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documents written in order to address

and speak to the needs of the times. the Pope in consultation with his bishops and scholars writes these papers on topics varying in nature

On the condition of Labor Leo XIII May 15, 1891 The industrial revolution to labor caused
many abuses This was critical to liberal capitalism as well as Marxist socialism

Issues addressed:
The dignity of work The right to private property The right to form and join professional

associations The protection of the weak and the poor thru the perfection of charity, while excluding socialism and class struggle as legitimate principle of change Calls for living wage and justice for working class


After 40 yrs of RN The reconstruction of the Social Order Pius XI May 15, 1931 In response to the alarming concentration of wealth and power in socio-economic realism the Pope calls for the re-establishment of a social order based on the principle of subsidiarity.

Principle of Subsidiarity:
A community of a higher order should not
interfere in the internal life of a community of a lower order depriving the latter of its functions, but rather should support it in case of a need and help to coordinate its activity with the activities of the rest of society, always with a view to common good (CA 48; CCC 1883)

Issues addressed:
The Pope proposed a solution to the evils

of liberal capitalism and Marxist socialism by means of corporatism. Affirmation of private property A new term was introduced: social justice

Christianity and Social Progress Pope John XXIII May 15, 1961 It affirms the role of the Church as a

teacher distinguishing what is good and evil, and as a nurturing mother to the poor and oppressed.

It calls for the greater awareness of the

need for all peoples to live as one community with a common good. Special attention is focused on the plight of the farmers and farm workers in depressed rural, agricultural economies.

Issues addressed:
Emphasis on socialization: an increase of the

network of the relations between people A state intervention is needed so that property would achieve its social functions A need of the welfare state as against capitalism Negative effect of neocolonialism Focused on agriculture

Peace on Earth John XXIII April 11, 1963 It covers the entire spectrum of relations

between individuals; between individual and the community; and between nations and affirms the inviolability of human rights

Peace, based on mutual trust can be well

founded only if undergirded by a unity of right order in human affairs arising genuine respect for and adherence to the law of God.

Issues addressed:
After the Cold War, the pope called for

disarmament Arms race should cease, nuclear weapons be banned, and progressive disarmament should begin The rights proper to all individuals The relation between the authority Conscience The need to foster the common good

Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the

Modern World Second Vatican Council December 7, 1965 It opened the Church to service in the world by reading and discerning the signs of the times to foster a full humanity

Issues addressed:
Social nature of the person The relation between the Church and the
world Justice and development

On the development of Peoples Paul VI March 26, 1967 It placed the social question beyond the

national level to the world level and called for economic justice to achieve a true and lasting peace

Issues addressed:
Integral human development Mans dignity: being more and not simply

having more. Wealthy nations and individuals to place their superfluous wealth at the service of the poor. Focused on social dimension of property Addressing the problems of neocolonialism A call for equitable distribution of the worlds resources

A call to action on the 80th anniversary of
RN Paul VI May 15, 1971 The action for justice is a personal responsibility of every Christian. A need to move from economic concerns to political concerns

Issues addressed:
Duty of participation in social and political
reform as a way of discovering the truth and living out the Gospel Local churches have to develop their own unique programs The problems of urbanization, the environment and ideology

Justice in the World Synod of Bishops of 1971 It acknowledged the need for structural change

to address the problems of injustice in the world, and the structural sin that must be effectively transformed It believes that proclamation of the Gospel goes hand in hand with the struggle of justice.

Issues addressed:
A need for education of justice to form a
consciousness that will address the injustices in the world A calls for the Church to first become just before she can prophetically denounce the injustices in society A transformation of society to fight social sins

On Human Work John Paul II September 14, 1981 It affirms that work is for the person, not
the person for work. Through work, the human person fulfills himself.

Issues addressed:
A priority of labor over capital The right to a living wage The right to form a union Public policy regarding work The role of the market


On Social Concern John Paul II December 30, 1987 It commemorates the 20th anniversary of

Populorum Progressio analyzing the world after this encyclical

Issues addressed:
There are still enormous problems It blamed the conflict between the East and the

West, between the Marxist socialists and liberal capitalist for much of the failure Structures of sin that can be traced back to the personal sins of individuals, the result of the interrelated actions of many people rooted in the all consuming desire for profit and the thirst for power, selfishness.

A call for solidarity based on the dignity of

the human person Private property carries a social mortgage to promote the universal destination of goods.

On the 100th anniversary of RR John Paul II May 15, 1991 It reviews the key teachings of Rerum

Novarum and shows how it was revelant to present times. It examined the great events in 1989 such as the collapsed of the Berlin Wall.

Issues addressed:
Affirmation of the right to private property
but it has a social function Recognizing a new form of property, the possession of know-how, technology and skill It presents the view of Christian anthropology as the ground of the churchs social mission



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