The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

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The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Learn preceptor role & responsibilities Understand how adults learn Explore effective communication, how to give feedback & conflict resolution Discuss techniques for stimulating critical thinking Review components of the UTT CON preceptor handbook Complete preceptor post-test
The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Role Model--demonstrates how competent staff perform their job--most familiar, most comfortable Socializer--helps preceptee feel welcome & integrated into the unit culture--less familiar, less comfortable Educator--helps preceptee assess orientation learning needs, plan learning experiences, implement the plan, evaluate performance-least familiar, least comfortable


The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Role Model-- an individual who exemplifies through his or her behavior how a specific role is to be enacted (JG Alspach, 2000) Nurse role model exhibits these qualities-Caring Positive interactions Empathetic Respected by peers Good communicator Strong patient advocate Expert practitioner Willing resource person Shares knowledge with others Respects dignity in all people Critical thinker Honest, accountable
The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Compare--your usual job activities with teaching others how to perform their job Major Role with Preceptee-teaching rather than doing Conflict--can arise if you do for the preceptee rather than guiding to do for themselves Challenge--balancing dual role of caregiver and preceptor
The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Think back to your own orientation-how you felt, new circumstances Reality Shock--4 phases HONEYMOON SHOCK RECOVERY RESOLUTION

The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Adult Learning Principles How Communication is Received Generational Values Learning Styles

The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Self-directed--want to be actively involved Relate new knowledge to life experiences/previous knowledge Goal-oriented Must have a reason for learning Practical--want learning to be useful Want to state their views, be recognized, be accepted, feel important, be respected
The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing



The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

MATURES--<1946-- duty work ethic, follow orders, productive, fixers BABY BOOMERS--1946-1964--teamwork, process oriented, desire recognition, uncomfortable with conflict GENERATION Xers--1965-1980--self-reliant, skeptical, casual about authority, tech savvy, resourceful MILLENIALS--1981-1991--tech savvy, less focused on problem solving & more on choices, buy into team concept, look for mentors, accepting of other cultures, expect management to be competent, demand equity
The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Left Brain vs. Right Brain

LEFT Analytical Uses automatic codes Arranges details in order Auditory rather than visual RIGHT Global Wholes, not parts Novelty Intuitive Spatial Visual over auditory

The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Goal: To IMPROVE Performance

IIdentify learning objectives MMake a feedback-friendly learning environment PPerformance--assess it RRespond to your learners self-assessment OObjectivity--always keep it VValidate good work, suggest alternatives in weak

EEstablish a plan
The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Feedback should be

Immediate Clear Positive Objective

The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Task Interdependence Individual Differences Scarce Resources

Communication Failures Goal Incompatibility

Poorly Designed Reward Systems

The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Take responsibility Agree to disagree Define the problem Allow venting Establish ground rules--honesty, everyone will be heard, all listen, support feelings with facts Ask open-ended questions Listen objectively Restate problem, set goals, establish action plans Follow-up
The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Create a climate of curiosity/questioning Ask Open-ended vs. Close-ended questions, qualify answers--correct, partially correct, incorrect Prepare for the unexpected-- What if Think out loud--Verbalize your processes Compare assessment findings with report Reflect on activities/findings of the day Challenge assumptions Seek meanings, connections, group data Keep professional humility--readily admit erroneous conclusions, seek the truth always
The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

1 Plan aheadtell staff date preceptee is coming to unit, outline daily plans 2 First dayask your learner to share their goals/needs, share your goals/expectations 3 Introduce to staffintegrate, welcome, include in break times 4 Give specifics about what you expect 5 Get/Give feedback often during the day 6 Reflect on activities, skills completed

The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Identify students learning needsask for critical skills list, clinical objectives Let student observe what you do, maybe only one client for student care Seek opportunities for student to perform identified high-anxiety procedures firstreduces fear, stress Have a brief conference with the student to doublecheck assessment priorities, medications changes Ask the student to reflect on the days activities and discuss situations, ask questions
The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Practice good time management Coach your learner towards excellence in practice Follow NPA delegation guidelines Create opportunities for learning Encourage people to have fun, enjoy their work Move from preceptor to mentor--assist new staff, peers in learning
The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Preceptor Program Preceptor Orientation Information Preceptor Agreement, Benefits Clinical Guidelines Evaluation Tool Student Medication Administration Incident Report Form Student Objectives/Skills
The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Medications --RN must be at bedside with IV pushadministration by student --RN alone can access narcotics, sign narcotics forms for student --RN must supervise student narcotic administration and co-sign MAR

The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Needle sticks/Exposures Student will: --report incident to preceptor immediately and then notify appropriate person in clinical agency --Complete agency incident report --Follow agency protocols regarding wound care, reporting and notify clinical faculty as soon as possible --Seek treatment from Campus Health Center or private provider within 2 hours of incident
The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

Freiburger, O. (2001). A tribute to clinical preceptors. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, Vol. 17, No. 6, 320-327.
Alfaro-LeFevre, R. (2002). Improving your ability to think critically. RN, MSN Nursing SpectrumCareer Fitness Online. Ohrlin,K. & Hallberg, I. (2000). Student nurses lived experience of preceptorship. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 37, 13-23.
The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

1. On the students first clinical day with you, the best way to verify their assessment skills is to A. Instruct the student to assess the client and relate the findings to you B. Ask the student to show you their documented findings C. Perform the client assessment with the student and compare findings D. Tell the student to complete the client assessment form 2. After the student completes a head-to-toe assessment, you allow them to document findings on the interdisciplinary notes. The correct procedure is to A. Sign your full name and title only when you are satisfied the assessment is accurate B. Sign your name and title after you correct any inaccuracies by writing disagree with student assessment and write the correct assessment information. C. Sign your full name and title on the blank notes form and allow the student to complete the assessment documentation. 3. A student has helped you admit a client with type1 diabetes and influenza-like symptoms. The ED lab results are: glucose 460 mg/dL, K 5.1 mEq/L. The student encourages the client to drink all the juice and milk on the new admit food tray. How would you begin to discuss this scenario with the student? A. Why did you tell a diabetic with a blood sugar of 460 to drink fruit juice? B. Lets review this clients situation. Tell me first what you have learned about diabetics when they are sick. (continued on next slide)

The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

4. At noon you find your students has not yet documented the two assessments you performed together earlier. When questioned, the student states, Ive been snowed under with these two busy patients. How would you respond? A. Tell me what you have been dealing with so we can make a plan for the rest of the shift. B. Why didnt you come to me sooner? I could have handled them while you documented your care. 5. A student suffers a needle stick from an insulin syringe they just used on a client. The order of your actions should be ___A. Have the student express blood from the stick and wash vigorously with soap and water for five minutes ___B. Advise the student to seek treatment intervention from the UTT Campus Health Center or their private healthcare provider within 2 hours ___C. Notify the students clinical faculty and the appropriate person in the clinical agency ___D. Help the student complete the appropriate institutional incident report and forms

The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

1-- C 2 -- A 3 -- B 4 -- A 5-- A = 1, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2

The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

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The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing

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