Lecture Presentation RM 1&2

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Research Methodology

Course Instructor Dr.Siva

Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering

Lecture 1 & 2

Man coming to grips with his environment and to understand the nature through experience, reasoning and research 1. Experience Knowledge or skill gained through involvement, exposure and observation of some thing or some event

Personal experience, i.e., body of knowledge and skills derived from encounters and acquaintance with facts and events in his environment Experience of others (immediate circle) Sources beyond immediate circle, i.e., authoritative sources
2. Reasoning Reasoning is the cognitive process of looking for reasons, beliefs, conclusions, actions or feelings

What is Research?
The word research derives from the French recherche and Its literal meaning is: Systematic process of collecting and analyzing information (data) in order to discover new knowledge or expand and verify the existing one (e.g. theory - law) To do so, it requires a .. Scientific Method


It refers to a search for knowledge Scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic It is an art of scientific investigation A careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge Voyage of discovery Research is a combination of both experience & reasoning and must be regarded as the most successful approach to the discovery of truth (particularly in natural sciences)

The purpose of research is to discover the answers to questions through the application of scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered yet.


To get a degree To get respectability To face a challenge To solve a problem To get intellectual joy To serve society To increase the standard of living in case of Science and Technology

TYPES OF RESEARCH 1. Descriptive Vs Analytical

Descriptive Research includes surveys and fact finding enquiries of different kinds. The main characteristic of this method is that the researcher has no control over the variables; he can only report what has happened for what is happening. The term Ex post facto research is used for descriptive research studies In Analytical Research, the researcher has to use facts or information already available and analyze these to make a critical evaluation of the material

2. Applied Vs Fundamental
Applied Research aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem facing a society or an industrial / business organizations. The major aim of applied research is to discover a solution for some pressing practical problem Fundamental (Basic or Pure) research is mainly concerned with generalizations and with the formulation of a theory. Basic research is directed towards finding information that has a broad base of applications (thus adds to the already existing organized body of scientific knowledge). Gathering knowledge for knowledges sake is termed pure or basic research. Eg.: Research concerning some natural phenomenon, Pure Mathematics, Studies concerning human behaviour carried on with a view to make generalisations about human behaviour

3. Quantitative Vs Qualitative
Quantitative Research is based on the measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity Qualitative Research is concerned with qualitative phenomenon, i.e., phenomena relating to or involving quality or kind. Eg.: Research on human behaviour (why people think or do certain things), Research on leaf colour

4. Conceptual Vs Empirical
Conceptual Research is that related to some abstract idea for theory. It is generally used by philosophers and thinkers to develop new concepts or to reinterpret existing ones Empirical Research relies on experience or observation alone, often without due regard for system or theory. It is data-based research, coming up with conclusions which are capable of being verified by observation or experiment. It is also called as experimental type of research

5. One Time Vs Longitudinal In One Time Research, the research is confined to a single time period In Longitudinal Research, the research is carried on over several time periods

6. Research can be Field-setting Research or Laboratory Research or Simulation Research, depending upon the environment in which it is to be carried out
7. Clinical or Diagnostic Research Clinical or Diagnostic research follow case-study methods or indepth approaches to reach the basic casual relations 8. Historical Research: Research which utilizes historical sources like documents, remains etc. to study events or ideas of the past


SYSTEMATIC - Reject the use of guessing & intuition, but does not rule out creative thinking CONTROLLED - Variables are identified & controlled, wherever possible LOGICAL - Guided by rules of logical reasoning & logical process of induction & deduction EMPIRICAL- Provides a basis for external validity to results (validation) REPLICABLE - Verified by replicating the study SELF CORRECTING - Built in mechanism & open to public scrutiny by fellow professionals

i) Research Technique Behaviour and instruments used in research operations Examples: Scales, recording techniques, content analysis, moving average, longitudinal / cross sectional collection of data, etc. ii) Research Method Behaviour and instruments used in selecting and constructing technique (a range of approaches used to gather data) Examples: Observation, questionnaire, interview, analysis of records, case study, etc. Methods are more general than techniques. Methods & Techniques are used in performing research operations, i.e., Collection of data, Statistical processing & analysis (tests), Evaluation for accuracy of the results obtained. Research techniques and research methods are almost interchangeably used

iii) Hypotheses

It is a proposed explanation for an observable phenomenon. It also refers to tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical and empirical consequences. It is particularly important since they provide the focal point for research. Hypothesis should be very specific and limited to the piece of research because it has to be tested
iv) Experimentation It is also used to test existing theories or new hypotheses in order to support them or disprove them. An experiment or test can be carried out using the scientific method to answer a question or investigate a problem


For a clear perception of the term research, one should know the meaning of scientific method. The two terms, research and scientific method, are closely related. The terms, research method and research technique, are combined to give the name scientific method Scientific Method is defined as, Pursuit of truth as determined by logical considerations The ideal of science is to achieve a systematic interrelation of facts Scientific Method attempts to achieve this ideal by experimentation, observation and logical arguments from accepted postulates (combination of these three in varying proportions)

A science of studying how research is done scientifically A way to systematically solve the research problem by logically adopting various steps

Methodology helps to understand not only the products of scientific inquiry but the process itself Aims to describe and analyze methods, throw light on their limitations and resources, clarify their presuppositions and consequences, relating their potentialities to the twilight zone at the frontiers of knowledge


Advancement of wealth of human knowledge Tools of the trade to carry out research; Provides tools to look at things in life objectively Develops a critical and scientific attitude, disciplined thinking or a bent of mind to observe objectively (scientific deduction & inductive thinking); Skills of research will pay-off in long term particularly in the age of information Enriches practitioner and his practices; Provides chance to study a subject in depth; Enable us to make intelligent decisions; Understand the material which no other kind of work can match As consumers of research output helps to inculcate the ability to evaluate and use results of earlier research with reasonable confidence and take rational decisions Doing research is the best way to learn to read and think critically Additional benefits in case of librarianship i.e., Helps to learn how to use libraries & other information resources Enables critical evaluation of literature Develops special interests & skills


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