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Market Driven Strategy(MDS) and Corporate, Business, and Marketing Strategy

(Pertemuan 1)

Arif Sugiono-Adm Bisnis Unila

Istilah lainnya Strategi Pemasaran yang berorientasi pasar. MDS is that the market and the Customers that form the market should be the starting point in business strategy formulation (Cravens & Piercy, 2006 : 2)

Arif Sugiono-Adm Bisnis Unila

Characteristics of Market Driven Strategies

Becoming Market Oriented

Achieving Superior Performance

Determining Distinctive Capabilities

Matching Customer Value Requirements to Capabilities

Arif Sugiono-Adm Bisnis Unila 3

Becoming Market Oriented (MO)..(1)

MO is business perspective that makes the customer the focal point of a companys total operations A business is market oriented when its culture is systematically and entirely committed to the continuous creation of superior customer value. Importantly, achieving a market orientation involves the use of superior organizational skill in understanding and satisfying customers. Becoming MO required the involvement and support of the entire workforce.
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Becoming Market Oriented (MO)..(2)

The Organization must monitor rapidly changing customer needs and want, determine the impact of these changes on customer satisfaction, increase the rate of product innovation, and implement strategies that build organizations competitive advantage.

Arif Sugiono-Adm Bisnis Unila

Characteristic of Market Orientation :

Customer Focus Competitor Intelligence Cross-Functional Coordination Performance Implications

Arif Sugiono-Adm Bisnis Unila

Becoming a Market-Oriented Organization

Becoming a Market-Oriented company

1. 2. 3. involves several interrelated requirements The major activities Include : Information acquisition Cross-Functional Assessment Shared Diagnosis and Coordinated action The Objective is to deliver superior customer value.

Arif Sugiono-Adm Bisnis Unila

Distinctive Capabilities (DC)

Capabilities is complex bundles of skills and accumulated knowledge, exercised through organizational processes, that enable firms to coordinate activities and make use of their assets The Major components of DC is : Organizational Process Skill and Accumulated Knowledge Coordination of Activities Asset Ex. : Southwest Airlanes, Walmart with information and logistic system, Dell with direct selling, HP with ink-jet technology
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1. 2. 3. 4.

Characteristic DC :
Desirable Capabilities

Applicable to Multiple Competitive Situation Difficult to Duplicate

Arif Sugiono-Adm Bisnis Unila

Superior to the Competition

Creating Value Customer

Customer Value/CV is the outcome of a process that begins with a business strategy anchored in a deep understanding of customer needs. The Creation CV is important challenge for managers

Arif Sugiono-Adm Bisnis Unila


Benefits of Value Initiative :

(The Conference Board, 1996)

Ability to retain customers. Ability to build long term customer relationship. Ability to attract new Costumer. Growth in Market Share. Growth In Profit. Growth in Sales. Reduction in Customer Complaints. Growth in Product/Service Innovation.
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Challenges of a New Era for Strategic Marketing Escalating Globalization Technology Diversity Radical Innovations The new era promises to increase the demands for ethical behavior and social responsibility.

Arif Sugiono-Adm Bisnis Unila



Arif Sugiono-Adm Bisnis Unila


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