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George Walker Bush 43rd President ident/images/300-p2569523.jpg

Bryant Jones Ramos Period:5

George was born on July 6, 1946 . His parents was George Bush and

Barbara Bush . He has two siblings ,one sister and one brother .His brothers name is Jeb and his sisters name is Robin. He was educated in Yale university.

Life (continued)
George W. Bush married Laura Bush.
His presidential term was since Jan. 2001

to present time.



Timeline of Events
2001 president Bush

September 11, 2001


rejects Kyoto Protocol. tragedy in New York City.

war against Iraq

Bush Rejects Kyoto Protocal

Kyoto Protocal is about a deal that

wanted to be done but president George W. Bush does not want it to happened because something could have happen. eorge%20W%20Bush%2043rd% 20President%20Round.gif

September 11,2001
9-11 was about the twin towers being crashed

by four planes with people inside working. The twin towers was damaged and a lot of people died.A lot of people were dissapointed cause of the family members that they lost The cause was the 3000 people and family members where lost because of this tragedy. m/11sept_fichiers/11.jpg

War against Iraq

War against Iraq was about George w. Bush

wanting to destroy Iraq,the Iraq didnt want him to do that so they had a war. George W. Bush wanted to destroy the Iraq because he didnt want anymore trouble accuring in the he wanted to destroy everything that they have so that the USA wont be affriad of any thing and so that there wont be any more problems. Essays/POTUS_visit091203/puc.j pg

George W. Bush is a good type of person

because he knows what is good and bad for our country.

George W. Bush north_america/usa/gover nment/politicians/preside nts/george_w._bush/gitd addy2.jpg

Caption and Reflection

This presentation is about George W. Bush and

demonstrated the standard; History:Change, Continuity, causality. 1. Students employ chronology to understand change and/or continuity and cause and/or effect in history. The standard was achieved because I spend a lot of time to make my events make sense and I did research for my president. This project shows that u tried an did my best to finish it.

Biography of President George W. Bush 11-21-05 George W. Bush 11-21-05 mg/0,1020,439775,00.j pg


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