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How to Write a Winning Proposal

Shevonne Polastre

Proposal Writing Humor

Workshop Overview
Pre-Proposal Tasks Writing the Proposal Wrapup & Survey

Pre-Proposal Tasks
Bid/No Bid Decision Dissecting a Government RFP Researching for a Proposal

Bid/No Bid Decision

Are we the incumbent of the service the organization is

asking for in the request-for-proposal (RFP) or statement of work? undertaking?

Is the task something your team is comfortable If you arent the incumbent, is the organization happy

with the current one and/or do they know who you are?

Is this project good for our organizations future goals?

Reading the RFP

The majority of the RFPs that you will read are adhering to the regulations of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). Section C is the Statement of Work, or Scope of Work. Section L details the instructions on how to organize your proposal, how it should be submitted, and any special instructions you have to follow. Section M specifies the evaluation factors.

Section J discusses the attachments.

Section B is the cost section. Note: Appendix A of handbook describes all sections

Compliance Matrix
A compliance matrix is a tabular sheet that shows the organization that you have satisfied each of their points detailed in the RFP. You could get disqualified by missing even the tiniest detail Add it to your proposal if you have space

Researching for the Proposal

ALWAYS research. Research is key. Thoroughly Read the RFP Interview SMEs Look at External Resources

Before Executive Summary

Cover letter or Letter of Transmittal Title Page Compliance Matrix (RTM) Table of Contents Table of Figures List of Tables

Executive Summary
A high-level overview of the proposal Try to limit it to one page Write it after the rest of the proposal has been written

Management Approach
Treat Management Section like a mini-project plan. Management Approach Roles and Responsibilities Lead Persons' Resumes Timelines Contract Deliverables

Technical Solution
Show that your solution is the best to solve the organization's issue Describes your solution in detail Discuss how you plan to implement your solution and any related training

Show the cost breakdown Provide a timeline to go alongside cost

Past Performance
Ensure that you have at least three past performances Formatting, style, and color should be the same for all of them Basic sections: Project Information Organization's Name Contract Requirements Length of Time Contract Value

Thank You For Coming!

Shevonne Polastre
Phone: (571) 529-6518
Email: Web:

Twitter: dcfemella

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