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Chapter 1 : The Production Process

In this chapter we will discuss:

Overview of the production process The effect-to-cause production model
Model that gives guideline for completing a video project

The video production Team Types of video TV commercial, video corporate, documentaries, and training video

Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Overview of the production process
Creating an outstanding video may require a lot of effort along the production process. The person who normally involved in all production processes is the producer. Video producers are responsible to ensure every activity in the production process run smoothly. The variety type of activities that the producer involved during the production process can be divided into three category: Preproduction - activities before production Production - actual activities during production Postproduction - activities after production

Chapter 1 : The Production Process


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

The Effect-to-Cause Production Model
Like any other applications and software development project, a video project also required a conceptual model as a guideline to pursue the targeted mission. For the purpose of this chapter, The Effect-to-Cause Production Model proposed by Zettle (2007) was selected as the model to be followed. This model is based on the realization that the only message that actually counts is the one that perceived by the viewer; not the one that start. Producers must works towards what his viewers want and generate his idea accordingly.


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

The Effect-to-Cause Production Model
Stages that involved in the model in order to create a complete video project are:
Basic idea Defined the desired effect Determined the medium requirement to generate the desired effect Create Script Conduct the actual process towards the production Evaluation Next slide present the graphical view of the model **


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Move directly from the basic idea to determine the desired effect
Basic idea Medium requirement Content element Production element People Cause Preproduction Production Post Production Cause Defined what the viewer needs Desired effect

Determine what medium requirement are necessary to generate the desired effect
Desired effect

Take the actual process message through the production phase

Actual process During production

Real effect

Degree of Success ??

Chapter 1 : The Production Process

The Effect-to-Cause Production Model



Chapter 1 : The Production Process

In this stage, each team members must think creatively about relevant idea for the project. Shooting video in certain location before deciding what is needed could be wasteful. Idea generating technique such as brainstorming could be helpful during this stage. The initial production idea is usually vague and rarely concise to serve the production process; however this way of thinking is perfectly normal.

Team members can review back the listed idea and determine which one should be selected.

Chapter 1 : The Production Process

The Effect-to-Cause Production Model



Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Producer must ensure that the idea he want to imply in the project has an impact to viewers. He should define the desired effect precisely so that viewers can learn, feel or influence after watching the video. At most of learning tasks, specific objectives are usually more effective rather than general one, and small steps are more easily to manage by learner than larger one. Next slide presents example of general and specific desired effect.**


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

General desired effect
This effect is too broad and it might require several program series about road traffic sign (which is a lot) rather than a single one in order to alert thw car drivers obeying the traffic sign.

to persuade car drivers to obey the road traffic sign.

Specific desired effect

to persuade car drivers to obey the one way street sign.

This effect is more precise i.e. concentration only to the traffic rules when using one way street. A single program might seem enough to discipline the car drivers for that matter.

Chapter 1 : The Production Process

The Effect-to-Cause Production Model



Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Determined The Medium Requirement To Generate The Desired Effect

Once the idea is finalize, the production to turn it up into reality is proceeded. This translation step will involve various medium requirement such as content elements (defined effect, audience analysis, script), equipments (camera, lighting, sound equipment, etc.), and people. Selecting these various medium requirement requires a detail knowledge to accomplish the production process.


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Determined The Medium Requirement To Generate The Desired Effect

TARGET AUDIENCE Producers must know exactly who are his target audiences so that it will be much easier to decide on what to show and how to show it in order to fulfill the desired effect. Research and survey can be done in order to gather specific information about the target audience. Information such as demographic profile, audience lifestyle, when the target audience will see the program, etc. are extremely important when designing a program during the production process. The more producer know about the target audience, the easier it will be to translate the desired effect.


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Determined The Medium Requirement To Generate The Desired Effect

CONTENT In order to produce a good result based on the desired effect, producer must have clear contents about what he want to do. For example, if he want to show good and bad driving habits, he need to be out on the street in traffic. Shooting drivers disobeying road traffic and those who obey the rule properly can provide him better content about what he want to do in the program. Having such kind of content can lead him to write the program script easier.


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Determined The Medium Requirement To Generate The Desired Effect

EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES Suitable equipment for shooting the video is important so that the translation process can be conducted without problem. They are special equipment to shoot video in in a studio, while shooting video outdoor might require more attention.


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Determined The Medium Requirement To Generate The Desired Effect

PEOPLE People perhaps become the most important requirement that any production should has. This requirement could range from producers (the most important person), director, narrator down to production crew. Those who involved in production process will be explained more on the next subtopic of this chapter.

Chapter 1 : The Production Process

The Effect-to-Cause Production Model



Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Script is an important document that interprets the show idea into what the viewers should see and hear when watching the video. The script is similar to a recipe that list the major ingredients of the video production and how the requirement elements must be mixed to get the desired result. Information gathered during audience and content analysis can be helpful in writing a good script. When writing the script, consideration must be focus on two major factor; money and time.


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Money and time are critical to most of the job in the world, not only to script process. Hence, when writing script for a video project, we must ensure the script can be translated into a result that within the budget and allocated time. The script writing process, format, and guideline will be explained more in Chapter 4.

Chapter 1 : The Production Process

The Effect-to-Cause Production Model



Chapter 1 : The Production Process

CONDUCT THE ACTUAL PROCESS TOWARDS THE PRODUCTION During this stage, everything that already planned are totally converted into the end product. The product will be delivered to the audience after they have gone through 3 major production processes (preproduction, production, and postproduction). At this stage, the closer the actual (or real) effect as compared to the defined desire effect, the more successful the production is.

