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The mechanics of EPCC

How EPCC learnt to do technology transfer and software engineering the hard way

Dr Mark Parsons Commercial Director, EPCC +44 131 650 5022

Structure of talk

What is EPCC today Learning to deliver on time

The structure of a commercial project

Software development and OGSA-DAI Project management Questions and discussion

The mechanics of EPCC

EPCC Activities

HPC Research
Europes largest, most successful supercomputing centre 15 years old Vital statistics:
65 staff 3.2M turnover (almost) all from external sources


Multidisciplinary and multi-funded

with a large spectrum of activities and a critical mass of expertise

Strong engagement with industry

from local SMEs to large multinationals project based consultancy services

Technology Transfer


Supports research at University of Edinburgh via

access to facilities training and support TRACS visitor programme

European Visitor Coordination Programme

founding partner of National e-Science Centre

Wide variety of leading-edge systems

1,600 processor HPCx system 2,000 processor IBM Bluegene/L 12,000 processor QCDOC

New investment in Advanced Computing Facility EPCC has a unique breadth of expertise in high performance computing 3

The mechanics of EPCC

Commercial activities today

Bespoke software development and software project management for
network, cluster and high-performance computing novel application areas from mushrooms to internet packets

Start-to-finish projects
full software development lifecycle, 3 - 12+ months most commercial projects are < 6 months

Operate like a business

Commercial Group brings in business, Software Development Group delivers charge at commercial rates ($1,000 per day) very delivery focused all commercial contracts are fixed cost funded by cash contracts, public funds and European Commission, EU many of the smaller projects are supported by SE

The mechanics of EPCC

UK: o Almond Engineering Ltd Almond Engineering Ltd o Altamira Ltd Altamira Ltd o Arran Aromatics Ltd Arran Aromatics Ltd o Callanders Sawmills Ltd Callanders Sawmills Ltd o Calman Ltd Calman Ltd o CB Technology Ltd CB Technology Ltd o Centre for Customer Awareness Ltd Centre for Customer Awareness Ltd o CERN o Cheltenham & Gloucester plc o DTI o Digital Bridges Ltd Digital Bridges Ltd o Elektrobit Ltd Elektrobit Ltd o First Group plc Europe: o Golden Crumb Ltd Golden Crumb Ltd o European Commission o High Speed Productions Ltd High Speed Productions Ltd o Integriti Solutions Ltd Integriti Solutions Ltd + many EU project partners o IP Technology Ltd Technology Ltd o Ironside Farrar Ltd Ironside Farrar Ltd o Jardine Technology Ltd Jardine Technology Ltd o Peppers Ghost Productions Ltd o Radar World Ltd Radar World Ltd o Red Lemon Ltd Red Lemon Ltd o Rosti (Scotland) Ltd Rosti (Scotland) Ltd o Quadstone Ltd Quadstone Ltd o SCI Ltd Ltd o Scottish Enterprise o The Crown Office o TSB Bank Scotland Ltd o UK Meteorological Office o Upstream Systems Ltd Upstream Systems Ltd o Alpha Data Parallel Systems Ltd Alpha Data Parallel Systems Ltd o Nallatech Ltd Nallatech Ltd

2000 - 2004

USA: o Cisco Systems Inc o Sun Microsystems Inc o IBM Corporation o Oracle Corporation o Hewlett Packard o Microsoft o Xilinx Corporation

Japan: o Hitachi o NEC Europe o Fujitsu Labs Europe

The mechanics of EPCC

Business Strategy
to solve business problems NOT sell technology individual solutions for clients
Academic Research
Project size X,000,000

Technology Push Down

OGSA-DAI SunDCG PGPGrid First Group



CCA IPO Autoscreen

Microsoft C&G

The mechanics of EPCC

How do we work?

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How do we work?

Take pride in a professional approach

Work in small project teams Project leader, 1-6 developers, technical reviewers

Use documented engineering & management processes

Project management based on PRINCE2 Engineering using agile methods

Built from experience and industry best practice

Iterative/staged development techniques Requirements triage Test-driven development Tuned to the leading edge of innovative software development

The mechanics of EPCC

Who does the work?

Currently around 4 business development staff

2 focus on business development 2 focus on marketing and publicity

Currently around 20 engineering staff

Three full-time project managers, two software architects c. 15 consultants and principal consultants Staff backgrounds maths , physics, computer & life sciences Over 100 staff-years of experience, over 1/3 from industry

Typical skills
Java, C/C++, Visual Basic/C#, Perl, Fortran Distributed computing, webservices, XML, J2EE, MPI, OpenMP Databases, SQL, JDBC, XML-DB Software engineering, OO design, UML
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EPCCs early history

Established in 1990
focus for interest in parallel computing within Physics and CS

Early years largely supported by UK Government Parallel

Applications Programme
made lots of money working with large UK corporations to optimise/parallelise their codes

How did our funding model come about?

