1 Introduction

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Public Administration

Meaning Public vs. Private Administrations Administration vs. Management Evolution of public administration. Impact of LPG (Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization)

What is Administration?
Administration is derived from Latin word administrate which means to serve. A is serving to his father B.
Can we call this administration? No

Then what is administration exactly? Administration is serving through an organization.

Public Administration
Government is an organization elected by people. in reverse government is serving to people, People cannot serve themselves. Public stands for Government. Serving to people (administration) through this organization (government) can be called as Public Administration instead of people administration. Administration through organization other than government is called as Private Organisation.

What is organization? What are the requirements for it? Components of Administrative organization:
Human group Division of work according to ability of worker. Proportional distribution of responsibilities and authorities. This proportionality implies Hierarchy which is in the shape of pyramid. Centralization at the top and decentralization at the bottom.
Over centralization leads to dictatorship Over decentralization leads to dissenting.

Centralization is unity in command, decentralization is diversity in command.

Components of Administrative organization (contd):
There has to be a balance b/w centralization and decentralization which is called coordination. Coordination depends on span of control which means how many persons can be commanded by single supervisor. Coordination must be supported by communication. Communication must be supported by motivation, which can be in 2 ways
Material Needs Non Material Needs

Person who can motivate is a leader, as he can make leaders.

Public vs. Private

Public administration is welfare oriented while private is profit oriented. Former is based on deficit budget, which is financed by public. So there is public accountability and control. So there has to transparence based in rule of law, this is the reason that RTI can be exercised against public organization. Work culture is formal in nature as it is procedure oriented while private organization is goal oriented not so concerned about procedure. In other words the former is managed by procedures while the later is managed by objectives. Former extend job security where later extend financial security. Former give priority to basic infrastructure, while later give priority to productivity. Former is employment oriented while later is capital oriented. Former stands for social justice by providing reservations, subsidies and protection while later is mainly concerned with economic development.

Administration & Management

Administration is asking for resources. Management is managing with available resources.

Woodrow Wilson Father of Public Administration. Published Essay The Study of Administration in 1886. L D White friend of Woodrow Wilson, published book on the basis of Wilson concepts in 1926.
Book named An Introduction to study of Public administration

1886 1926 is called as first stage of subjective development. F.W.Taylor from France give some scientific approach of Administration. This is Systematic Approch (1927 37). During 1938 1947 thinkers like Marry parker fallet, Elton Mayyo etc,. Developed Public Administration as an Art. 1948- 70 -> comparative approach by F.W.Riggs (confused everyone) 1971-till date Dror organized comparative approach and named public administration as Public Policy.
Developed countries are studying/teaching public policy Where developing countries like india are studying/teaching public administration.

Impact of LGP
Public Administration crisis in USA. Honey report (1960-67) Philadelphia Conference in 1967 (moderates) First Minnowbrok conference in 1968 (extremists)
Relevant and value based administration with social justice and social change. Called as Neo Public Administration Dweig Waldo report in 1971 state is best which governs the least

Second Minnowbrok conference in 1988

Economic reform (rollback of state in socialist countries) Economic reform in India (1991) by P.V.Narasimha Rao and Manmohan Singh

Third Minnowbrok conference in 2008

Terrorism emarged => Disasater Management

New Public Administration and Neo Public Management. Public Choice Approach and Neoterrorism Concept of Good governance and world bank conditions.

World Bank conditionality's for Good Governance

Survey of national problems. Understanding all the problems equally since all problems are interlinked. Give priority to all problems (solving one problem may solve others) Defining goals for each problem Defining procedures to achieve the goals. Fixing responsibilities over different organizations to award and punish at right time Mid term evaluation to ensure budgetary allocations are being used in right area or not. This is Zero-based budgeting (result oriented) while majority of developing countries like India are having performance budgeting (effect oriented)

Performance budgeting
March rush spending of allocation within financial year, otherwise unspent fund is curtailed from allocation of following year. This is called Rule of Lapse. World bank opposes performance budgeting and strongly supports outcome budgeting. Does this cause loss of sovereignty of country? No, because all these rules play key role in developing the country.

New Public Administration

Public choice Approach (jan lokpal bill) Neo Taylorism (believing in high mechanisation)

Along with Neo public administration & Management, Public administration is still playing significant role in areas like
Maintaining public order Revenue generation Infrastructure Higher productivity Executing welfare, social justice & equality Contingency planning Election process Coordination between different organisations.

Scope and Approaches to Pub Ad

Classical Approach (mechanical, just follow procedure, no human touch)
Administration is science, accept universal principles. Reject human & environmental approach Accept administration organization as mechanical Give priority to work and procedure. Give priority to rules than situation Formal work culture Priority to efficiency that welfare of workers They believe that material incentives increase motivational level of workers.

Behavioral Approach (informal, human touch) Neo Classical & Behavioral Approach
After 1991 reform adding human touch to classical and similarly mechanical (theoratical approach) to behavioural.

Scope of subject (expanding subject matters) System approach supported by Contingency Approach.

Chanakya Kautilya Economic Approach Wilson Historical & Comparative Taylor Scientific Management Max weber Organizational approach Elton Mayyo Socio Psychological Approach Maslo Pro Psychological Approach David Easton System Approach by putting all approaches in right manner Lewin contingency Approach

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