Cloud Seeding

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By: Xavier Vigneswaran Thomas Reuben Joseph S.Kanthasamy

What is Cloud Seeding

Cloud seeding, a form of intentional weather modification, is the attempt to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds, by dispersing substances into the air that serve as cloud condensation or ice nuclei, which alter the microphysical processes within the cloud. The usual intent is to increase precipitation (rain or snow), but hail and fog suppression are also widely practiced in airports.

The Effectiveness of Cloud Seeding

Referring to the 1903, 1915, 1919 and 1944 and 1947 weather modification experiments, the Australian Federation of Meteorology discounted "rain making." By the 1950s the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics switched to investigating the physics of clouds and had hoped by 1957 to better understand these processes. By the 1960s the dreams of weather making had faded only to be re-ignited post-corporatisation of the snowy Mountains Scheme in order to achieve "above target" water. This would provide enhanced energy generation and profits to the public agencies who are the principal owners. Cloud seeding has been shown to be effective in altering cloud structure and size and in converting supercooled liquid water to ice particles. The amount of precipitation due to seeding is difficult to quantify. Cloud seeding may also suppress precipitation A key challenge is in discerning how much precipitation would have occurred had clouds not been seeded. Overall, there is general expectation that winter cloud seeding over mountains will produce snow, expressed by professional organizations. There is statistical evidence for seasonal precipitation increases of about 10% with winter seeding.

The US government through its National Center for Atmospheric Researchhas analyzed seeded and unseeded clouds to understand the differences between them, and has conducted seeding research in other countries.
Clouds were seeded during the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing using rockets, so that there would be no rain during the opening and closing ceremonies. although others dispute their claims of success.

The Purpose of Cloud Seeding

a) to increase the water suppy for
Domestic purpose


The Purpose of Cloud Seeding

a) to increase the water suppy for
- Hyroelectric Power Stations

- To be consume by people

The Purpose of Cloud Seeding

b) To Reduce the Effect of Haze.

Type of chemical used for cloud seeding

Sodium Chloride ( common in malaysia )

Silver Iodide ( Dry Ice )

Cloud Seeding Operation 2010

Operation 1) Operation Purpose: To overcome the problem of water supply at catachment area of Empangan Sembrong, Sembrong Timur and Empangan Bekok Date: 12/3 14/3/2010, 23/3 26/3/2010, 31/3 5/4/2010, 8/4 11/4/2010, 2/6 4/6/2010, 24/6 25/6/2010, 27/6 30/6/2010 Base: Batu Berendam International Airport , Malacca Flight type: Cessna N98560 (340A) Seeding Area: Catchment area of Empangan Sembrong, Sembrong Timur dan Empangan Bekok 2) Operation Purpose: To overcome the water supply at catchment area of Empangan Muda, Empangan Pedu and Empangan Ahning Date: 4/6/2010, 15/6 19/6/2010 Base: Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Bayan Lepas Flight type: Cessna N98560 (340A) Seeding Area: Catchment area of Empangan Muda, Empangan Pedu and Empangan Ahning 3) Operation Purpose: To overcome the problems of Haze at Muar and Batu Pahat District , Johor Date: 20/6 22/6/2010 Base: Batu Berendam International Airport , Malacca Flight type: Cessna N98560 (340A) Seeding Area : Muar and Batu Pahat District , Johor Overall at year 2010 Total No. of Days of Flight 26


Type of Transpotation
Private aircraft ( skyvan SC 7 )

TUDM aircraft ( C-130H)

Other Cloud Seeding Methods

Ground Generators


For More Information , refer to

Meteorology Department of Malaysia Ministry of Science , Technology and Innovation ( mosti ) Jalan Sultan , 46667 Petaling Jaya , Selangor

Telephone : 03-7967 8000

Fax : 03-7955 0964 E-mail : Website :

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