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Strategic Management Concepts & Cases

Fred R. David
8th edition

Chapter 1: The Nature of Strategic Management

PowerPoint Slides By: Anthony F. Chelte Western New England College

Ch. 1-1 2001 Prentice Hall

Organizing Themes
Global considerations impact virtually all strategic decisions. E-commerce has become a vital strategic management tool. The natural environment has become an important strategic issue.
Ch. 1-2 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic Management Defined

Art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating crossfunctional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives.

Ch. 1-3 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic Management Club

Visit and join the club on-line:

Ch. 1-4 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic Management Synonymous with Strategic Planning
Strategic management
Used more often in academia

Strategic planning
Used more often in the business world
Ch. 1-5 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic management
Refers to:
Strategy formulation Strategy implementation Strategy evaluation

Strategic planning
Refers to:
Strategy formulation
Ch. 1-6 2001 Prentice Hall

Brief History
Term strategic planning originates

1960s 1970s Strategic planning very popular

Widely viewed as panacea for problems

Ch. 1-7 2001 Prentice Hall

Brief History
Strategic planning cast aside
Planning models did not yield higher returns

Revival of strategic planning
Widely practiced in business world

Ch. 1-8 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic-Management Process Three Stages

Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation Strategy Evaluation
Ch. 1-9 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategy Formulation
Vision & Mission Opportunities & Threats Strengths & Weaknesses Long-Term Objectives Alternative Strategies Strategy Selection
Ch. 1-10 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategy Implementation

Annual Objectives


Motivate Employees

Resource Allocation
Ch. 1-11 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategy Evaluation

Review External & Internal

Measure Performance

Corrective Action

Ch. 1-12 2001 Prentice Hall

Key Strategic Management Terms (Contd)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Strategists Vision statements Mission statements External opportunities and threats Internal strengths and weaknesses

Ch. 1-13 2001 Prentice Hall

Key Strategic Management Terms (Contd)

6. 7. 8. 9. Long-term objectives Strategies Annual objectives Policies

Ch. 1-14 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic Management Terms (Contd)

Usually found in high levels of management


Help organization gather, analyze, and organize information Track industry and competitive trends

Develop forecasting model

Evaluate corporate and divisional performance
Ch. 1-15 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic Management Terms (Contd)

Vision Statements
Answers the question: What do we want to


First step in strategic planning Oftentimes a single sentence

Our vision is to take care of your vision. (Stokes Eye Clinic, Florence, South Carolina)
Ch. 1-16 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic Management Terms (Contd)

External Opportunities & Threats
Largely beyond the control of a single organization

Economic Social Cultural Demographic Environmental

Ch. 1-17 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic Management Terms (Contd)

External Opportunities & Threats (contd) Political Governmental Technological Competitive trends & events

Ch. 1-18 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic Management Terms (Contd)

Internal Strengths & Weaknesses
Controllable activities that are performed

well or poorly relative to competitors

Based on functional analysis of activities in the firms: Management Marketing Finance/accounting

Ch. 1-19 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic Management Terms (Contd)

Internal Strengths & Weaknesses (Contd)
Based on functional analysis of activities in the firms:
Production/operations Research and development Computer information systems

Organizations strive to pursue strategies that capitalize on strengths and improve weaknesses
Ch. 1-20 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic Management Terms (Contd)

Long-Term Objectives
Results to be achieved in pursuing the

organizations mission. Time frame is beyond one year.

State direction Aid in evaluation Create synergy Reveal priorities Focus coordination Provide basis for effective management
Ch. 1-21 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic Management Terms (Contd)

Potential actions that require top

management decisions and large amounts of firms resources

Geographic expansion Diversification Acquisition Product development
Ch. 1-22 2001 Prentice Hall

Mechanisms by which long-term objectives are realized

Strategic Management Terms (Contd)

Strategies (contd)
Mechanisms by which long-term objectives are


Market penetration Retrenchment Divestiture Liquidation Joint venture

Ch. 1-23 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic Management Terms (Contd)

Annual Objectives
Short-term milestones necessary to

achieve long-term objectives.

