Organiztion Study at KMML Chavara

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KMML, a leading profit earning enterprise under the government of Kerala, is a World first fully integrated Ti02 pigment plant. It is India's only producer of Rutile grade Titanium dioxide pigment, state of art factories is located at Sankaramangalam and Kovilthottam, have access to one of the world's richest beach. They mine out minerals from the beach and transform it into 'white magic' (Ti02 pigment) which adds gloss to paper, paint, printing Ink etc.


To understand the functions of various departments mainly production, marketing, finance, materials Department ,Personnel And Administration Department, Fire And Safety Department, Data processing department, Technical department ,Project department ,Maintenance department To study the production practices undertaken by KMML To compare theoretical knowledge with actual practice To learn about the current performance of KMML To study the different hierarchy of various department at KMML

Industries play a significant role in almost every economy but India context it is an important as oxygen for breathing. Industrial development has been accorded great importance in Indian planning. On account of industrial development there is increase in production, employment and national income .India is the second largest growing economy in the world.

This is equally applicable to the Titanium Dioxide industry. Titanium Dioxide pigment is authority white powder with high capacity, Brilliant whiteness, excellent covering power, and resistance to color change. These opportunities have made it authority valuable pigment for authority broad range of applications in the paint, plastic goods, inks and paper.

The KMML was established by a private entrepreneur in 1932 as F.X. Peraira and sons (Travancore) Pvt. Ltd. During 1956 this concern was taken over by the state govt and was placed under the control of its industries department. The units were converted as a limited company with effect from 1.4.1972 in the name of Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd. India is one of the pioneers in the field of mineral sand industry in India Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd( KMML) is a fully owned kerala govt Enterprise. There are about 2000 employees in the company at present that are helping KMML to grow.


VISION OF KMML: Be a world class producer of mineral sand based value- added products. MISSION OF KMML: 1. To become the nodal agency for promoting and establishing mineral based industries in the state to ensure value addition and effective and controlled exploitation of the mineral reserve. 2. To develop adequate supply base for the services and utility for development of the mineral based Industry. 3. To create more awareness about corporate social responsibilities for chemical industries in the state. 4. To become the leader in controlling Green House Gas Emission so as to promote the concept

Functional Departments in KMML

Production Department Marketing Department Finance Department Materials Department Personnel And Administration Department Fire And Safety Department

Production department
KMML always maintain high standard of perfection by achieving technical excellence in every phase of production. Catering to strict guideline, KMML offers a wide range of products for quality conscious customer. Production Department undertakes activities and decision regarding the production work

Production process chart


KMML has monopoly in Rutile grade TiO2 pigment industry. KMML has a large number of customers all over the world. In KMML there is no separate department for sales. So, marketing department is performing sales functions. The marketing department keeps detailed report about customers, product, product group control, dispatch and payment.


Human Resource is the one of most valuable resource as for as a company is concerned. An organization is a human grouping in which work is done for the accomplishment of some specific goals or mission. The management of man it very important and challenging Job. Important because it is not of managing men but of administering a social system

Finance is the lifeblood of any organization. It deals with both the acquisition of as well as allocation of funds. Hence finance department assumes a great role in this organization. A finance department in an organization is responsible for maintaining fair and just accounting, working capital management, long term funding decision making, costing etc

The purchase department and store department placed under the name MATERIALS in KMML. Assistant General Manager Materials is the departmental head of these two departments. Under him there is a Deputy General Manager and below him Manager (Materials).


Fire and safety department, which manage the process of giving security to employees by providing training & giving license to employee& mechanist The safety department carries out the following activities: Routine plant inspection Plant safety inspection Issue of safety work permits

Coordinates & organizing safety committee meetings Giving safety education and training Organizing safety promotional activities Liaison with statutory authorities Preparing and updating safety manuals Coordinates safety auditing / surveys Inspection, cleaning & maintenance of breathing apparatus

KMML is the only company in India produce rutile grade titanium Dioxide Constant up gradation of technology Raw materials are found in nearby areas Availability of cheap and best quality raw materials i.e. , mineral sand consisting of Ilmenite, rutile, zircon etc. The only integrated plant in the world having mineral separation plant, synthetic rutile plant, Titanium dioxide plant and all are closely located in one complex KMML is a profit making public sector undertaking with a total capital investment by the Government of Kerala

Government interference on companys day to day affairs impairing corporate governance and professional management Weight variation due to atmosphere effects on the package product Trade union dominated firm Lack of sufficient land for expansion project and storing or disposal hazardous waste Poor quality power and lack of captive power generation facility

worldwide deposit of ilmenite is depleting day by day to over exploitation whereas in India only 10% of the total ilmenite is utilized Kerala government being made better known to the outside world with the expansion of tourism and infrastructure More sales realization in domestic as well as foreign market provision should be made for determination of unserviceable and damaged stores, raw materials and productivity

Trade union resistance to change will cause a barrier to bring out necessary change in future The rising environmental problem Existing plant is more than 20 years old and need will renewal and replaced Policy change of state and central Govt. regarding sand mining may affect the production Changes of its being privatized in future

KMML is the Indias first and only manufacturing of rutile grade titanium, it is a monopolistic company fully controlled by the state government A complex organization structure does exist in KMML. This leads to excessive delays in decision making and requires lot of paper work Since there is an absence of strong facilities for storing the chlorine gas which is liberated in the oxide plant as well as chlorination plant. If any one of them break down, the entire production work is stop. KMML has at present a work force of nearly 2000 people. So they have excess of work force.

By the end of 2010 ,there will be a highly competitive situation when the import duty on titanium dioxide pigment is reduced to zero percentage. In the era high competition, flexible organization structure suits the situation than an organization with a complex type of structure. By reducing the levels in the organization, quick decisions can be taken without much delay A chlorine storage plant will help company to reduce the breakdown in the production area

Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited (KMML) under the Government of Kerala is the India's first, and only manufacturer of Rutile grade Titanium Dioxide pigment using Chloride route. It has won National Acclaim for its impressive performance. It produces about seven grades of Titanium Dioxide pigments and its products range includes Titanium Tetra Chloride. llmenite. and Rutile etc. KMML has monopolistic position in the Rutile Titanium Dioxide pigment industry in India.

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