Growth and Development

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Refers generally to the physical growth, i.e. Growth from the fertilized egg at the time of conception to the fully grown body of the adult. It means increase in the size of the various parts of the body

According to Hurlock
GROWTH is change in size, in proportion, disappearance of old features and acquisition of new ones. e.g.: Height, Weight, Disappearance of temporary teeth and Acquisition of Permanent teeth

According to Crow and Crow(1962)

Growth refers to structural and physiological changes

It refers to the progressive changes that take place with time in the behavior of the organism.

According to Hurlock(1959)
Development means a progressive series of changes that occur in an orderly predictable pattern as a result of maturation and experience.

According to Crow and Crow (1962)

Development is concerned with growth as well as those changes in behavior which results from environmental situations.

According to J.E. Anderson(1950)

Development does not consist merely of adding inches to ones height or improving ones ability. Instead development is a complex process of integrating many structures and functions.

According to Liebert, Poulos and Marmor (1979)

Development refers to a process of change in growth and capability over time, as function of both maturation and interaction with the environment. Thus, development includes Growth Capability Maturation Interaction with the environment



The term is used in purely physical sense. It generally refers to increase in size, length. Changes in the quantitative aspects come into the domain of Growth.

DEVELOPMENT Development implies overall change in shape, form or structure resulting in improved working or functioning. Changes in the quality or character rather than the quantitative aspects comes in this domain.



It is a part of developmental process. Development in its quantitative aspect is termed as growth. Growth does not continue throughout life. It stops when maturity has been attained. Growth involves body changes.

It is a comprehensive and wider term and refers to overall changes in the individual. Development is a wider and comprehensive term and refers to overall changes in the individual. It continues throughout life and is progressive. Development involves changes of an orderly, coherent type tending towards the goal of maturity.

The changes produced by growth are the subject of measurement. They may be quantified.

Development implies improvement in functioning and behavior and hence bring qualitative changes which are difficult to be measured directly. They are assessed through keen observation in behavioral situations. Development is organizational. It is organization of all the parts which growth and differentiation have produced.

Growth is cellular . It takes place due to the multiplication of cells.

Growth may or may not bring development. E.g.: A child may grow fat but by becoming fat no functional improvement may take place.

Development is also possible without growth. E.g.: A child may not gain height, weight or size but can have functional improvement in other aspects .


Development is a continuous process (from birth to death)

Development follows a direction and uniform pattern (orderly manner)

Cephalo-caudal from head to tail

Proximo-distalfrom nearer to far apart

LocomotionSequence of development is followed.

Development proceeds from general to specific responsesReacts to the stimuli with the whole body and gradually learns to give specific responses.

PRINCIPLE OF HIERARCHICAL INTEGRATION states that simple skills typically develop separately and independently but are later integrated into more complex skills. Development lacks uniformity of rate There are periods of acceleration and periods of decelerated growth. Different body systems mature at different rates.

PRINCIPLE OF INDEPENDENCE OF SYSTEMS suggests that different body systems grow at different rates. For instance, the nervous system is highly developed during infancy.

Most traits of development are correlatede.g.: a child whose intellectual development is above average, is also superior in many other aspects.

Development is a product of contribution of Heredity and EnvironmentIt is not possible to indicate exactly in what proportion heredity and environment contribute to the development of an individual.

Development is both qualitative and quantitativeWhile growth takes place, the functional organization of the individual also improves.

There are wide individual differences

in growth pattern i.e. development is uniqueIndividuals differ from each other in their pattern and rate of growth.

Development is cumulative- Each change is the culmination of prior growth and experience. Development is a result of interaction of Maturation and Learning- Maturation refers to changes in a developmental organism due to the unfolding and ripening of abilities, characteristics, traits and potentialities present at birth. Learning denotes the changes in behavior due to training or experience.

Development is predictable- The rate of development of each child at an early stage helps in predicting the developments at a later stage. Development is spiral and non-linear- It is in the form of a cork-screw.

Educational Implications
Need of paying attention to individual differences of the learners. Avoid comparing the child with others. Undue pressure should not be put on the students. Adapting learning programmes, procedures and practices according to the level of students.

Need of motivating the child to learn as development is a continuous process. Need for correlating different subjects and examples to daily life. Need for a pragmatic outlook so as to not place undue demands on the child. Practice maxims of teaching like proceed from known to unknown, concrete to abstract, simple to complex Use psychological methods of teaching.

The learning experiences should be arranged suitably according to the maturity of the child. The learning processes, experiences and environment should be arranged according to the level and needs of the students. A good environment should be provided to the students, as it plays an important role in the development of the child.

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