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Whistle-blowing In An Organization Pros and cons

Introduction Types Characteristics Areas of Whistle Blowing Effects of Whistle Blowing Risk Involved Pros and Cons Conclusion

Whistle blowing is

Raising concerns about misconduct within an organization or within an independent structure associated with it'
(Nolan Committee on Standards in Public Life)

Bringing an activity to a sharp conclusion as if by the blast of a whistle'

(Oxford English Dictionary)

(Chambers Dictionary)

Types Of Whistle Blowing

Internal Whistle Blowing The one who reports misconduct on his/her fellow employees or superiors within the company. Personal Whistle Blowing It is blowing the whistle on the offender, here the charge is not against the organization or system but against one individual.

External Whistle Blowing The one who reports misconduct on outside persons or entities.

Characteristics of a Whistleblower
Altruistically Motivated Utilitarian Uninterested in Altering Their Behavior Allows Own Attitudes and Beliefs to Guide Them Often are Well Educated and Holds Professional Positions

Areas Of whistle blowing

Whistleblowers may make their allegations

Areas Of whistle blowing

The Subjects of Concern

Effects of Whistle-Blowing
Forced to leave organization/demotion Credibility ruined Family, health, and/or life in jeopardy Outrage and divisiveness of people directly or indirectly involved. Physical or psychological isolation Organization experiences loss of money, restitution, productivity, and positive reputations. Incarceration

When to Blow the Whistle

Knowledge of inappropriateness

Making proprietary software available to public Back door/booby-trap in code Embezzlement or redirection of funds

Bad claims

Unrealistic date projection Advertising hype

Knowledge of impending doom

How to Blow the Whistle

Do it anonymously

let the evidence speak for itself and protect yourself if possible charges have more weight and wont seem like a personal vendetta. leave interpretation of facts to others. start with your immediate supervisor or follow the standard reporting procedure go public (biggest risk)

Do it in a group

Present just the evidence

Work through internal channels

Work through external channels

Risks involved in the process


Pros & Cons


Moral Responsibility Makes you a person of Integrity It will help the company


Public Safety

Retaliation Conflicts of interests Diminishes trust in the work place Risk to personal safety

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Here, whistleblower may have to risk dismissal and have to bring a claim against dismissal in the court of law which may take years to be heard. There are also no incentives provided at the moment, it is left to be seen if employees will nevertheless choose to make such disclosure out of moral obligation or to do it as their conscience dictates .

The End

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