Management Quiz Bowl

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TRUE OR FALSE Recruitment determines the numbers and types of employees to be recruited into the organization.

Answer: False. HR Planning

10 seconds


It is the chance that some unfavorable event will occur or that an investment will provide a low or negative return.
Answer: Risk

10 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE In investment portfolios, it is better to have a negative correlation among investments rather than a positive correlation.

Answer: True

10 seconds


What concept proposes that consumers favor products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features? a. Production Concept b. Selling Concept c. Product Concept d. Marketing Concept Answer: c. Product Concept
10 seconds


What do you call two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who have come together to achieve particular objectives? Answer: A group

10 seconds


These are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade and remind consumers directly or indirectly about the products and brands they sell.
Answer: Marketing Communications

10 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE Broadcasting is the method for predicting how variables will change the future.

Answer: False. Forecasting

10 seconds


It refers to how stable or repeatable a measurement is over a variety of testing condition.

Answer: Reliability

10 seconds


It presents the relationship among departments and units of the firm.


Organizational Chart

10 seconds

MULTIPLE CHOICE What is the rate of return on the 1-year stock investment of P1,000.00, when P1,100 is received after one year? a. 5% b. 10% c. 15% d. 20%



10 seconds


What is the field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organizations effectiveness?


Organizational Behavior (OB)

10 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE Consumer behavior is the study of how individuals, groups, and organizations select, buy, use, and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants.

Answer: True

10 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE A firms HRM activity is the pattern or plan that integrates the major objectives, policies, and procedures into a cohesive whole.

Answer: True

10 seconds

MULTIPLE CHOICE The management function of monitoring performance and making needed changes. a. b. c. d. controlling planning leading organizing


a. controlling

10 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE . Smoothing is creating supplies of excess resources in case of unpredictable needs.

Answer: False. Buffering

10 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE A dream is a target or end that management desires to reach.

Answer: False. Goal

10 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE Leniency occurs when a rater assigns ratings on several dimensions of performance based on an overall, several impression of the rate.

Answer: False. Halo error

10 seconds


It consists of the whole cluster of benefits the company provides to deliver; it is more than the core positioning of the offering. a. Value proposition b. Total customer benefit c. Value delivery system d. Company-perceived value Answer: a. Value Proposition
10 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE To reduce risk, one should invest in only one industry.

Answer: False

10 seconds


It is the marketers vision of what the brand must be and do for consumers. a. Branding b. Brand equity c. Brand promise d. Customer-based brand equity


c. Brand promise

10 seconds


A purposeful, systematic process for collecting information on the important work-related aspects of a job. a. Job Description b. Job Specification c. Job Family d. Job Analysis Answer: d. Job Analysis
10 seconds

MULTIPLE CHOICE Giving an employee a 2-day suspension from work without pay for showing up drunk is an example of ___________. a. Positive Reinforcement b. Negative Reinforcement c. Punishment d. Extinction e. None of the above


c. Punishment

10 seconds


It is also called multilevel selling and network marketing which is a multi-dollar industry, with hundreds of companies selling door-to-door or at home sales parties. Answer: Direct Selling

10 seconds

MULTIPLE CHOICE The management function of systematically making decisions about the goals and activities that an individual, a group, a work unit, or the overall organization will pursue. a. controlling b. planning c. leading d. organizing


b. planning

10 seconds


It refers to how well the product or service is brought to the customer.



10 seconds

MULTIPLE CHOICE The management function of assembling and coordinating human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals. a. controlling b. planning c. leading d. organizing


d. organizing

10 seconds

MULTIPLE CHOICE The management function that involves the managers efforts to stimulate high performance by employees. a. controlling b. planning c. leading d. organizing


c. leading

10 seconds


It is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals.
Answer: Management

10 seconds


The monetary amount associated with how well a job, task, good, or service meets users needs.
Answer: Value

10 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE Treasury bonds are risk free or have no default risk.

Answer: True

10 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE Position defense is a defense strategy wherein the leader stretches its domain over new territories that can serve as future centers for defense and offense through market broadening and market diversification.

Answer: False. Mobile Defense

20 seconds

MULTIPLE CHOICE Keeping costs low to achieve profits and be able to offer prices that are attractive to consumers. a. cost efficiency b. cost competitiveness c. expense reduction method d. profit maximization

Answer: b. Cost competitiveness

20 seconds

MULTIPLE CHOICE What kind of marketing research firms are hired to carry out specific projects. They also design the study and report the findings. a. Syndicated-service research firms b. Custom marketing research firms c. Specialty-time research firms d. Custom-service research firms



20 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE Pure bundling occurs when a firm offers its products only as a bundle.

Answer: True

20 seconds


It is a list of names, characteristics, and skills of the people working for the organization.
Answer: Skills Inventory

20 seconds

MULTIPLE CHOICE If XYZ can borrow at an interest rate of 10 percent, and if it has a marginal tax-rate of 40 percent, then what is its after-tax cost of debt or its cost of capital? a. 6% b. 7% c. 8% d. 9%


a. 6%

30 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE Workforce diversity means that organizations are becoming a more homogeneous mix of people in terms of gender, age, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.

Answer: False. More heterogeneous.

20 seconds

It is a type of team, wherein employees from the same department meet in order to discuss ways of improving quality, efficiency, and the work environment. a. b. c. d. e. Problem-solving Team Self-managed Work Team Cross-functional Team Virtual Team None of the above



20 seconds


measures of various characteristics of the people who make up groups or other social units.
Answer: Demographics

20 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE In organizational structure, it is organic when there is high centralization and extensive work specialization, and is mechanistic when it is decentralized and has low specialization.

Answer: False.

20 seconds

MULTIPLE CHOICE It is a situation in which the parties to a conflict each desire to satisfy fully the concerns of all parties. a. Collaborating b. Accommodating c. Compromising d. Avoiding e. None of the above



20 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE Money markets are the markets in which funds are borrowed or loaned for short periods. While futures markets are markets for stocks and for intermediate or long-term debt.

Answer: False

20 seconds

MULTIPLE CHOICE Which of the following is a role of a line manager? a. Supports the primary functions of the organization b. Provides advice, counsel, and information to the organization c. Make final decisions concerning their operation d. None of the above



20 seconds

MULTIPLE CHOICE The following are the main reasons for Human Resource Planning except: a. More effective and efficient use of human resource b. More satisfied and better employees c. More effective training and development d. More effective equal employment opportunity planning



20 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE Points-of-Difference are associations that are not necessarily unique to the brand but may in fact be shared with other brands.

Answer: False. Points-of-Parity

20 seconds

MULTIPLE CHOICE If you deposit P10,000.00 in a bank account that pays 10% interest annually, how much money will be in your account after 5 years? a. 14,641.00 b. 15,380.50 c. 16,105.10 d. 17,280.25



30 seconds


It occurs when a company sells a product or service at two or more prices that do not reflect a proportional difference in costs.
Answer: Price Discrimination

20 seconds

MULTIPLE CHOICE P1,000.00 discounted back for 2 years at 4 percent is ________. a. b. c. d. 1,081.60 1,040.00 961.54 924.56



30 seconds

TRUE OR FALSE In a push strategy the manufactures uses advertising, promotion and other forms of communication to persuade consumers to demand the product form intermediaries, thus inducing the intermediaries to order it.

Answer: False. Pull Strategy

20 seconds


It is generated when one channel members actions prevent another channel from achieving its goal.
Answer: Channel Conflict

20 seconds

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