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4 th Comenius Project Meeting March 19, 2012

Education in Hungary
Before starting primary school, children may go to crche. When they are 3 years old, they go to nursery school. Our brand new crche is run by the local government. The nursery school is operated by the Roman Catholic Church.

Education in Hungary
Education is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 16. Primary school consists of 8 years, divided into 2 sections:

lower primary (the first four years) upper primary (from Years 5 to 8).

Education in Hungary
Lower primary teachers are class teachers, teaching most of the subjects. Upper primary teachers are usually specialised in 2 or 3 subject areas. From the age of 15, students continue their studies at different types of secondary schools.

Education in Hungary
The school academic year runs from September to mid-June. Schools generally have two semesters. Religious holidays (Christmas and Easter) are times of longer school breaks.

Two Schools in One Building

2011/2012: Saint Emeric Catholic Primary School

2011/2012: Kroly Ks Art School

Saint Emeric Catholic Primary School

Our school was named after Saint Emeric, who was the son of Saint Stephen, the first king of Hungary. He lived his short life with remarkable self-control. He lived a pure life, morally and physically. He is universally considered as the patron of youth.

Saint Emeric Catholic Primary School

The logo of our school refers to united diversity. We are different, with various talents and values. Each colour has a meaning: green renewal red love yellow hope orange energy blue peace purple knowledge

Saint Emeric Catholic Primary School

Our school has got 223 students and 26 teachers. The head teacher is Mr. Pter Plmai. We go to school from Monday to Friday. School starts at 8 and finishes at about 1 pm. Students generally have 4 to 6 lessons a day. In the afternoon, children can participate in study circles.

Saint Emeric Catholic Primary School

Two foreign languages are taught: English and German. Students start learning a second language at the age of ten. They might choose to learn another foreign language as well (English, German or French) in the afternoon classes.

Saint Emeric Catholic Primary School

We can proudly say that we have been involved in international projects for several years.

Saint Emeric Catholic Primary School

We also try to do our best in other subjects, for example Maths, Hungarian, Sports or Chemistry. We participate in many contests.

Saint Emeric Catholic Primary School

A lot of programmes enrich our life throughout the academic year:
September: the Opening Ceremony and Mess, the Out of School Hive; October: the Week of Health and St. Emeric Day; December: Santa Party and Christmas Ceremony;

Saint Emeric Catholic Primary School

A lot of programmes enrich our life throughout the academic year:
February: the Week of Marriage and the poem and storytelling competition; April: the School Charity Ball; June: field trips, the School Leaving Ceremony, the Closing Ceremony and Mess.

Saint Emeric Catholic Primary School

We have commemorations on our national holidays:
15 March: The Hungarian Revolution of 1848 6 October: Memorial Day for the Martyrs of Arad 23 October: The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 4 June: Day of National Unity

Kroly Ks Art School

Kroly Ks was a Hungarian architect, writer, illustrator, ethnologist and politician of Austria-Hungary and Romania. Many famous buildings were designed by him, for example the Bird House in Budapest Zoo and the Church of Zebegny.

Kroly Ks Art School

Art education was founded 15 years ago. From this academic year, the head teacher of the art school is Ms. Gabriella Farag. To maintain traditions, students can still attend classes in different fields of art: music, arts and crafts, dance.

Kroly Ks Art School

The art school regularly gives performances both on village and school events or ceremonies. It is a key element in education taking into consideration the transmission of values and culture.

Thank you for your attention.

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