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HABITAT The surrounding where organisms live is

called habitat
ADAPTATION - The presence of specific features or

certain habits , which enable a plant or an animal to live in its surrounding TERRESTRIAL- The plants and animals live on the land TERRESTRIAL-ADAPTATION- Terrestrial adaptations are exhibited by the plants and animals living on land habitats. As there are varied types of land habitats, the adaptations shown by organisms also are of diverse kinds.


- Desert - Mountain - Grassland - Coastal - Forest

Camel Has long legs which help to keep their bodies away from heat Excrete small urine Dung is dry Do not sweat Rat & Snakes Stay in burrows deep in the sand Came out during night, when it is cool

Desert Plant Lose little water through transpiration Leaves absent , very small or in the shape of spines Stem is covered with waxy layer which help to retain water Roots goes very deep into soil to absorb water

Mountain region
Trees Cone shaped with sloping branches Leaves are needles like Animals Have thick skin or fur to protect them from cold Yaks have long hairs Snow leopard has thick fur on its back ,feet & toes

Goats has strong hooves for running up on the rocky


Lions Have long claws in their front legs Light brown in colour help to hide in grasslands Eyes in front of face allow to focus on prey Strong and sharp canines help to tear meat
Attack in formation to surround the prey.

Deer Strong teeth to chew hard plant stems Long ears that can twitch forward and backward to hear movements of predators Eyes on side of its head allow to look in all directions High speed with strong hind legs helps them to run away Move in herds to protect each other

Living by the sea isnt easy for plants; its a bit like growing in a desert. They have to survive: Salty winds that dry out their leaves Strong wind that can damage them. Poor soil that doesnt contain much food for plants. Rocky and sandy places where it's hard to hold on with their roots and which dont hold onto much water.

Many coastal plants have special adaptations that help them survive:
They have waterproof, shiny leaves to protect them against

drying out in salty winds. Their leaves sometimes curl under at the edges so salty water runs off them. They have thick, fleshy leaves that can hold water They have roots that travel under sand to find water. They have thick, tough roots to cling to rocks. They grow low to the ground to prevent wind damage.

Camouflage is a type of cryptic colouration, the

coloration that helps an animal to conceal within its surroundings. This helps animals to hunt or escape from danger by merging with surroundings. Immobility helps in effective camouflage. A reedbuck reacts to danger by crouching and turns motionless.

Mimicry occurs when a relatively defenceless species

looks like an aggressive or dangerous species. For example, the harmless viceroy butterfly is safe from birds as it looks like the monarch butterfly.

viceroy butterfly

monarch butterfly

Warning colours
Animals often use bright colours to advertise they are

poisonous. This is a type of phaneric coloration. The red and black froghopper and the blue poison dart frog have warning colours.

poison dart


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