Chapter 1 : The Production Process

The Effect-to-Cause Production Model



Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Evaluation in production process is a phase that normally producers used to assess their outcome. There are two type of evaluation techniques that can be used to evaluate the result:

Formative evaluation Summative evaluation

These kind of evaluation can permits producers to have more precise result of what they have already produced.


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Formative evaluation is the evaluation of each production phase while the production is in progress. Producers normally will check every major phase during the production and see whether he can proceed to the next step or need to back up to improve the previous one. Producers must has close contact to his production team to ensure every phase in the production process successful.


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Summative evaluation is the final evaluation of the finished production and its actual effect on the audience. This kind of evaluation required the producer to look at the finished production as objectively as possible and evaluate it in the context of the dined desired effect that already stated before. The close the actual and defined effect match, the more successful the production is.

Chapter 1 : The Production Process



Chapter 1 : The Production Process

The Video Production Team
Creating a professional video production required the involvement of groups of people before the end product could be completed. Usually, the team will be divided into three groups; preproduction, production and postproduction team.

Some production people are involved in only one of the phases; others may be involved in all of the them.
Each assigned team should clearly knew what exactly their responsibility hence their job will be much easier. Next slide will elaborate more the job of each teams.

Chapter 1 : The Production Process

The Video Production Team



Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Preproduction Team
This team includes people primarily involved with the planning of the production process. Their main responsible are to develop the idea for the video and plan its production so that the translation process of idea to pictures and sound is as efficient as possible. The people normally involved in this initial idea-generating phase are producer, writer, director, scene designer or art director, and sometimes the technical supervisor or technical director. Often specific show ideas are the product of several people brainstorming together .


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Preproduction Team- Producer
Producers are the one who will states the specific purpose of the show and prepared a budget for the entire production once the general idea is born. Once the necessary funding is prepared, he will decide on how to coordinate production personnel, equipments, and production activities. Producer also will come up with a production schedule that indicates who is supposed to do what and the times when the assigned tasks are to be completed. If the production project involved more than one producer, they (the producers) must works together to prevent overlap instructions.


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Preproduction Team- Writer
Once the producer agreed to proceed with the project, it the task of a writer to write the script. The writer will interpret the defined desired effect into a video production and writes down what he wants the target audience to see and listen. The script will determine the production format (documentaries, corporate video, etc.) and the style and quality of the production. Scripts are almost rewritten several times so that they can serve the best guidelines for all production activities.


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Preproduction Team- Director
The director translates the script into specific video and selects necessary production crew and equipment. The sooner the director is brought into the preproduction process, the better; since he can works closely with the writer to make the script more efficient. Director can use his personal experience and knowledge to help curving the script to make things more alive. Sometimes, directors also help the art director with idea about specific environment in which the event took place, or even a specific style of graphic to be used.


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Preproduction Team- Art Director
The art director use the script and the directors comments for the set design or the specific location for a show. He is also in charge of decorating the set and designing the various graphics, such as titles and charts.

Art directors must create an environment that fits the overall style of the show and facilitates the production procedures.
He will also prepares the floor plan; which is a diagram of scenery, stage properties (table, chairs, etc.), and set dressing (wall hangings, lamps, plant) drawn on a grid. With the floor plan, director can visualize the major shot and place the camera accordingly.


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Preproduction Team- Lighting and Floor Manager
The lighting director use the floor plan to determine the basic lighting setup before performer entering the studio. The floor plan also enables the floor manager to put up and decorate the production set.


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Preproduction Team- Technical Director
Technical directors are the one who will involve in solving technical aspect especially if the production is complex. He will ensure the all equipments function smoothly according to the specification.

Technical directors have to think ahead of time about the technical facilities. For instance, he may want to check on the available electric power, or lights needed to lighten the studio.
Technical director might be engineers or any other related field person that know exactly about the technical aspect.

Chapter 1 : The Production Process

The Video Production Team



Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Production Team
The actual production team consist of a variety of people; but they can be divided into two category nontechnical and technical. The nontechnical members include producers, associate producers, actors, performers, choreographers, makeup artists etc.

Meanwhile, technical members include video operators, sound engineer, maintenance engineer etc.
The director is totally involved in the actual production phase

All production team members must work closely during the production phase to generate an outstanding outcome.

Chapter 1 : The Production Process

The Video Production Team



Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Postproduction Team
The postproduction team is relatively small and normally consists of a video editor, sound designer, and the director. The video editor will try to arrange various segments of video clips (or video tape) and put them into order indicated by the script.

Director will guide the editor in the selection and sequencing of shots.
Meanwhile, the sound designer is responsible to synchronize the sound with the video sequence. This task will involve sound mixing, adding, or replacing small or large portion of the original sound track.

Chapter 1 : The Production Process



Chapter 1 : The Production Process

With the rapid change of video production technology recently, many types of video has been introduced to attract audiences. Inexpensive portable equipment such as handycam is enough when one want to start a video production.

For commercial and high budget video production, professional and sophisticated video technology might be hired and used to produce a quality video.
Before proceeding to further production phase, let us overview few of the video types that available nowadays. .

Chapter 1 : The Production Process

Types of Video

(Source From Wikipedia.Org)


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

A television commercial (or an advert) is a form of advertising in which goods, services, organizations, ideas, etc. are promoted via the medium of television. Most commercials are produced by an outside ad agency and broadcast at airtime via a TV channel or network. The vast majority of television commercials today consist of brief advertising spots, ranging in length from a few seconds to several minutes. The effect of television commercials upon the viewing public has been so successful and so pervasive recently.


Chapter 1 : The Production Process

There are various types of TV commercial, some of them are: Political TV advertising Infomercials Product placement Network or local station promotional advertising (also known as promo) Television commercial donut Sponsorship Many TV commercials feature catchy songs or melodies that generate sustained appeal, which may remain in the minds of television viewers long after the span of the advertising campaign.

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