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Passions-Skills Inventory

Passions-Skills Inventory
Why do a Passions-Skills Inventory? Workshop (5/4) 5/4: Sample Passions-Skills Inventory. (HW#1: do Passion-Skills inventories) PURPOSE:
To help you discover what you really want: your passions (vs mere interests) and skills (vs mere knowledge or abilities), from the 4 fields of knowledge (subjective & objective points of view as they relate to You/Them), as they can help shed light on the type of businesses you could and should get into for greater likelihood of success.


Whats your next great biz idea? Find out!

1. What have you liked to do ever since? Go back to when you were a kid with hobbies in order to figure this one out.
2. What could you do every day, without getting bored? This determines whether something is a real passion or just an interest. 3. What would you be willing to do for little or no pay? This determines whether something is a real passion or just a job.

1. What have you been good at doing ever since? Knowledge = what you know/Ability = what you can do/Skills = what youre good at.
2. What makes you stand out in the field? [Superman skills make you stand out over 99% of the field, whether you like it or not] 3. What has paid you the most among all your activities? [Superman skills place you in the top 99% of your pay scales]

What are your Super passions? What are your Superman skills? What businesses can these lead to?

1. YOU, according to YOU (who do you say you are?) 3. 2. YOU, according to THEM (who do they say you are?) 4.

THEM, according to YOU (who do you say they are?) [for JV partners]

THEM, according to THEM (who do they say they are?) [for JV partners]

Aligning all 4 fields of knowledge into a single focus can give you the clearest picture of your real world, and direct you accordingly.

(YOU, according to YOU)

(YOU, according to YOU)

1. What have you liked to do ever 1. What have you been good at since? doing ever since?

2. What could you do every day without getting bored?

2. What makes you stand out in the field?

3. What would you be willing to do for little or no pay?

3. Whats paid you the most among all your activities?

What are YOUR Super passions? What are YOUR Superman skills? According to YOU! This could be YOUR perfect business!

(YOU, according to THEM)

(YOU, according to THEM)

1. What have you liked to do ever 1. What have you been good at since? doing ever since?

2. What could you do every day without getting bored?

2. What makes you stand out in the field?

3. What would you be willing to do for little or no pay?

3. Whats paid you the most among all your activities?

What are YOUR Super passions? What are YOUR Superman skills? According to THEM! This could be YOUR perfect business!

For your Joint Venture partner(s)

(THEM, according to YOU) 1. What have they liked to do ever since?

(THEM, according to YOU) 1. What have they been good at doing ever since?

2. What could they do every day without getting bored?

2. What makes them stand out in the field?

3. What would they be willing to do for little or no pay?

3. Whats paid them the most among all their activities?

What are THEIR Super passions? What are THEIR Superman skills? According to YOU! This could be THEIR perfect business!

For your Joint Venture partner(s)

(THEM, according to THEM) 1. What have they liked to do ever since?

(THEM, according to THEM) 1. What have they been good at doing ever since?

2. What could they do every day without getting bored?

2. What makes them stand out in the field?

3. What would they be willing to do for little or no pay?

3. Whats paid them the most among all their activities?

What are THEIR Super passions? What are THEIR Superman skills? According to THEM! This could be THEIR perfect business!

Toms Passions-Skills
BRAINSTORMING: I like to help people solve their problems. I
believe there is no problem that cannot be solved with a little creativity. GP & Theology majors at ND / CLE & guidance counseling at XS / 10 yrs in HR at PG&E & CCSF / grad units in educ., law & applied psych. / Reg. Financial Planner / Insurance & R.E. Broker / AIM-ME: Master in Entrepreneurship / Purple Cow Employee Benefits / Maven consultant.

HARMONIZING: I like to bring people together for a worthy cause.

I believe everyone deserves a chance to be part of a group, and make a difference. HS Kris-Kringle / ND ISO offer / Ateneo-Naga offer / XS Social Ethics Club / St. Augustine Parish Council, SSF / GCAP offer / BAVA Health & Wellness Fair / ND & US Alumni Club future mission, education, fellowship & mutual support acts. / Mavens grad parties.

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