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Ravikanth P.V


BSMS(Project & Documentation) - old BSMS(Project & Documentation) - New New Requirements Demo

Ravikanth Panguluri


Front EndOracle Forms & Reports 6i Database Oracle

Front End -Oracle Forms & Reports 10g or 11g DataBase - Oracle

Ravikanth Panguluri


Not User Friendly Software - Flow Problems Version Problem(excel Version Selection) Network Traffic Problems(all procedures Written in forms) Updating and Deleting Problem(No Database Triggers) Manually updating in the Database Hot coding in Forms(Ex: Item Master Entry Form) No Proper Testing Process Form Level Triggers Problems Un Wanted Packages & Procedures

Ravikanth Panguluri


Provide Conditional Base flow Provide Excel Option With out Selecting versions Data Base level Triggers and Packages No Manual update or Delete in Data Base Remove Hot Coding Process Improve Accessing Rights

Ravikanth Panguluri

Use Case Scenarios Request Available Flights

Name Requests available flight information
Summary The user provides a destination and dates to the E-Ticket Reservation System (ETRS). The system inquires the airline database about available flights and presents them to the customer. Basic Events Customer 1. Launches ETRS application 3. Selects origination city System 2. Displays UI for user to search available flights.

4. Selects destination city

5. Selects type of flight (round trip or one-way) 6. Selects direct or nonstop flights 7. Selects flexible or specific dates of travel 8. Selects departure date

9. Selects departure time range

Use Case Scenarios Request Available Flights

10. Selects return date

11. Select return time range

12. Submit criteria 13. Validates customer data. Data is valid if customer enters a start and end cities that the system provides service to and valid dates; such that the start date is not prior to the end date and vice versa. System only provides cities that it services 11. Shows list of flights that met customers criteria.

Use Case Scenarios Request Available Flights

Exceptions Customer System
1. If search criteria is invalid system displays error message. Invalid data is return dates before departure dates and/or the same departure airport and arrival airports 2. User acknowledges the message.

3. Displays UI with current criteria, allowing user to modify desired flight information; continues at basic event 9.
1. If data is valid and a flight cannot be found, the system displays a messages informing the user that no flights are available that met the current criteria.

Use Case Scenarios Request Available Flights

2. User acknowledges the message. 3. Displays UI with current criteria, allowing user to modify desired flight information; continues at basic event 9. Triggers Customer needs flight information. Assumptions The customer knows travel information dates, and available budget. Application will display Airports by Airport Code, City and State. Application provides valid dates, like 28 days in February, 31 days in December, January, etc. Preconditions Customer has ETRS application installed. Postconditions Customer will have a list of flights that met specified travel criteria.

Use Case Scenarios Choose Flights

Name Choose a flight.
Summary The customer has been presented with options for flights to go to his/her destination and a list of returning flights (if round trip travel is selected). The customer chooses a preferred flight. The application puts the seat(s) on hold, and payment information becomes available for the user once flights are on hold.

Basic Events Customer

1. The customer chooses a preferred flight or flights. Flights are chosen by checking the flights check box to hold a seat on the flight


2. Requests the chosen flight and seat(s) be put on hold while the application is running. Note: that seats are held by decreasing the capacity for selected flights

Basic Events

3. Displays UI for the user to input payment information once a flight or flights are put on hold. This is done by enabling the payment tab for the customer to input payment information.

Alternatives User doesn't like the flight or flights, user can change the criteria of the schedule (Continue at UseCase: Request flight information) Exceptions Customer 1. Customer closes application after flights are held. Assumptions None System 2. Upon closing the application releases seats on held flights

Triggers Customer wants hold flights for travel.

Preconditions Customer has a list of available inbound and outbound flights that meet there criteria. User received a list of flights with available seats. All flights remain available while the user decides which flights to select for travel.

Postconditions Customer will have a flight and seating on hold.

Use Case Scenarios Book Flights

Name Customer books flight or flights
Summary The application contacts credit card authorization service for payment approval. The service books the flight or flights on hold, and returns a confirmation number to the customer with a brief summary of travel information. Basic Events Customer System 1. Displays flight(s) on hold and enables the payment form. 2. Confirms flight(s) through a held flight view and inputs preferred payment information. 3. Prompts for final purchase verification. 4. Confirms purchase 5. The application sends the request to purchase the ticket(s) (Updates database).

Use Case Scenarios Book Flights

Basic Events 6. The application provides the customer with a confirmation number and displays the customers iternary and wishes them a good flight. System

Alternatives None Exceptions Customer 1. Customer is not satisfied with flight arrangement on hold, he/she will be able to cancel and reschedule. Continue at UseCase: Request available flights

Use Case Scenarios Book Flights

1. If the customers payment information is declined; the application displays an error message and continues at basic event 1. Invalid data are empty data, or incorrect/incomplete credit card information. All credit cards with 16 digit numbers and expiration dates later than the current date are approved.
Triggers Customer wants to purchase flight or flights and seating arrangements on hold. Assumptions Credit Card authorization is 100% reliable Preconditions Customer has placed flight and seating on hold. Postconditions Customer has confirmation number and valid e-ticket to travel. Customers credit card will reflect the transaction in the next billing statement.


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