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It simply means search for facts Solutions to problem Refers to search for knowledge Research is an art of scientific investigation i.e. systematic & objective, identification, collection, analysis, dissemination and use of information for the purpose of improving decision making Inquisitiveness(act of detailed questioning) is the mother of research

Redman and Mory defined research as a Systematized effort to gain new knowledge. Clifford Woody defined research as defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, making deductions and reaching conclusion and at last carefully testing the conclusion to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis. The Dictionary meaning of research is a careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.

Why Research required

Extension of knowledge To identify and find solution to the problem To help making decision To develop new concepts To find alternative strategies Analyze interrelationships between variables and to derive causal explanations

Objectives of MR
Promotes better decision making Research is the basis for innovation Research identifies the problem area Research helps in forecasting Helps to formulate policies & strategies Helps to understand competitive environment Helps to optimal utilization of resources Identify marketing opportunities & constraints Evaluating marketing plans

Applied research Aims at finding a sol for an immediate pb Deals with real life situation Has practical problem solving emphasis MR is an applied research Pure/Fundamental / basic research Gathering knowledge for knowledge sake Doesnt have commercial potential Conceptual research Used by Philosophers & thinkers It is related to some abstract ideas or theory Do research to prove or disapprove his hypothesis

Empirical research/ Ex- post Facto Examination of relationship that exist b/w independent and dependent variable Ex post Facto Means From what is done afterward Researcher only report what has happened & what is happening. No scope to manipulate the variable Historical research Based on past records & data in order to understand the future trends No direct observation, research has to depend on the conclusions or inference drawn in the past.

Action research Undertaken by direct action, Conducted to solve the problem Most common for industrial product E.g. Test marketing Evaluation research To find out how well the planned programmed is implemented Evaluating the performance or assessment of a project. Causal research Helps to determine Cause and effect relationship b/w the variables.

Exploratory Research
Carried out at the very beginning, when the pb is not clear or is vague. Explore or search through the pb or situation to provide insight & understanding Formulate the problem Few methods are Expert surveys, focus group, case studies, observation methods.

Descriptive research
Fact finding investigation Presents state of affairs as it is. The objective is to descried the characteristics of respondent in relation to a particular product Definite conclusions can be arrived at, but it doesnt establish cause & effect relationship. Deals with demographic characteristics of the consumer


It should be systematic
Well structured Orderly sequenced based on set of defined rules Procedure followed are methodologically sound Well documented

It Should be logical
There should be Logical reasoning in research. Logical process used could be induction or deduction Induction process of reasoning from the part to the whole e.g. pricing, new product development, Deduction - is a process of reasoning some premise and then reaching the conclusion which follows from that premise. E.g. All products manufactured by Reebok are good. this leather wallet is a product of Reebok, so it must be good.

It Should be empirical
Factual investigation is possible Should provide basis for validity i.e. possible to describe, interpret and explain the phenomenon

It Should be replicable.
Results can be verified, by conducting research any no of times & by diff researcher.


The purpose of the research should be clearly defined and common concepts to be used.

The research procedure used should be described in sufficient detail to permit another researcher to repeat the research for further advancement.
The procedural design of the research should be carefully planned to yield results that are as objective as possible. The researchers should report with complete frankness.

The analysis of data should be sufficiently adequate to reveal its significance and the methods of analysis used should be appropriate. Greater confidence in research is warranted if the

Nature of Marketing Research

The emphasis in marketing is on the identification & satisfaction of customer wants & needs.

The task of marketing research is to assess the information needs & provide management with the relevant, accurate, valid, reliable & current information.

Marketing Research is objective i.e. attempts to provide accurate information that reflects a true state of affairs. It should be conducted impartially The motto of every researcher should be find it & tell it like it is

Classification of Marketing research

Marketing research engaged for two reasons identify & solve marketing problems. so classified as Problem identification research Problem solving research Problem identification research is undertaken to identify the problem that are perhaps not apparent on the surface & yet exist or likely to arise in the future. Problem solving research is under taken to arrive at a solution. Used in making decision which will solve specific marketing problem. Both go hand-in-hand.

