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Jeeyo Sir Uthakar

Launched By:

Pranjal Dayal(04)
Saurabh Kumar(13) Meenaxi Mundra(17) Prarit Gupta(27)

Nishant Kale(28)

About NMIMS Bank

Co-operative bank set up in the year 1981. Primary function is to provide micro loans to middle class people. Provides saving account ,fixed deposit and lockers services. Lately entered in to retail insurance services and other banking and non banking services. Having a strength of 1000 professional employees.

Reverse Mortgage-concept
"an agreement by which a home owner borrows against the equity in his home and receives regular tax free payments from the lender.' How reverse mortgage works????? Opposite to typical mortgage and Bank approaches the borrower Meant for elderly population Amount available will be dependent on three factors
Age of the applicant Appraised value of the house Current interest rates and inflation

The position of a brand is its perception among target consumers Background No concept of Reverse Mortgage so far Lack of Faith in Private institutions Cultural Norms Expectations of Quality Services

NMIMS would position itself as highly trusted organisation Relevance -Ethical practices -Transparency

- Alignment of Marketing & other activities

Care takers
Focus on Services Relevance -Personalised Services -CRM activities

-Proactive approach

Zindagi. Jeeyo Sir Uthakar

NMIMS would pose itself as Friends of Old Times A friend in need is a friend indeed Positioning is not done by merely expressing it in front of customer .It is done in practice. Consistency is the Key. You have to deliver what You say.

Why Akhil suraksha

Akhil is a Sanskrit word which means entire Suraksha means protection This product aims at providing full financial security to the senior citizens who are House Rich , Cash Poor

ZindagiJeeyo sir uthakar

Environment analysis
Legal factors

Social factors

Reverse mortgage

Political factors

Economical factors

Legal factors
License/ Permission required under insurance/ banking regulation for offering RM Income tax treatment for RM lender and borrower

Location specific real estate related laws and transaction costs.

Reporting and provisioning by the lender as per banking/ insurance regulation Seniority of RM claims vis--vis other secured lenders

Social factors

Indian middle class- asset rich cash poor Nuclear families Increased life expectancy Increasing elderly population in India

Economical Factors

They are dependent on their children. Other sources are pension, rent etc.

Low current income relative to Desired style of living Lack of other supports

Regulations by Government

Age, period of loan, value of the resident Terms of getting loan Interest rate Terms for borrowers

Market potential
Factors favoring the reverse mortgage
No universal old age social security related benefits Higher real rate of appreciation of real estate and housing prices

Factors against reverse mortgage

Larger proportions of elderly co-living with family Stronger bequeath motive Lower proportion of urban households

Competitive scan

Loan upto 1 million @ 10% interest rate 15-20 years for 60-70 years and 10 15 years for above 70 years

Loan upto 45% of their home value Property can be revalued every five years Floating interest rate

Home owner of 60 years can get EMI at 12% for 15 years They can live in the house even after loan period is over

Expected New entrants

Bank Of Baroda

ICICI bank

Allahabad bank

Gruh finance

Housing Finance

Sales Structure
General Manager Sales

Regional Manager

Product Manager

Sales Manager Reverse Mortgage Specialist

Reverse Mortgage Consultant

Reverse Mortgage Consultant

Target segment
The target segment for our product is elderly population which is Home Rich and Cash Poor

Age Group

Total % of population

60 +


70 +
80 +


Sales Force Planning

Division of regions Mumbai City


Central Suburbs Western Suburbs


Sales Force Planning

General Manager Sales Regional Manager 1 1

Product Manager
Sales Manager Reverse Mortgage Specialist Reverse Mortgage Consultants

3 60


Product Launch
Marketing campaign -Know your Customer -Selection of Right medium & message Creating hype -Press releases -Advance contacts -WOM

Celebrating the Release -Collaboration with NGOS -Launch of an Organisation -Huge party inviting social activists,celebs -Huge Promotions

Holding Demonstrations -Immediately after release -Selected places - Sponsoring events Maintain Interest -Referrals -Testimonials -Encourage WOM

Promotional Plan
A promotional plan is a plan that covers all the phases of communication between the seller and his potential consumer The basic aim of promotional plan is

To acquaint customer with the new product Emphasize the quality and use of the product Promote business, its activities and its products

Promotional Plan
Above the line promotion Below the line promotion Brand ambassador External advertising agent

Promotional Plan Blend

Promotional Mix

Advertisements Sales Promotions Personal Selling

Promotional Plan
Segment Educational Message Elderly people who are House Rich Money Poor A convenient method to have steady income even after retirement without making any initial payments A fixed monthly income Mass advertisement- Through newspapers, TV advt., pamplets, deposit account statement inserts ZindagiJeeyo sir uthakar 10% Initial Response

Offer Medium

Promotional Message Early Results

Sales forecast
No Historical data avialable as this concept is new in context of India. Defined Customer Group: Customers who are 60+ age group bracket Defined Geographical Area: Customers in the Mumbai and the Thane region Defined Time Period: A calendar year Defined Marketing Environment:

Rapidly increasing aging population due to increasing life expectancy. Favorable government regulations Easily accessible low cost capital

Total Target Segment Population in Mumbai and Thane Region: 2 million Average Expected contract amount: 10000 pm for 15 to 20 years. Estimate of market demand : RM loan of around Rs 6 lakhs. Assuming a loan to home value ratio of 60%, this implies a current market value of Rs. 10 lakhs. Total Expected Market 60 crores for the Mumbai Region


Company Demand = Market Demand v Companys Market Share Akhil Surakhshas Demand estimation = 60 cr. x 30% Market Share = Rs. 18 Cr. macroeconomic forecast As of now India is a youth population but certainly aging population is also increasing it is expected that total population of 60+ age group will be around 113 million by 2014 and 180 million by 2026. Industry sales forecast as per the report of National Housing Bank the total sales forecast for the current year is around 150 crores and industry will grow by 1015% on an average for the next 10 years. company sales forecast for the current fiscal we are eying a market share of 30% considering the fact that we are one of the early movers and would get advantage of the same.

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