions and receive recognition for their achievements.

6. Have a Positive Attitude

If leaders seem discouraged or apathetic, members of the group are likely to also become uninspired. Even when things look bleak and your followers start to feel disheartened, try to stay positive.

7. Encourage People to Make Contributions

Let the members of your team know that you welcome their ideas. Leaders who encourage involvement from group members are often referred to as democratic or participative leaders.

8. Motivate Your Followers

Transformational leaders also provide inspirational motivation to encourage their followers to get into action. Of course, being inspirational isn't always easy. Fortunately, you don't need motivational speeches to raise your group members.

9. Offer Rewards and Recognition

A good leader knows that offering effective recognition and rewards is one of the best ways to help followers feel appreciated and happy. It may also come as no surprise that happy people tend to perform better at work. According to researchers Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer, leaders can help group members feel happier by offering help, removing barriers to success and rewarding strong efforts.

10. Keep Trying New Things

Who says leadership is a one-way relationship? As you work toward honing your leadership skills, don't forget to look to your followers for feedback an inspiration. Pay attention to the things that have been effective in the past and always be on the lookout for new ways to inspire, motivate and reward group members

Provide guidance and coaching to team

Lead by example, by demonstrating the behaviour, attitudes and approaches to work and problems that you want staff to emulate, such as commitment, motivation, creativity and an acceptable level of risk-taking.

Provide direct support and coaching, which includes providing information, feedback, resources and encouragement to individuals and the team.
Provide learning development opportunities that enable skills and knowledge development, such as by means of a program, private reading or a buddy or mentor arrangement.


1.Personal Motivation

To create personal motivation, you have to begin with the end in mind. In other words, you must decide what you want accomplished by the end of your life. You decide what your priorities, values and goals are. It is your decision and motivation, not another person's.

2.Motivation Through Inspiration

In book, "Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling," says your inspiration via your generosity, listening, kindness, gratitude, living passionately, and acting and living with truth can all or individually motivate and encourage another person to confidently move forward to go after his own dreams and goal.

3.Two-Way Relationship

It is an intuitive understanding that you have about encouragement and motivation-if you give it, you will receive it, , like "If you teach you will learn.


A good leader should have the discipline to work toward achieving their goal. They should have good communications skills to explain to the terms to their team members. Dedication is most important. They should have the capacity to spend whatever time or energy necessary to accomplish tasks. They should be fair and just towards all followers. They should be open to new ideas and accept views from others as well. A sense of humour will help to break the boredom and give a break to workaholics.

Thank you for listening and attention

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