Marketing and Market Research

Marketing research - is the gathering of information on all activities of marketing Market research - is the gathering of information on a particular market for a product or service Marketing research has a wider scope than market research MARKETING RESEARCH IS THE FUNCTION WHICH LINKS THE CONSUMER , CUSTOMER AND PUBLIC TO THE MARKETER THROUGH INFORMATION.

MEANING AND DEFINITION Scientific Research is one which yields the same results when repeated by different individuals Scientific Research Method is one and same in the branches of science, which is used in all the research and used by various scientists. This method attracted all the trained minds

The Scientific Method is a systematic step by step procedure following the logical processes of reasoning.


. . . . . . The scientific method is based on certain criteria's Commitment to objectivity. It presupposes ethical neutrality. It aims generalization. It results into probabilistic predictions. It is a logical reasoning process.

Characteristic of Scientific Research

Ability of a measuring instrument to measure what it is supposed to
E.g. Barometer VS questionnaire

the result will remain same even when u repeat it n no of times


Complexity of the subject
Deals with human beings Influence of environmental factors & peers

Difficulty of obtaining accurate measurements

Since information obtained are qualitative in nature Since participants are human beings, Subjectivity invariably creeps in

Influence of measurement
When respondents realizes that he is being measured, his response & behavior undergoes a change

Difficulty in testing of hypothesis

In MR it is almost impractical to carry out experiments in a controlled way, which will affect the hypothesis being tested Very difficulty in making accurate predictions

Role of investigators
Organization are clients of researcher Some times investigator tries to fit in results or manipulates the data or does not conduct exhaustive study.

Time pressure
MR must be conducted & completed within a given time.

why MR cant be considered as Scientific

SCIENTIFIC METHOD More rational & objective and result are unbiased. Systematic manner with pre designed steps. The results can be measured more accurately. It is a continuous process. Can be held under controllable condition. Time pressure not there Less complex NON SCIENTIFIC METHOD Objective but results are more biased. Non systematic manner The results cannot be measured accurately. It is not a continuous process. Not possible to control external factors More time pressure Complexity of subject

Limitations of marketing research

MR is not an exact science Results obtained are not very accurate compared to physical science because of so many uncontrollable variables.

Complex in nature
MR carried out on human begins, who have tendency to behave artificially when they know they are being observed Inexperienced research staff Subjectivity is an important limitations in MR Very difficult to verify the results, which is main

Limitations of time Generally takes a long time to conduct. By the time results are presented market situation may be changed. Subjectivity However objective a person, some time researcher might engage in cheating or misrepresentation of facts or sometimes mislead by respondents Also researcher might draw conclusion based on his past experience.

Time frame
Top management may hold certain pre conceived opinions on the outcome.

Benefits Vs cost
Benefits should out weight the cost

Availability of resources
Financial or human resource

Ethical issues in Business research

Ethics address whether a particular action is right or wrong, good or bad Using survey to sell products or fund raising Conducting unnecessary research Using findings & models developed for specific clients or projects for other projects Formulating a research design more suited to researcher than the clients needs

Disguising the purpose of the research

Not maintaining anonymity of respondents

Disrespecting privacy of respondents

Misleading respondents
Disguising observation of respondents

Embarrassing or putting stress on respondents

Designing overly long questionnaires, overly sensitive questions Using inappropriate sampling procedures & sample size Identifying & discarding unsatisfactory respondents

Misrepresentation of findings The Research report shouldnt Incomplete reporting, Misleading or Biased reporting Inaccurate reporting.


1910-1920: First hand observations and elementary surveys 1920- 1930 :Questionnaire construction survey techniques. 1930-1940 : Quota sampling, simple correlation analysis, store auditing Techniques. 1940 1950: Probability sampling, regression method, advanced statistical inference. 1950-1960: operation research and attitude measuring instruments. 1960-1970:Factor analysis and discriminant analysis, computer data processing 1970-1980:N on parametric-multidimensional scaling, test marketing and multi attribute models. 1980-1990:Advanced mathematical models. 1990-onwards:Advanced network system and online research

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