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Introduction to Electronics Theory

English for EEIT

Introduction to Electronics

Definitions Conventional current Voltage & Current Resistance Ohms Law

Electricity is
the electric charge. the electromagnetic field energy sent out by batteries and generators. the flowing motion of electric charge. the amount of imbalance between quantities of electrons and protons. the classes of phenomena involving electric charges. the flowing motion of electrical energy (electric power, Watts of electricity) the electric potential or e-field (Volts of electricity) the glowing nitrogen/oxygen plasma (sparks of electricity) a field of science (Basic Electricity, Advanced Electricity) (There are many definitions of the word electricity)

Conventional current

Current electricity
Current electricity is generated and used as a source of energy in homes and industry. Current electricity is a flow of charged particles, usually through a circuit In all dry conductors, the flow is of electrons and therefore of negative charge. The electrons flow from negative to positive. They are attracted to the positive terminal and repelled from the negative terminal.


It was once thought that current flowed from positive to negative. Consequently: Though the electrons flow from negative to positive, conventional current flows from positive to negative (although conventional current doesn't really exist

Benjamin Franklin
This was put forward by Benjamin Franklin (1706 90) and it became so widely accepted that it is still used today and called conventional current, even though it was found to be wrong in 1898 when Sir Joseph J Thomson discovered the electron*.

Voltage & Current

What is electric current?

Electric current or power that results from the movement of electrons in a conductor from a negatively charged point to a positively charged point.

For the purpose of this class we will use electricity to mean electric current.

Representing and measuring current

Current is represented by the symbol, I and is measured in amperes (amps or A) with an ammeter. An ammeter measures the rate at which electrons* are flowing through a circuit* at a given point. In a circuit, an ammeter is shown as follows:


Current is not used up, what flows into a component must flow out. Current is measured with an ammeter, connected in series. To connect in series you must break the circuit and put the ammeter across the gap, as shown in the diagram.


The need to break the circuit to connect in series means that ammeters are difficult to use on soldered circuits. Most testing in electronics is done with voltmeters which can be easily connected without disturbing circuits.

Formula for Current

One amp is equal to the flow of one coulomb of charge per second. This translates to the following formula: current = charge/time (I=Q/t) Or in unit terms: Amps=Coulombs/Seconds

Physics Formulas: Charge, Current & Time

The questions on the following pages test your ability to use the formula: current=charge/time You should also learn the formula in the internationally-agreed characters: I=Q/t

Question 1
A current of 2 A flows for 30 seconds through a lamp. How much charge has moved? 60 coulombs of charge has moved. The formula is: I=Q/t (Amps=Coulombs/Seconds)

or Q=t x I (Coulombs=Amps*Seconds)
Thus: Q = 2 30 Q = 60 coulombs

Question 2
A current of 12 A flows for 20 minutes into an Microwave oven. How much charge has the Microwave used? The Microwave has used 14400 coulombs of charge.

The formula is: I=Q/t (Amps=Coulombs/Seconds)

or Q=t*I (Coulombs=Amps*Seconds)
Thus: Q =12 1200 Q = 14400 coulombs

Question 3
If 18400 C of charge flows through an air conditioning unit every hour, what current does it draw? The Air Conditioning Unit draws 5.1 amps The formula is: I=Q/t (Amps=Coulombs/Seconds)
Hence: I=18400/(60x60) I=18400/3600 I=5.1 amps

Question 4
A current of 3 A flows into a television set. How long would it take 1500 C of charge to flow through it? It takes 500 seconds for 1500 C of charge to flow through the set.

The formula is: I=Q/t (Amps=Coulombs/Seconds)

Hence: 3=1500/t 3 t = 1500 t=1500/3 t = 500 seconds

Current is represented by which symbol? I O U Current is represented by the symbol, I.

The electrons in a current flow from where to where? FROM POSITIVE TO NEGATIVE FROM NEGATIVE TO POSITIVE FROM HERE TO ETERNITY The electrons in a current flow from negative to positive.

Conventional current flows from where to where? FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE FROM POSITIVE TO NEGATIVE FROM NEGATIVE TO POSITIVE Conventional current flows from positive to negative (although conventional current doesn't really exist).

