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Transfer of Learning


E xcel l ence

Presented By:
Tanveer Ahmad Lone

What is Transfer of Learning?

Transfer of learning is Students independently apply knowledge and skills to similar but new information Teaching for transfer is one of the seldom-specified but most important goals in education. We want students to gain knowledge and skills that they can use both in school and outside of school, immediately and in the future.

Learning of mathematics helps in solving the numerical problem in Physics Learning of mathematics helps in Shopping

Crow and Crow express it in the following words:The carry-over of habits of thinking, feling, working, of knowledge or of skills, from one learning area to another usually is refered to as the tranfer of training .

Sorenson also takes the same stand is :Transfer refers to the transfer of knowledge, trainig and habits acquired in one situation to another situation.

Types of Transfer
Positive transfer
A situation in which prior learning aids subsequent

learning. Negative transfer A situation in which prior learning interferes with subsequent learning Zero transfer A situation in which prior learning has no effect on new learning

Types of Transfer
Specific transfer
Situation in which prior learning aids subsequent learning because of specific similarities between two tasks.

General transfer
Situation in which prior learning aids subsequent learning due to the use of similar cognitive strategies.

Types of Transfer
Near transfer
Knowledge domains are highly similar, the settings in which the original learning and transfer tasks occur are basically the same, and the elapsed time between the two tasks isrelatively short.

Far transfer
Knowledge domains and settings are judged to be dissimilar and the time between the original learning and transfer tasks is relatively long.

Transfer Learning Theories

Theory of Mental Discipline (Faculaty theory). Theory of Identical Elements.

The Theory of Generalization.

Theory of Idea.

Transfer Learning Theories

Theory of Mental Discipline (Faculaty theory).
-It is the oldest of all transfer thories and this theory was firstly challenged by William James. -This theory blieves that the mind is composed of so many independent faculaties like memory, attention, imagination, reasoning and judgement etc. -These faculties according to this theory are nothing but the muscles of the mind and like muscles of body can be strengthened or improved through exercise(practice and use).

Transfer Learning Theories

Theory of Identical Elements.
-The chief profounder of this identical elements in transfer of training was Thorndike later on Woodworth supported this theory and used Word component in place of elements there fore this is also named as Theory of identical components. -This theory maintains that the transfer from one situation to another is possible to extend that there are common or identical elements in the situation. e.g There is a possibility of transfer from the field of Mathematics to the field of Physics to extent that there are common elements like symbols, formullae, equations, numerical calculation etc.

Transfer Learning Theories

Theory of Generalization.
-This theory has been put forth by Charles Judd. -Generalization is a principle, law or rule which can be easily transfered to other situations. -According to this theory as Crows and Crow put it.

The development of special skills the mastery of specific facts,the achieving of perticular habits or attitudes in one situation have little transfer value unless the skills facts,habits ate systematized and related to situations in which they can be utilized.

Transfer Learning Theories

Theory of Ideals.
-This theory was put forwared by W.C.Bagley.
-There are two experiments on transfer of neatness which support Baggleys assertion. 1).In the first experiment emphasized neatness in the preparation of arithmetic paper by pupils in the third grade. -Nothing was said about neatness in the rest of the school subjects. -Language and spelling paper were then compared with arithmetic papers for improvement in neatness . -Arithmetic paper shows clear proof of neatness than the language and spelling paper.

Transfer Learning Theories

2).In other investigation the experimenter insisted upon neatness in all papers and the children were told the adventage of neatness in other respects of life inside and outside the school. -The result showed an overall improvement in neatness in all subjects . -In this way the theory of ideals emphasizes that the ideals like love for wisdom, thirst for knowledge, tolerance for differnce of opinions, spirit of enquiry etc are tranferable from one situation to another and therefore every attempt should be made to develop desirable ideals among the children.

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