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Research Methodology

It is defined as "the analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline"; "the systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have been applied within a discipline"; or "a particular procedure or set of procedures."
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Research Methodology refers to more than a simple set of methods; rather it refers to the rationale and the philosophical assumptions that underlie a particular study. This is why scholarly literature often includes a section on the methodology of the researchers. This section does more than outline the researchers methods (as in, We conducted a survey of 50 people over a two-week period and subjected the results to statistical analysis, etc.); it might explain what the researchers ontological or epistemological views
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Research is defined as human activity based on intellectual application in the investigation of matter. The primary aim for applied research is discovering, interpreting, and the development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe. Research can use the scientific method, but need not do so. Scientific research relies on the application of the scientific method, a harnessing of curiosity. This research provides scientific information and theories for the explanation of the nature and the properties of the world around us. It makes practical applications possible. Scientific research is funded by public authorities, by charitable organisations and by private groups, including many companies. Scientific research can be subdivided into different classifications according to their academic and application disciplines.

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Research Problem

A research problem is the situation that causes the researcher to feel apprehensive, confused and ill at ease. It is the demarcation of a problem area within a certain context involving the WHO or WHAT, the WHERE, the WHEN and the WHY of the problem situation. There are many problem situations that may give rise to research. Three sources usually contribute to problem identification. Own experience or the experience of others may be a source of problem supply. A second source could be scientific literature. You may read about certain findings and notice that a certain field was not covered. This could lead to a research problem. Theories could be a third source. Shortcomings in theories could be researched.

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Research Problem

Research can thus be aimed at clarifying or substantiating an existing theory, at clarifying contradictory findings, at correcting a faulty methodology, at correcting the inadequate or unsuitable use of statistical techniques, at reconciling conflicting opinions, or at solving existing practical problems.

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The prospective researcher should think on what caused the need to do the research (problem identification). The question that he/she should ask is: Are there questions about this problem to which answers have not been found up to the present? Research originates from a need that arises. A clear distinction between the PROBLEM and the PURPOSE should be made. The problem is the aspect the researcher worries about, think about, wants to find a solution for. The purpose is to solve the problem, i.e. find answers to the question(s). If there is no clear problem formulation, the purpose and methods are meaningless.

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Keep the following in mind: Outline the general context of the problem area. Highlight key theories, concepts and ideas current in this area. What appear to be some of the underlying assumptions of this area? Why are these issues identified important? What needs to be solved? Read round the area (subject) to get to know the background and to identify unanswered questions or controversies, and/or to identify the most significant issues for further exploration.

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The research problem should be stated in such a way that it would lead to analytical thinking on the part of the researcher with the aim of possible concluding solutions to the stated problem. Research problems can be stated in the form of either questions or statements. The research problem should always be formulated grammatically correct and as completely as possible. You should bear in mind the wording (expressions) you use. Avoid meaningless words. There should be no doubt in the mind of the reader what your intentions are. Demarcating the research field into manageable parts by dividing the main problem into sub problems is of the utmost importance.

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Basic steps of a research project

Find a topicWhat, When Formulate questionsWhat, Why Define populationWho, When Select design & measurementHow Gather evidenceHow Interpret evidenceWhy Tell about what you did and found out
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Types of methodologies

QuaLitative Measures
Descriptive Numbers not the primary focus Interpretive, ethnographic, naturalistic

QuaNtitative Measures
N for numbers Statistical Quantifiable

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A report is a communication of information or advice from a person who has collected and studied the facts, to a person who has asked for the report because they need it for a specific purpose.

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Reports are the most usual way of communicating the result of projects or investigations-for employers, governments, political organizations. They should be concise and have a specific structure.

Courses require report writing to give you practice at producing information in a relevant way for employment.

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A research report is:

a written document or oral presentation based on a written document that communicates the purpose, scope, objective(s), hypotheses, methodology, findings, limitations and finally, recommendations of a research project to others.
The last stage of a marketing research process.; It is more than a summary of findings; rather it is a record of the research process.

The researcher has to convince the client [and others who may read the report] that the research findings can be acted on for their own benefit.
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Any research report contains:

descriptions on methodology, results obtained, and recommendations made.

The basic orientation of a research report depends on its audience. Before writing the report

the researcher must know his or her audience; he/she may have to make assumptions about the composition, background and interests of the target readers.
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Problem Definition, Research Design and Methodology

Data Analysis

Pre-report Writing Activities

Interpretation of Research findings

Report Preparation

Report Writing Activities

Oral Presentattion


Reading of the Report by the client

Post Report Writing

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Purpose of Report

It is important to make sure your report fits the purpose and meets its aims.

Your audience
(who is your report for? What are the readers need and characteristics?

