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Human Cultural Evolution

Interplay of Significant Factors in Cultural Evolution

Culture Can be defined as the ways and practices of a society It includes the ideas, behavior, transactions, manufacture, relationships, of a group, derived from the natural environment and shaped by history.

Technology Defined as a scientific knowledge translated into practical purposes The term can also be used in a generic sense - As human manipultation of nature - The use of fire - Agriculture derived from experience

Specific technologies are developed as extension of human organs to make life easier, more productive or enjoyable.

Politics - Defined as the distribution of power in a society

Economics - is the system by which goods and services are exchanged

Hunting-Gathering or Paleolithic: First Technological Stage

Nomadic Few children Learned to use tools: spears, slingshots for more efficient hunting and gathering From nature: stones, animal bones and horns, wood, rattan, and vines, etc.

Power and Leadership. What was conceivably the power relations in such early groups? Did they choose the strongest and most adept at the skills needed for food gathering and group protection from animals and other nomad groups?

Among the ethnic groups of the Philippines:

The culture of consensual decisions is predominant. The leaders are often the wise among the elderly. Their concern is for all and for the survival of the group, not so much position of power or wealth.

Are the hierarchical structures and ethic of dominance by the powerful, imports from the West? Or do such political relationships naturally develop from the need to order when a society grows in size and complexity?

It is safe to say that societies varied across the world in terms of technology, social, and political systems and stayed so for a long time because of the virtual lack of contact and communications among them.

What was the impact on the environment of hunting and gathering societies?

Relatively little Because of their low numbers and low technology, they were not capable of large-scale changes in landscape, destruction of ecosystems, nor pollution of water and air.

However there is evidence of what is now interpreted as Pleistocene overkill, the disappearance around 10,000 to 11,000 years ago of large animals. These were the mammoths, giant beavers and so forth. There is evidence that extinction were caused by humans

As to how humans caused the extinction, considering their relatively low numbers and technology speculations differ One reason given is simply over-hunting

Another possibility is habitat modification by indirect human action and behavior No matter the actual reason, this phenomenon shows that primitive as well as modern humans could alter the environment drastically.

Critical Thinking Questions



Is it possible for humanity to go back to the Hunting Gathering mode of living? Which of the following factors do you think is most responsible for the poor state of the environment today-technology, economics, politics, population or values?

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