Current is measured in what? AMPS OHMS VOLTS

Current is measured in amperes (amps or A). Ohms is resistance Volts is potential difference across a circuit

One amp is equal to the flow of charge at: 1 OHM 1 COULOMB PER SECOND 1 VOLT One amp is equal to the flow of charge at one coulomb per second.


In order for a current to flow, something has to make it flow. The energy available to drive a flow of current is called potential difference or electromotive force (EMF). It is provided by an energy source such as a battery or power supply and is measured in volts by a voltmeter:


One volt is the energy required to drive a current of one amp* through a circuit with a resistance of one ohm. Voltage is represented by the symbol, V.

Voltage is the Cause, Current is the Effect

Voltage attempts to make a current flow, and current will flow if the circuit is complete.

Voltage & Current

The switch is closed making a complete circuit so current can flow.

Voltage but No Current

The switch is open so the circuit is broken and current cannot flow.

Voltage, V

Voltage is a measure of the energy carried by the charge. Voltage is supplied by the battery (or power supply). Voltage is used up in components Voltage is measured with a voltmeter, connected in parallel across a component.

Voltage at a point and 0V (zero volts)

Voltage is a difference between two points, Usually refer to voltage at a point as the difference between that point and a reference point of 0V (zero volts). Zero volts is normally the negative terminal of the battery or power supply. Y

Zero volts for circuits with a dual supply

Some circuits require a dual supply with three supply connections For these circuits the zero volts reference point is the middle terminal between the two parts of the supply.

Zero volts for circuits with a dual supply

On complex circuit diagrams using a dual supply the earth symbol is often used to indicate a connection to 0V. The diagram shows a 9V dual supply, the positive terminal is +9V, the negative terminal is -9V and the middle terminal is 0V.

Voltage and Current for components in Series

Voltages add up for components connected in series. Currents are the same through all components connected in series. In this circuit the 4V across the resistor and the 2V across the LED add up to the battery voltage: 2V + 4V = 6V. The current through all parts (battery, resistor and LED) is 20mA.

Voltage and Current for components in Parallel

Voltages are the same across all components connected in parallel. Currents add up for components connected in parallel. In this circuit the battery, resistor and lamp all have 6V across them. The 30mA current through the resistor and the 60mA current through the lamp add up to the 90mA current through the battery.

Voltage & Current Summary

Voltage is the energy that drives the flow of current. Voltage is measured in volts with a voltmeter: Voltage is represented by the symbol, V. One volt is the energy required to drive a current of one amp through a circuit with a resistance of one ohm. An increase in voltage means an increase in energy and therefore an increase in current. A decrease in voltage means a decrease in energy and therefore a decrease in current.

Voltage & Current Summary

Voltages add up for components connected in series. Currents are the same through all components connected in series. Voltages are the same across all components connected in parallel. Currents add up for components connected in parallel.

Current Electricity Summary

Current electricity is a flow of charged particles. In all dry conductors the flow is of electrons. Electrons flow from negative to positive. Conventional current flows from positive to negative (although conventional current doesn't really exist). Current is represented by the symbol, I. Current is measured in amperes (amps or A) with an ammeter. One amp is equal to the flow of one coulomb* of charge per second. This translates to:current=charge/time (I=Q/t) Or in unit terms: Amps=Coulombs/Seconds


All conductors* offer resistance to the flow of current*. This resistance is determined by the conductor's atoms*. Silver and copper atoms offer negligible resistance to an electric current because a significant proportion of their electrons* are free to move from atom to atom. Silver and copper, having negligible resistance, are commonly in used as conductors.

Glass and synthetic polymer atoms offer very considerable resistance to an electric current because a significant proportion of their electrons are not free to move from atom to atom. Glass and synthetic polymers, having very considerable resistance, are commonly used as insulators*. A conductor's length, temperature, and cross-sectional area also affects its resistance.

Open Circuit

With an open circuit there is no flow of electrons


An insulator acts in a similar manner to an open circuit, no electrons flow


With a conductor the circuit is completed and current flows

With semi-conductors, some energy flows and some is used up creating heat. A semiconductor is a material with an electrical conductivity that is intermediate between that of an insulator and a conductor.

