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Principles of Tourism


Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business, and other purposes. WTO

Basic Forms of Tourism

Domestic tourism residents of the country travel within this country Inbound tourism - non-residents travel in the given country

Outbound tourism residents travel to another country.

Categories of Tourism
Internal tourism which will comprise domestic and inbound tourism National tourism comprises domestic and outbound tourism

International tourism consisting of inbound and outbound tourism.

Tourist- temporary visitors staying at least 24 hours whose purpose can be leisure, business, family, mission and meeting Excursionist- temporary visitors staying less than 24 hours in the destination visited and not making an overnight stay

Elements of Travel
Distance Length of stay at destination Residence of the traveler Purpose of travel

Characteristics of Tourism
In Tourism, the product is not brought to the consumer; rather , the consumer has to travel and go to the product to purchase it.

The product of tourism are not used up; they do not exhaust the countrys natural resources Tourism is a labor intensive industry.

Operating Sectors of the Tourism Industry

Transportation Accommodation Food Services Attractions Travel trade sector

Attractions facilities developed especially to provide residents and visitors with entertainment, activity learning, socializing, and other forms of stimulation that make a region or destination a desirable and enjoyable place. Classification of Attractions: Cultural Natural Events Recreation entertainment

Travel Trade Sector composed of the retail travel agent and tour operators, who are considered as the link between the other sectors and the tourists.

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