from a belief in the self-funding of University research weve shown it can be done but its very difficult it did mean we had to work with industry from the beginning
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EPCC history (continued)

funded by UK Government Parallel Applications Programme grew to 65 staff many parallelisation projects with UK industry aerospace, nuclear, oil & gas etc etc span out company Quadstone

as Gov money dried up so did projects had to move from long term projects (18 months) to much shorter projects (3-6 months) major problem project / cost overruns nearly had to make many staff redundant

The mechanics of EPCC


EPCC history (continued)

successfully moved markets from large-scale industry to SMEs opportunities focussed around successful EU TTN project projects 3-6 months in duration embarked on having a repeatable process

over the past few years moved into Grid computing continued to work with industry wide variety of projects: OGSA-DAI data access & integration for the Grid Intersim packet level modelling of differentiated services Golden Crumb automatic mushroom selection in factory Cheltenham & Gloucester data mining for mortgage industry
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How does EPCC work today?

We have well developed project processes Two linked processes

software development process project management process

Will illustrate software development process using OGSADAI as example

Recently moved to PRINCE2 project management


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The project lifecyle

Commercial Group identifies clients and initiates discussions Following initial discussions CD and technical staff visit
company to discuss requirements

High level design written timings / costs agreed

may involve free code survey at this point

Contract negotiated fixed price includes detailed

workplan based on design

Project handed to IS staff scheduled according to skills All projects have

Project Leader, Applications Consultant, Technical Reviewer Regular meetings between IS and CG CG act as account manager to company / funder
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Data Access and Integration for databases resources on the Grid Aim to deliver application mechanisms that:
Meet the data requirements of Grid applications Functionally, performance and reliability Reduce development cost of data centric Grid applications Provide consistent interfaces to data resources Acceptable and supportable by database providers Trustable, imposed demand is acceptable, etc. Provide a standard framework that satisfies standard requirements

A base for developing higher-level services

Data federation / Distributed query processing Data mining Data visualisation

The mechanics of EPCC



EPCC Team, Edinburgh NeSC, Edinburgh

NEReSC, Newcastle ESNW, Manchester

IBM Development Team, Hursley IBM Dissemination Team The mechanics of EPCC 16

Software Process and Teams

Programme Board
Continual process

Technical Review Board

Peer Review and Inspection

Technical Reviewer

Users Group


Deep track features

Nightly unit + system tests




System tests based on reqs

Additional test cases



Test Cases

Fix Bugs




Use Cases




The mechanics of EPCC


Working together
No more heroes any more
the lone researcher can get into trouble so dont do it! use teams even for small projects a task leader to keep the bigger picture in mind a reviewer as a technical foil for the developer distributed extreme programming doesnt work be sensible!

Code needs owners

and joint ownership doesnt work Java packages and CVS module provide useful boundaries buddy system worked well for a team of 10-12, not as well for 5 we now have 80,000 lines of Java code + 30,000 lines of documentation

The mechanics of EPCC


An agile approach to development

Agility is all
Grid/HPC environments and problems = complex systems complex systems = big, complex projects big, complex projects = high risk of failure adopting incremental approaches to requirements, design, and implementation helps minimise risk delivering small increments regularly is good good for quality, for visibility, for morale

Keep your eyes on the road

keep an active eye on project risks think about what happens if this goes wrong just thinking about it reduces the likelihood itll happen!

The mechanics of EPCC


Releasing software

No release schedule = no releases

dont timebox research, but do timebox development HPC is fun and exciting - beware feature creep! hows the project? oh, were 95% there (and always will be) frequent release milestones focus developers but dont overspecify what will be released

OGSA-DAI had the opposite problem

three months too short six months about right major/minor/patch/special brew set your testing timetable in stone

The mechanics of EPCC


Know your requirements

Requirements, requirements, requirements

write em down! Give em numbers! remember, requirements arent just functional! whatever they are, they are always testable tests on HPC systems may be tricky, but that makes it fun! MoSCoW notation is good Must, Should, Could, Won't how important are Priority 3 requirements again..?

OGSA-DAI had lots of requirements

but make sure you can understand their worth real users are often better than good ideas a user group helps to focus development as software matures

The mechanics of EPCC


Return, recycle, reuse

Throwaway prototypes never are

once Ive proved this, Ill junk the code no, you wont (or your grad student wont) apply some basic process even to trivial codes even reuse of good code is sometimes wrong

OGSA-DAI started with high ideals

beware the big ball of mud patterns in architecture Shantytown enables quick exploration of feature territory must be built on a strong central foundation must include council legislation aka testing

The mechanics of EPCC


OGSA-DAI Dashboard

The mechanics of EPCC


Can I see your documents please?

Document! Document! Document!

