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Interview Success

Basics Module

Interviewing - What is it?

A structured meeting between you and an employer Interviewing is a skilllike riding your bicycle PRACTICE makes PERFECT 2

Interviewing is a two-way street

Employers are attempting to determine if you are an appropriate fit for the job and their culture You decide if the environment is right for you. 3

Types of Interviews
Phone: used as an initial screen of candidates or to narrow the pool of applicants One-on-One: most common interview style and incorporates you with the potential employer Panel or Group: allows many individuals to interview you at once Meal: used to see how you interact or function in a social setting Second or On-site Interview: this allows one to get a tour of the facility, meet the staff, and additional questioning from different employees and/or administration

Qualities Employers Seek

Good all-round intelligence Enthusiasm, commitment and motivation Good communication skills Team work ability Ability to solve problems Capacity to multi-task Initiative and self-reliance Balanced personality 5

Interview Score Card


Name Appearance/ Attitude

Problem solving Team fit Experience/ Education Communication skills Total marks

Your Score

Max Marks 10
20 20 20 30 100

Pre-Interview Preparation
Research position, company, & industry Know yourself, be thorough with your CV and be able to articulate skills, strengths, accomplishments, and career goals Prepare necessary materials (Copies of resume, references, portfolio/pen, palm pilot or organizer, breath mints) Conduct a dry run prior to your interview day to the interview premises Ask for directions and where to park 7


Take bath; eat breakfast; Be energetic Bring materials (copy of resume, photos, pen, certificates)
Arrive 10-15 minutes early at the site to allow you to park, walk to the interview, use the restroom, or just gather yourself 8

Greeting & Introduction

Only 1 chance to make a good 1st impression Dress appropriately Smile Maintain eye contact Firm handshake Remain poised and confident

Be Enthusiastic
The first minute is absolutely critical to your success.
Many interviewers will make a snap judgment about you good or bad and spend the rest of the interview validating the first impression. Most job candidates walk into the room, shake hands, and then meekly sit down to await the first question. This can make for a poor first impression. Certainly, you need to be comfortable with your own style, but be prepared with an attitude that this is your job to get, not the interviewers to give. Exhibit confidence, enthusiasm, and a high level of interest throughout the interview. Be yourself and do it your own way, but do it! 10

Non verbal Communication

Posture Eye contact Demeanor Enthusiasm Distractions LISTEN to questions Reflect the mood of the Interviewer


Body Language: What signals are you sending?

Positive Signals
Leaning forward = interest Smiling = friendly Nodding = attentive and alert Eye contact = curious and focused

Negative Signals
Crossed arms = defensive Fidgeting hands or tapping feet = nervous or bored Lack of eye contact = untrustworthy Leaning back= discomfort


Types of Interview Questions

Standard or traditionaltargeting your education, work experiences, and career goals
Sample Questions
Tell me about yourself? What is your greatest strength? Weakness? Why did you choose to interview with us? What did you like most about your last job? Least? What are your short and long term career goals?


Types of Interview Questions

Behavioural Questions -These focus on your actions and/or behaviors in a previous setting. - Past behavior provides clues to future behavior
Sample Questions
Tell me about a time you worked under a deadline? What do you do when a team member is not pulling his/her weight? Think about a time you made a mistake. What did you learn from it?


Types of Interview Questions

Situational Questions
What would you do if the work of a subordinate or team member is not up to expectations? The most important first step in dealing with an underperforming subordinate or team member is honest communications -- talking with the person can lead to some surprising discoveries, such as the person not understanding the assigned tasks to being overwhelmed with the assignment.

Cases scenarios
of day-to-day situations that arise

Answers measured against standards

Describe how you would handle the situation if you met resistance when introducing a new idea or policy to a team or work group. The best way to convince people is to be able to understand where they are coming from and address their questions and concerns about the new idea directly. It is also important to stay 15 confident and believe in yourself because if

Types of Interview Questions

Questions to be asked by the candidate To determine if you are an appropriate fit for the company and position, prepare a list of questions for the interviewer
Sample Questions
What type of assignments can I expect within the first year? What type of people excel here? What do you like most about this company? What is the biggest challenge facing this department right now? What skills are you looking for in this position? What is the next course of action?


Telephone Interview
Preparation - Have a pad, pen, and a copy of your resume near the phone. Use a phone in a quiet area. Avoid any background noise. Also avoid using a cordless phone, because they tend to transmit poorly. Speaking Smile and be enthusiastic. Your enthusiasm will reflect in your voice. Speak in a conversational manner, and be sure to speak loudly enough to be heard. Speak with some inflection and tone. Let the interviewer do most of the talking. When s/he asks you a question, expound upon the answer. Use the opportunity to sell your skills and experience. When the interview is over, let her/him know that you are very interested in scheduling a personal interview at her/his place of business. 17

General Tips
-Be prepared to talk about yourself and your

experiences -Master the art of storytelling

SOAR- (Situation, Obstacle, Action, & Result)

-Provide specific and concrete examples of your results/accomplishments -Remain positive, enthusiastic, poised, and confident throughout the interview process 18

General Tips
Remember an interview is a formal conversation-avoid filler words like Um, Ah, & You know Avoid indecisive phrases like: I think, I guess, probably, or pretty good Think before speaking Avoid long verbose answers--limit your response to 1-2 minutes If you do not hear or understand a question, ask them to repeat or clarify it for you 19

General Tips
Remain calm, relaxed, and be yourself Try to focus on the message you are trying to convey-NOT how well you are doing! 20

Dressing for Success - Men

Suit-Single or double breasted Polished shoes Solid white shirt Conservative tie Neatly groomed hair, beard, and mustache Avoid strong colognes, earrings, and body piercing 21

Dressing for Success - Men


Dressing for Success-Women

Pant/ Skirt suit/ Smart Churidhar Pumps with small to medium heels Light makeup, perfume, and jewelry Wear neutral color hosiery 23

Ask good questions
Thank the interviewer Request a business card Inquire about next steps in the process


Send a thank you note within 24 hours Letter may be handwritten or typed; e-mail is also acceptable Tailor each one to the individual. 25

Final Thoughts
Remember that only 15% of an interview is out of your control Practice! Practice! Practice! Get a good nights sleep - be well rested and alert for the interview Be relaxed and be yourself! Take some time to reflect - Overall, how well did I do? - What went well? - What steps can I take next time to improve? 26

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