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The Influence of Culture on Consumer Behavior


sum total of learned beliefs, values, and customs that serve to regulate the consumer behavior of members of a particular society.

beliefs Western music is entertaining. Classical music has relaxing/ soothing effect customs We buy gold during festivals values Elders are given respect and consulted before major investments like Housing, Land,


is learned

Belief in God Respect for elders Acceptance of arranged marriage Living in joint families


and services that resonate with the priorities of a culture at any given time have a much better chance of being accepted by consumers.
Health products consumed with milk


is shared

Burgers Western music Jeans


satisfies needs

Offers order, direction and guides in all phases of life Physiological, personal and social needs

Culture offers order, direction, and guidance in all phases of human problem solving: When to eat, Where to eat, What to eat for each meal, What to serve guests at a dinner party, picnic, or wedding.


are similar but different

Elements like family, adornment of body, religious rituals, sports, dancing, music, Variations in nature and therefore exhibit differences in consumer behavior


is not static

Traditional role of women in India. In urban area- getting redefined Several opportunities for marketers


are numerous values which affect consumption behavior.

Who is primary focus of the family, the adults or the children. American culture youth oriented. Indian Culture value age . China policy- one child per family focus on child. Heinz

Western culture family definition is narrow. India , China and Korea family includes parents, grand parents, cousins, nieces and nephews . Adolescents are likely to seek parental advice in making purchases.

Indian culture values diversity and accepts all sorts of religions , political beliefs . Likely to welcome diversity in term of food, dress and vide variety of products and services

Americans put too much emphasis on cleanliness. Over 90 % use deodorants. India ?


, China and Korea are traditional. Change is resisted . Many ads in India use traditional settings.


India fate is important factor. Less complaining with unsatisfactory purchase.


many things from nature are worshiped. Vico turmeric cream, Ganga mineral water, Himalaya herbals


families discourage children taking sports. Indian families encourage devote time to studying.


India , tendency to save for the rainy day

If convenience foods are positioned in terms of time saving in poly chronic cultures, the strategy likely fail because time saving is not part of the culture thought process.
Mono chronic culture Poly chronic culture

The top man in a company will have the largest office. Office space is considered as indication of the importance of an executives position

The colors of dresses that people wear on different occasions carry a meaning.

In India. Consumers personal relationship with salespeople and retail stores is often more important to be successful in the long run.

In many Indian cities, it is necessary to negotiate the taxi fare in advance otherwise the customer has to pay whatever fare is demanded. Price negotiation is fairly common practice in most bazars in India prior to purchase.

In India, Diwali is appropriate gift giving occasion. In Arab countries, gifts should be given in the presence of others. In china it is presented in Private.

Accepted behavior in social situations West Noisy eating unacceptable In India Using fingers for meals

Cross cultural influences are norms and values of consumers in foreign markets that influence strategies of multinational organizations marketing their products abroad.

Theme has two variations Think globally but act locally Cross cultural analysis Similar strategies or individualized strategies Ad of beauty products Acculturation

No Big Mac ,instead Big Maharaja

Kelloggs flakes made of Basmati rice. Pepsi and Coke using models wearing Indian dresses Credit cards acceptance in India

Sub culture influences that concern differences in values among different groups within a country that distinguishes them from society as a whole
However exceptions like cosmetics , Jeans , T shirt

Bases of sub culture . Religion Geographic region Age Gender

Hindu, Muslims, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist, Jain

East, West, North , South

Teens, Middle age ,Elderly

Female, Male

Social class

accountant, doctor, electrician, engineer

Lower, middle, upper

Products that are symbolically and ritualistically associated with the celebration of festivals. Bride and bridegroom in Hindu family

Regional differences in consumers consumption behavior

Tea Coffee Meat Dog Meat Warm cloths Soap consumption in South is highest Food- Wheat Rice

Old Age Paranjpe Scheme

Born between 1965 and 1978 Generation X Insurance , Investment services , Houses Born between 1978 to 1994 Generation Y More money on jeans, sports shoes, stereo, music , bikes, fast food etc

Traditional women Modern women Fairness cream for men

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