Represent the basis for allocating resources Established at corporate, divisional, and functional levels

Ch. 1-24 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic Management Terms (Contd)

Annual Objectives (contd)
Stated in terms of accomplishments for: management marketing finance/accounting production/operations research and development information systems accomplishments
Ch. 1-25 2001 Prentice Hall

Strategic Management Terms (Contd)

Important in strategy implementation as the

means by which annual objectives will be achieved

Guide to decision making and address repetitive situations Established at corporate, divisional, or functional levels Allow consistency & coordination within and between organizational departments

Ch. 1-26 2001 Prentice Hall

Comprehensive Strategic Management Model

External Audit

Chapter 3

Long-Term Objectives Vision & Mission Statements

Generate, Evaluate, Select Strategies

Implement Strategies: Mgmt Issues

Implement Strategies: Marketing, Fin/Acct, R&D, CIS

Measure & Evaluate Performance

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 2
Internal Audit

Chapter 4

Ch. 1-27 2001 Prentice Hall

Benefits of Strategic Management

Proactive vs. Reactive
Initiate and influence activities
Helps shape firms own future

Principal Benefit
Formulate better strategies
Systematic, logical, and rational approach

Key to successful strategic management
Ch. 1-28 2001 Prentice Hall

Benefits of Strategic Management (Contd)

Financial Benefits
More profitable and successful Improvements in sales, profitability, and productivity High-Performing Firms
Systematic planning
Fluctuations in external and internal environments
Ch. 1-29 2001 Prentice Hall

Benefits of Strategic Management (Contd)

Nonfinancial Benefits
Enhanced awareness of external threats Understanding of competitors strategies Increased employee productivity Reduced resistance to change Clear performance-reward relationships Order and discipline to the firm View change as opportunity
Ch. 1-30 2001 Prentice Hall

Why Some Firms Do No Strategic Planning

Poor reward structures Fire-fighting Waste of time Too expensive Laziness Content with success

Ch. 1-31 2001 Prentice Hall

Why Some Firms Do No Strategic Planning (Contd)

Fear of failure Overconfidence Prior bad experience Self-interest Fear of the unknown Suspicion

Ch. 1-32 2001 Prentice Hall

Pitfalls to Avoid in Strategic Planning

Using to gain control over decisions & resources Doing only to satisfy regulatory requirements Moving hastily from mission to strategy formulation Failing to communicate to employees Intuitive decisions that conflict with formal plan Top management not supportive of process
Ch. 1-33 2001 Prentice Hall

Pitfalls to Avoid in Strategic Planning (Contd)

Failing to use as standard for performance measurement Delegating to a planner vs. involvement of managers Failing to involve key personnel Failing to create collaborative environment Formality that stifles creativity and flexibility
Ch. 1-34 2001 Prentice Hall

Business Ethics & Strategic Planning

Principles of conduct within organizations that guide decision making and behavior

Good business ethics is a prerequisite for good strategic management Good ethics is just good business!
Ch. 1-35 2001 Prentice Hall

Business Ethics & Strategic Planning (Contd)

Strategists responsible for high ethical principles All strategic processes have ethical ramifications Formal codes of ethics are in place for many businesses Internet privacy emerging as ethical issue of immense proportions
Ch. 1-36 2001 Prentice Hall

Business Ethics & Strategic Planning (Contd)

Business actions always unethical include:
Misleading advertising Misleading labeling Environmental harm Poor product or service safety Padding expense accounts Insider trading Dumping flawed products on foreign markets
Ch. 1-37 2001 Prentice Hall

Nature of Global Competition

Companies conduct business across borders
International or multinational corporations
Parent company Host country

Strategy implementation more difficult

Cultural differences
Norms, values, work ethics
Ch. 1-38 2001 Prentice Hall

Advantages of International Operations

Absorb excess capacity Reduce unit costs Low-cost production facilities Lower labor costs Competition less intense

Ch. 1-39 2001 Prentice Hall

Advantages of International Operations (Contd)

Reduced tariffs, lower taxes Favorable political climate Economies of scale

Ch. 1-40 2001 Prentice Hall

Disadvantages of International Operations

Communication difficulties between parent and subsidiaries
Based on cultural, political, social, language, demographic, and competitive forces

Foreign-based competitors
Strengths underestimated Weaknesses overestimated
Ch. 1-41 2001 Prentice Hall

Key Terms & Concepts

Annual objectives Business ethics Code of ethics E-commerce Empowerment Environmental scanning External opportunities External threats Internal strengths Internal weaknesses Intuition Long-term objectives Mission statements Policies Strategic management Strategic-management model

Ch. 1-42 2001 Prentice Hall

Key Terms & Concepts (Contd)

Strategic-management process Strategies Strategists Strategy evaluation Strategy formulation Strategy implementation Lobbying Vision statement Vision Host country International firms Long-range planning Multinational corporation

Ch. 1-43 2001 Prentice Hall

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