Resistance is represented by the symbol R and is measured in ohms or The ohm is named after physicist Georg Ohm (1787 - 1854).

Resistance does what? ENABLES THE FLOW OF CURRENT RESISTS THE FLOW OF CURRENT Resistance resists the flow of current.


Resistance is low in a conductor and high in an insulator.

Resistance is measured in what? ROMMELS HINDENBURGS OHMS Resistance is measured in ohms.

Resistance is represented by which symbol? V C R Resistance is represented by the symbol, R.

Resistance Summary
Resistance resists the flow of current. Resistance is determined by a conductor's atoms, length and area. Resistance is low in a conductor, medium in a semi-conductor and high in an insulator.

Ohm's Law

In Voltage & Current we explained the relationship between voltage and current. In Resistance we explained the relationship between resistance and current. Here we explain the relationship between all three.

Ohm's Law

Georg Simon Ohm (1787-1854) formulated the relationships among voltage, current, and resistance as follows: The current in a circuit is directly proportional to the applied voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance of the circuit.

Ohm's Law
Ohm's Law most simply translates to the equation, V = IR, or: Voltage = Current Resistance where V is the applied voltage in volts, I is current in amperes, and R is resistance in ohms(). This is all, however, at a constant temperature

Ohm's Law
In reality Ohm's Law is stated like this:

Current is directly proportional to voltage for a metal conductor at a constant temperature.

Water Model: Ohms = Ohms

Resistance is the Same for both (Note: The Higher the Resistance the Smaller the Orifice)

Water Model: Amps = Amps

Current is the Same for both

(Note: The Higher the Resistance the Smaller the Orifice)

Power = Volts x Amps (Work)

Example 1
We can demonstrate the relationship between voltage*, current* and resistance* in the circuit below which connects a cell*, an ammeter* and a resistor

The cell provides a voltage of 1 volt. The resistor has a value of 1 ohm. The ammeter reads a current of 1 amp. If we replace the 1 ohm resistor with a 2 ohm resistor, what will the ammeter read?

The ammeter reads 0.5 amps.

A 2 ohm resistor is twice as resistant as a 1 ohm resistor, so it is twice as hard for the current to flow. The resistor allows half of the 1 amp current to pass. By Ohm's Law: V(volt) = I(amp) x R(ohm) Solving for I: I = V/R Now replacing the symbols with the values given: I = 1(volt)/2(ohm) I = 0.5 I = 0.5 amps

Example 2
The circuit below connects a cell, an ammeter and a resistor. The cell provides a voltage of 2 volts. The resistor has a value of 2 ohms. The ammeter reads a current of 1 amp.

If we replace the 2 ohm resistor with a 1 ohm resistor, what will the ammeter read?

The ammeter reads 2 amps.

A 1 ohm resistor is half as resistant as a 2 ohm resistor, so it is twice as easy for the current to flow. The resistor allows twice the 1 amp current to pass. By Ohm's Law: V = IR (Volts = Amps x Ohms) Solving for I: I = V/R Now replacing the symbols with the values given: I = 2/1 I=2 I = 2 amps

Example 3
The circuit below connects a cell, an ammeter and a resistor. The cell provides a voltage* of 4 volts. The resistor has a value of 2 ohms*. The ammeter reads a current* of 2 amps.

If we replace the 2-ohm resistor with an 4-ohm resistor, what will the ammeter read?

The ammeter reads 1 amp.

A 4-ohm resistor* is twice as resistant as a 2-ohm resistor, so it is twice as hard for the current* to flow. The resistor allows half of the 2 amp current to pass. By Ohm's Law: V = IR (Volts = Amps x Ohms) Solving for I: I= V/R Now replacing the symbols with the values given: I = 4(volt)/4(ohm) I =1 I = 1 amp

The relationship between voltage, resistance and current is expressed in Ohm's Law which most simply translates to: V = IR or Voltage = Current Resistance (Volts = Amps x Ohms) Which is true only at a constant temperature.


What is the value of the resister? 4 V/.02 A=200 R

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