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Microprocessor 8085/8086
Unit 1: Introduction to Microprocessors: Evolution of Microprocessors, History of Computers, Memory Devices: semiconductor memory organization, Category of memory, 8bit Micro processor (8085): Architecture, Timing and Control Instruction Set, Addressing modes, Assembly Language Programming.

Microprocessor 8085/8086
Unit 2: 16-bit Microprocessors (8086/8088): Architecture, Physical address, segmentation, memory organization, Bus cycle, Addressing modes, difference between 8086 and 8088, Assembly Language Programming of 8086 and 8088.

Microprocessor 8085/8086
Unit 3: Interfacing devices: 8255 (PPI), modes and interfacing of 8253, ADC IC (0808/0809), DAC and ADC Interfacing and Applications, 8257 (DMA), 8259 (PIC). Peter Waugh 24/8/2010, School Business Floor 1 Faculty Room 202 Office 4

Learning resources

Also; R. and B.P. Singh: Microprocessor Interfacing and Application, New Age International Publishers, 2nd Edition. 1 and 2 are text, the others reference.

Learning resources

What is a Microprocessor (System)?

The Simple Answer: It's an electronic system in which a microprocessor plays an important role. Duh! Anyway Why Do We Care? Because microprocessors are absolutely everywhere! You simply cannot exist anymore without interacting with microprocessors. You can't start a car, microwave a cup of coffee, turn on a television or CD player, or look at a digital watch without interacting with a microprocessor. If you don't understand them, your capabilities as an engineer will be severely limited!

But What Is A Microprocessor System?

It's simply a fairly complicated state machine! A state machine could be like a toaster where (1) you put the bread in the machine (2) you switch on the electricity and push down the lever and slice of bread so the electric heater warms and toasts the bread and (3) when the bread is toasted according to the setting on the dial that you had made, it pops up so that it is not over cooked. All we need to do is add significantly more wires and have a conditional set of instructions rather than a (1) (2) (3) kind of sequence to solve some really cool problems.

Traffic lights state machine

Not really it is a state machine that could, for example, take the Light Emitting Diodes through the sequence Red (Stop) Red Yellow (Attention) and Green (Go). It lacks the flexibility of true computer or microprocessor programming.


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