Imagine trying to program without a language reference structure and stability is good Get people who like writing documents to do them but get everyone to doc their code a single editor can provide guidance Good code documentation can be used by the tooling Good human documentation will win your users support

Make sure you dont underestimate the cost

code maintenance and documentation takes longer than code development make it part of the process

The mechanics of EPCC


People power

Social engineering is the key

Push decisions down to the developers Too many chiefs make sure you know what are the key battles to win Have a process for change or one person will become very unpopular developers and managers both think they know whats best Understand your teams different people like working in different ways no one style for management in OGSA-DAI Competition is good go one better

The mechanics of EPCC


The big picture

Balance the hype

software engineering is about vision vs effort vs requests expectation management is important researchers, developers, users and funders are all different and all want different things the larger the project, the harder it falls

Listen to your users

useability is good it has to install easily dont change your interface client tooling helps support helpdesk is better user groups are interesting

The mechanics of EPCC


Software development summary

Agile methods are very sympathetic

the Agile founders disliked Rigid Inflexible Processes too!

Adopt a simple process and toolset

even lightweight process really pays off scoping, requirements and risk analysis up front incremental approach to design, develop, test learn some basic tools (theyre even free!) distributed teams are hard to manage strictly distributed management is even harder

Listen to your customers they always know best

The mechanics of EPCC


Project Management

All technical staff have a line manager and at least one

project leader

Procedures are well documented and have grown up over


Recently we have moved to PRINCE2 project management

methodology for commercial projects
seems to work well but is a bit of a culture shock

We employ staff specifically for project management All staff time is logged planned and actual A working day has two blocks of 3 hours Staff can bid for time to do research / proposal writing
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What is PRINCE2?

PRojects IN Controlled Environments version 2 A project management standard produced by UKs Office of
Government Commerce (part of DTI)
PRINCE2 is a process-based approach for project management providing an easily tailored, and scalable method for the management of all types of projects

PRINCE2 is a de facto UK PM standard

becoming mandatory in the public sector (Gov, NHS, Police) becoming PM method of choice in business Unilever, GlaxoWellcome, Tesco, BT, Sun, TSB, NatWest, Norwich Union, Centrica, Cable & Wireless becoming widespread in Europe too

PRINCE2 is internationally recognised and respected

The mechanics of EPCC


What is PRINCE2 not?

PRINCE2 is not a software engineering method

but it grew out of an IT environment and it fits well with traditional or agile development methods alike

PRINCE2 will not help you code better

but it will help you deliver better quality products, on time and will stop you falling out with your boss/staff

PRINCE2 will not tell you how to write software

but it will leave you alone to write software your way

PRINCE2 is not a silver bullet

but its general, flexible and tailorable and most importantly its based on common sense

The mechanics of EPCC


PRINCE2 in a nutshell
Projects have a clear Business Case or they dont happen
remind me again why were doing this project?

Projects have a beginning, a middle and an end

clearly defined they start and they stop they dont weeble on forever

Projects run in stages with clearly defined boundaries

get a clear picture of how were all doing

Product-based planning focuses on deliverables not tasks

think what do we have to make?

Layered management: corporate, board, project, team

each level has a clearly defined interface with the others

Management by exception
if there are no problems, just carry on management dont meddle

Change is fundamental: change management is intrinsic

assume things will change and plan accordingly
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The PRINCE2 process diagram

Corporate or Programme Management Directing a Project
Managing Stage Boundaries

Project Mandate

Starting up a Project

Initiating a Project

Controlling a Stage

Closing a Project

Managing Product Delivery

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PRINCE2 Components

As well as the processes there are several complementary


The Business Case

a key driver the Why? for the project either a genuine (commercial) business case or at least a set of compelling reasons owned by the Executive monitored throughout the project if the BC goes away, the project should be stopped

The Project Organisation

describes the four management layers corporate, board, project, team everyone should have a job description make roles and responsibilities clear
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PRINCE2 Components (2)

product-based, as discussed above write product descriptions for key products

divide the project into Management Stages a Stage is as far ahead as you can plan in reasonable detail typically a few months define reports, meetings etc.

allowed variations in time, budget, scope before escalation triggered you have six months, +/- 1 month you must satisfy these requirements; those are optional this stage

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PRINCE2 Components (3)

the project must define methods for QC and test quality checks should be built in to the MP process

think about it, monitor it one of the best management tools is to ask what might go wrong? and create plans to handle it if it does

Configuration Management
keep track of product versions and histories software version control tools are a good way of implementing this

The mechanics of EPCC


PRINCE2 Summary

PRINCE2 is a powerful, flexible, scalable PM approach Its based on industry best practice
rooted in software development projects

Provides good, intelligent layers of management control Formalises, in a positive way, customer relations

Can fit easily with agile software development Its the only PM approach with internationally recognised

The mechanics of EPCC


Final comments on working with industry

Wear a tie! Remember that the person youre meeting is just as nervous
of meeting a mad academic as you are of meet a rapacious

The managing director of the company may be drunk

Always apply Denis Healeys law of holes: When in one stop


If youre going to deliver late tell the customer straightaway Listen listen listen!!! Its the only way to get business

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Questions / discussion

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