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Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Origins of I/O Psychology

Scientific Management Frank Taylor

Determine the most efficient methods for performing any work-related task Time and motion studies Assembly lines Selection and recruitment of military recruits

Origins of I/O Psychology

Ergonomics / Human Factors

Intersection of engineering and psychology Focuses on safety and efficiency of humanmachine interactions Perception, attention, cognition, learning, social, and environmental psychology Applied psychology

Building a Better Mouse

Origins of I/O Psychology

Hawthorne Studies (1927-1932)

How work conditions influence productivity

Individual productivity increases when workers are singled out and made to feel important Performance is subject to social pressures and group norms

The Hawthorne Effect

Human Relations Approach

Industrial Psychology
Emphasis on how to use human resources to increase efficiency and productivity

Job analysis and evaluation Employee selection Training Performance appraisal

Job Analysis and Evaluation

Job Analysis

Generating a detailed job description

Follow a systematic procedure Break the job into small units Create an employee manual

Job-oriented description Person-oriented description KSAOs

Job Analysis and Evaluation

Job Analysis

Essential and nonessential job functions Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

U.S. Department of Labor

Dictionary of Occupational Titles Occupational Outlook Handbook

Job Evaluation

Compensable factors

Occupational Outlook: 2004-2012

Personnel Selection

Recruitment Testing

Integrity tests and biographical inventories


Interviewer illusion Structured interviews

Work Samples and Exercises



Acquaint employees with the organization and with other employees

Formal Training

Overlearning making the task automatic Employee development


Natural mentoring relationships

Performance Appraisal

Evaluating a persons success at their job Sources of Bias

Halo effect Distributional error

Leniency errors Severity errors Central tendency errors

Performance Appraisal

360-Degree Feedback

Collect evaluations of employee from numerous sources Variability suggests that ratings reflect performance, not general impressions (liking)

Other Performance Measures

Thinking outside the box Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

360-Degree Feedback

Organizational Psychology

Emphasis on research and practice involving human relations

Management Approaches Job Satisfaction Employee Commitment Meaning of Work Leadership Styles

Management Approaches

The Japanese Management Style Theory X and Theory Y

Theory X managers motivate by exerting control and threatening punishment Theory Y managers motivate by allowing workers to participate in problem solving

Strengths-Based Management

Management Styles

Job Satisfaction

Measuring Work Attitudes Important Factors

Fairness of compensation Personality characteristics of individuals Cultural influences

Critical Controversy: Happy Workers

Long-term happiness is related to

Financial independence Occupational attainment Favorable evaluations

Job Withdrawal Organizational Spontaneity Approach Motivation

Employee Commitment

Affective Commitment

Emotional attachment to the organization

Continuance Commitment

Perception of economic and social costs of leaving the organization

Normative Commitment

Sense of obligation to the organization

Meaning of Work

Jobs, Careers, and Callings

Job No training, personal control, freedom Career Work as opportunity for advancement Calling Work has value beyond economics

Relationship to Psychological Well-Being Job Crafting

Physical and cognitive changes that individuals make within existing task constraints

Leadership Styles

Transactional Leadership

Emphasizes exchange relationship between workers and leader Believes people are motivated by rewards and punishments Provides clarity and structure to employees

Leadership Styles

Transformational Leadership

Emphasizes vision for an organization

Four key elements
1. 2. 3. 4.

Providing idealized influence Inspiring others to achieve Intellectually stimulating employees Showing concern for employees well-being

Promotes organizational identity

Intersection: Whos in Charge?

Genetic Contributions to Leadership

Personality traits and twin studies Extraversion and achievement motivation Transactional and transformational leadership

Big 5 Personality Traits and Leadership

High extraversion High conscientiousness Low neuroticism

Organizational Culture

Shared values, beliefs, norms, and customs

Power culture Role culture Task culture Person culture

Organizational Culture

Positive Organizational Culture

Positive Reinforcement

Reward good work and acknowledge contributions Incorporate fairness and safety Empathize with and alleviate suffering



Do the right thing

Organizational Culture

Toxic Workplace Factors

Workplace Incivility Sexual Harassment

Quid pro quo sexual harassment Hostile work environment sexual harassment

Workplace Violence

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