Your aim
(what end result do you want-to inform, persuade, recommend, will it lead to decision, or policies)

Your topic and focus

(what is the main subject area and which particular aspect/issue will you cover)

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Types of Research Reports

Technical Reports: Technical reports are today a major source of scientific and technical information. They are prepared for internal or wider distribution by many organizations, most of which lack the extensive editing and printing facilities of commercial publishers. Technical reports are often prepared for sponsors of research projects. Another case where a technical report may be produced is when more information is produced for an academic paper than is acceptable or feasible to publish in a peer-reviewed publication; examples of this include indepth experimental details, additional results, or the architecture of a computer model.
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Other Types of research reports

1. 2.

4. 5.

Popular Report Interim Report Summary Report Research Abstract Research Articles

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Title page II. Letter of transmittal III. Table of contents IV. List of tables V. List of graphs VI. List of appendices VII. List of exhibits VIII. Executive summary
I. a. Major findings b. Conclusions c. Recommendations


Research design
a. Type of research design b. Information needs c. Data collection from secondary sources d. Data collection from primary sources e. Scaling techniques f. Questionnaire development and pretesting g. Sampling techniques

IX. Introduction

a. Background to the problem b. Statement of the problem

h. Field work XII. Data analysis a. Methodology

b. Plan of data analysis

X. Approach to the problem

XIII. Results XIV. Limitations and caveats XV. Conclusions and recommendations

XVI. Appendix a. Questionnaires and forms

b. Statistical output c. Lists

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The first step in the process involves..

the interpretation of the results of data analysis in light of:

the marketing research problem investigated, and the research design and methodology followed.

The research report is a means of communication that can be understood, believed, trusted by everyone who are likely to be affected by the research, and acted upon by the decision maker.
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Before writing the report

the researcher should discuss: the major findings, conclusions, and recommendations with the key decision makers.

necessary to ensure that the report meets the client's needs and is ultimately accepted. should be summarized in a single written report or in several reports addressed to different readers. should present the findings in such a way that they can be used directly as input into decision making.
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The entire marketing research project:

Report Format

No universally accepted standard format or style for research writing. Different researchers may prepare their reports differently.

The personality, background, expertise, and responsibility of the researcher and those of the decision maker for whom the report is written interact to give each report a unique character. Report formats are likely to vary with the nature of the project itself. However, the research report closely resembles the steps of the marketing research process.
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Report Writing

Effective report writing is an art. Some basic points to note in writing a report. Readers: The report should take into account the level of readers' technical sophistication, their interest in the project, ability to understand as well as the circumstances under which they will read the report and how they will use it.. Adherence to study objectives: A research report must show that the research objectives have been accomplished.. Easy to follow: The most basic characteristic of a good report is that it is easy to follow. It should be well organized, logically structured, and clearly and lucidly written. Headings and sub-headings should be used for different topics and subtopics respectively..

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Objective: Report writing should always be guided by objectivity. Should accurately present the methodology, results, and conclusions of the project, without slanting the findings to conform to the expectations of management. Selectivity: A researcher must use his or her discretion in deciding what should be included in the report. Concise: A report should be concise. Yet brevity should not be achieved at the expense of completeness. Presentation: The report should be professionally done with quality paper, good typing, and attractive binding. PCTI Limited - A Unique Name For Quality Education

Visual aids: Key information presented in the text of a research report should be reinforced with tables, graphs, pictures, maps, and other visual devices. Guidelines for Tables: Statistical tables are a vital part of the report and deserve special attention. Every table should have a number and brief but clear title. Basis or unit of measurement should be clearly stated to facilitate understanding. The arrangement of the data item should emphasize the most important aspect of the data being presented. If necessary, explanations, comments etc. should be provided as footnotes. If the table presents secondary data, the source(s) must be cited clearly. PCTI Limited - A Unique Name For Quality Education

Styles of Reporting

1. Appropriate language

Precise Concise Explain words/terms your reader may not understand Abbreviations should be written in full first with the abbreviation in brackets, after which the abbreviation can be used Short sentences
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2. Layout of a report presentation

Overall image: word processing Headings: use headings Numbering: numbering your sections and makes things clearer

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3. Use of images/visuals

To make something clearer rather than to pretty things up When something is difficult to describe in words or visual in nature To show how something works

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4. Editing

Purpose Have your clarified your purpose? Have you identified your readers needs/characteristics?

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5. Information

Have you included the main points? Are points supported by evidence? Is the information relevant to the purpose?

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6. Accuracy

Are there any spelling mistakes Is the grammar/punctuation correct? Do figures add up? Are the reference correct, in the text and at the end? Are the reference of information listed in the reference sections? Are abbreviations consistent?

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7. Format

Is there a balance between sections? Do the most important items take up the most space? Is the report easy to follow? Is it easy to find information in the report? Are headings and numbering clear? Are the arguments followed through? Is it logical/easy to follow?

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Is it clear? Direct, easy to read? Will the readers understand it? Will its tone help you achieve the purpose? Can unnecessary words/phrases be deleted? Is there any repetitions?

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Is the layout appealing? Does it highlight important points? Are images clear?

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10. evaluate and improve your report

Look at any assessment criteria to see how far it meets them Look at your aim to see if you have met them Use feedback

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