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A. Budgeting
I. Definition and Functions
Budgeting is the translation of programs, projects and activities into their resource requirements which are expressed in monetary financial terms. It allocates resources to specific actions deemed necessary to achieve predetermined objectives. Additionally, a time element is introduced within which resources are made available and activities are to be carried out.


. 1 .Identification of programs, projects and activities to be implemented during the budget period. These are largely drawn from the planning process wherein specific interventions are formulated to respond to problems and issues and/or to attain specific targets. 2. Identification of resources - manpower, financial, physical and other resources required to carry out the programs, projects, and activities and the quantities for each resource. 3. Costing of resources which would translate the resource requirements into their monetary values. 4. Preparation of the budget in accordance with the mandated form and content spelled out in guidelines issued for this purpose. 5. Securing official authorization to allocate and use resources.

B. Planning and Budgeting Linkage

1. National Level The implementation of the sectoral components of the multi-year development plan is the responsibility of the different instrumentalities of government, with the educator sector plan being the responsibility of DECS. In line with the annual budget preparation process, the DECS annual agency plan is formulate, guided by the policies and strategies embodied in the multi-year plan. It spells out the specific activities to be implemented for the coming budget year, aimed at achieving the targets set for that period. The annual budget allocated the resources needed for these specific activities

Planning and Budgeting Linkage

2. Regional and Local Level
At the regional level, the planning-budgeting linkage is established through the Regional Development Investment Program (RDIP). The RDIP is conceived as an instrument for translating and operationalizing the objectives and strategies of the regional plans into the area specific, viable and implement able packages of programs and projects

C.Major Types of Budgeting


Line-Item Budgeting This used to be most widely used budgeting system. This system is not goaloriented. The budget merely consists of a listing of items every agency of the government to be funded. It also contains statements of estimated receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year for which it is intended based on the results of operation during the preceding year.

Major Types..
2. Performance Budgeting Performance budgeting is a management-oriented system of budgeting which measures actual or estimated results in terms of benefits accruing to the public and their unit costs. In contrast to the linesystem of budgeting, performance budgeting is based on receipts and expenditures but also includes brief description of what is to be achieved after each item of expenditure. It is a goal-oriented design.

II. National Budget Process

A. Budget Preparation
1. In the preparation of the budget, each department or agency of the government is given a ceiling or budget level. The Development Budget Coordination Committee(DBCC), a NEDA Board Committee, determines the budget level. It is composed of the Secretaries of the Budget, NEDA, Finance and the Governor of the Central Bank of the Philippines. 2. The DBCC estimates the anticipated revenues of the government on the basis of historical performance projections of economic conditions in the incoming year and revenue impact of proposed revenue measures. It likewise estimates the cost needed in the implementing the projects that will achieve the established goals in the

B. Budget Authorization
Congress discusses the budget with focus on policy, budget levels, thrusts and strategy. The legislative body is prohibited from increasing the total appropriations submitted by the President in the budget proposal

C. Budget Execution
Authorized appropriations can only be available after complying with established guidelines or procedures.

D. Budget Accountability
The concept of accountability in budgeting gives emphasis to the results of expenditures allocated and incurred. It refers to the evaluation of the quantitative and qualitative measures of an agency performance as reflected in the units of work measurement and other indicators of agency performance

Budget Accountability..
1.The Commission on Audit (COA) conducts a continuing review of the budgetary program and project structure of each agency or ministry.2.

2.Heads of ministries or agencies of the government submit a semi-annual report of their accomplishments to the Secretary of Budget and to COA on both work and financial results. These reports will be used for the following:
a. Monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness with which the fund are being utilized, and. b. Verifying the attainment of goals established in the budget.3. 3.Accountability constitutes: a. a. Periodic reporting by agencies of performance under their approved budget

b Top management review of government activities and the fiscal and policy limitations thereof;

4 Actions of the COA in assuring fidelity of officials and employees in carrying

the intent of the Legislative Body and the President with regard to the handling of receipts expenditures


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