Famous People From The Renaissance

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Famous People from the Renaissance

spoiler: they are all dead now

Leonardo da Vinci
Knew art, botany, anatomy, optics, music, architecture, engineering Crazy smart and good at about anything he tried Left handed and wrote in code

Leonardo da Vinci
Vitruvian Man a study in proportions

Diagram of a Heart

Leonardo da Vinci
Did he paint the Mona Lisa using his own face as a guide? If so, he must have been really full of himself Hes not even that pretty as a chick

Michelangelo Buonarroti
Knew how to sculpt statues, engineering, painting, architecture, and poetry He would have been da Vinci if there were no da Vinci Kinda moody and emo

Michelangelo Buonarroti
Most famous for painting the Sistine Chapel, sculpting the statue David, and designing St. Peters Cathedral both in Rome Did not know martial arts Hi, Im David Did not like pizza Did not use nunchucks

Michelangelo Buonarroti
This is the Sistine Chapel, he worked on this for over 4 years straight and was partially crippled from it Below is a close up of one scene, God on the right and Adam on the left

Michelangelo Buonarroti
St. Peters Cathedral (also called Basilica) Holiest church for Catholics Most of the building and all of the dome designed by Michelangelo This is the Popes church Very few rooms on the inside have right angled corners The church was built over a period of 150 years There might be a secret rocket base under the courtyard

Raphael Sanzio da Urbino

Famous painter Painted lots of historical (especially Greek and Roman) scenes May or may not have been a Ninja Turtle As a possible Ninja Turtle, he is cooler than that loser Leonardo, the lazy Michaelangelo, and almost as cool as Donatello Likes red Likes sais Can be a jerk sometime The painter may have been the first bro

(that last name is too long to keep typing)

You all have seen this painting (its called Little Angels) Raphael painted it

This is called The School of Athens Check out the detail!

This is Jesus in a painting called Christ Blessing While I dont think Jesus was white, this is an excellent painting (I dont think Jesus had abs like those, but hey, he IS the son of God, so whatever)

Nudity in art was seen as celebrating the human form Tell that to your parents next time they find those magazines under your bed


The Three Graces

oops Why hello there



Portrait of a Young Woman

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