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List of Descriptive Adjectives Describing Shape List of Descriptive Adjectives Describing Size List of Descriptive Adjectives Describing Time List of Descriptive Adjectives Describing Quantity

Broad Crooked Circular Distorted Flat Hollow Narrow Round Square Skinny Steep Wide

Big Colossal Great

Ancient Annual Brief

Abundant Bountiful Cumbersome

Gigantic Early Empty Huge Fast Extra Large Late Few Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttulo del patrn Miniature Modern Heavy Mammoth Old Myriad Petite Rapid Many Tall Swift Multiple Thin Slow Numerous Tiny Young Substantial eg- A miniature eg- An ancient train manuscript eg- Myriad stars

eg- A skinny boy

List of Descriptive Adjectives Describing Sound List of Descriptive Adjectives Describing Taste List of Descriptive Adjectives Describing Touch List of Descriptive Adjectives Describing Color

Blaring Cooing Deafening Loud Melancholic Noisy Soft Shrill Squeaking Silent Thundering Whispering eg- Blaring loudspeaker

Bitter Delicious Fresh Hot Icy Juicy Spicy Sweet Sour Salty Tasty Tasteless eg- Delicious pastry

Hard Loose Rough Smooth Slippery Sticky Sharp Scattered Soft Tender Uneven Wet eg- Rough surface

Azure Aqua Blue Black Crimson Cyan Gold Green Magenta Orange Pink Turquoise eg- Green diamond


ambitious ambicioso annoying pesado argumentative, quarrelsome discutidor bad-tempered grumpy brave cantankerous carefree careless cautious charming cheerful conceited, full of oneself conservative conventional crazy, nuts cruel dull, boring flirtatious friendly generous hard-working honest kind laid-back lazy malhumorado grun valiente cascarrabias despreocupado descuidado, poco cuidadoso prudente, cauteloso, cauto; encantador alegre, jovial; presumido conservador convencional loco, chiflado cruel soso, aburrido coqueta amigable, simptico, agradable generoso trabajador honesto amable tranquilo, relajado perezoso, vago


loyal mean modest moody naive naughty (children) open-minded: narrow-minded: polite proud reliable: hes a very reliable person self-confident: to be selfconfident selfish Master subtitle style sensible sensitive shy - introverted strict stubborn sympathetic (understanding) talkative trustworthy two-faced weird

fiel tacao modesto de humor cambiante ingenuo, inocentn malo, travieso (nios) de actitud abierta, sin prejuicios de mentalidad cerrada, intolerante; corts, educado orgulloso fiable, confiable: es una persona en la que se puede confiar seguro de s mismo: tener confianza en s mismo egosta sensato, prudente; sensible tmido, vergonzoso - introvertido estricto, severo, riguroso terco, testarudo, tozudo comprensivo conversador, hablador digno de confianza falso raro, extrao

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