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Area Of Project: JAVA

Internal project guide: Mrs.J.Arunashanthi Student Team: P. Srinivas 08261A1259

G.Swapna priya
N.Bhagya sree



Trends in globalization, shorter response times and increased business complexity have again brought the importance of risk to the forefront, placing an additional burden on the already busy finance agenda and on senior risk management executives. After hundreds of regulations and nearly three years of organizations adhering to new standards of compliance, Sarbanes-Oxley has changed not only the face of how organizations view their financial statements, but also how they view their overall risk profile.


This Risk Management process defines the steps for risk identification & managing risks in a project. This process details out steps for how to identify the risk, prioritizes the risk factors according to both the probability and the consequence of failure and develops a risk management plan to implement strategies to deal with those risks.

Existing and proposed Systems

Existing system has no capability to analyze risks for different project at a single place. Existing system has no facility to generate records.


Proposed System maintains risks for different projects which helps in better elimination of risks. Basic and advance admin facilities like add/update Projects, backup/recovery of data, generating various reports etc. Secure registration and profile management facilities for group members.

Business challenges

How does your organization integrate business risk management and compliance management to improve decision-making capabilities? How does your organization identify smaller or independent risks that pose a very large threat to the enterprise? Where can you identify opportunities to streamline reporting for greater accuracy? How can you transform your organization with faster, more robust processes?

Plan for Risk Management

Risk Identification Risk Sources & Categories Risk Parameters Risk mitigation plan Review of risks Threshold risks


Risk Priority Numbers (RPN) Risk identified at early stages No of planned Risk No. of actual Risk Effort spent on identification and analyzing of risks Effort spent on Risk management planning

Tower Head Account Manager Project Manager COE (Center of Excellence) Presales Business Excellence Support Functions Sales Pre Sales team Global Delivery Head


Risk Management Plan Periodic Reviews and Audits are conducted in order to ensure Process Compliance

Java/ web application to full fill Business needs Three tire architecture to access application from anywhere in the world MVC Design pattern for easy maintenance


MVC Model Diagram.

Struts Flow :

Software Requirements
1. Design Model 2 2. Framework 3. Database 4. Application Server Server 5. Operating System - MVC Model - J2EE, Struts - Oracle/DB2 - Apache Tomcat - Windows 95/98/XP

Hardware Requirements

PC with 2 GB hard-disk 256 MB RAM

After looking at the functional requirements it is Identified that we can divide the system into these modules: o Admin o Supervisor o Project Manager o Security and Authentication o Reports

Plan for Completion of project

The system to develop will be dealt across the following stages: Analysis Study of the requirement and collection of raw data. Design Prepare the logical design diagrammatically to propose a solution. Implementation Develop the application using the Java framework. Testing Test the implementation


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