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Blood is Thicker than Water
Jeff, Rorys father deserted Rory and his mother. This make Granda very angry But, when they meet in Liverpool, Granda acknowledge Jeff as his family although he does not show it.

Granda finds it extremely difficult to forgive his son, Jeff. When Rory finally meets his father, he finds his father is indeed seeking forgiveness. Granda forgive him and acknowledge his son again. Consequently, the whole family is reunite

Exposition: Rory had to promise repeatedly that they would not go there. Feelings of hatred towards his father built up in Rory. Rory could not wake Granda up. He looked pale and was wheezing. Norma was concerned and told Rory to let Granda rest while she and Nicola went to town. Granda woke up and said he dreamt they were on the run again.
Conflicts: Nicola called to warn Rory about Norma making a report and that the police were coming to the house very soon. They followed the back uphill took it toll on Granda but he was sporting and refused to give in and carried on without complaining. When a police car came they hide in a ditch.

Climax : Rory helped him along to a stone bus shelter and Granda sat it gratefully. Granda face was so drawn and pale.Granda fell asleep and Rory dosed off to. He got up with a start and realised Granda was not snoring , looked pale and was not breathing. He was dead.
Falling Action: Rory ran and ran to look for help until he saw a house set back from the road.He pounded on the door and a couple opened it. They recognised Rory and the man took Rory to the bus shelter while his wife called the police.

Resolution : The police and the ambulance arrived. Granda survived his ordeal after hovering between life and death for days. Rory stayed with his fathers family, that is his wife Karen and two daughters , Rhonda and Ava. Rory and Granda settled down in Liverpool and they stayed in a flat near Jeffs house. Rory was very happy everything turned out well.



It is a remote cottage in Lake District. It is warm and cozy with blazing fire in the hearth. Granda finds out why he and Rory are going to Liverpool to meet his son, Jeff McIntosh.



It is a stone bus shelter where Granda and Rory take rest after escaping the police sent by Norma. Granda lies on the bench and is soon fall asleep - When Rory tries to wake him up, Granda does not flinch and his body is icy cold. - Fearing that he is dead, Rory seeks help from a couple in a house. - The ambulance takes Granda to the hospital while Roty is reunited with his father.



Granda receives treatment when he is brought by the ambulance from the bus shelter. He lays unconscious for days and regains consciousness when he hears his granddaughters bawling after she sticks her head in the bars of the bed and gets stuck.



This is where Granda and Rory lives in Liverpool. They obtained the flat from the social workers who also provide them with care workers, home helps, meals on wheels, and tuck-in service. It is located round the corner from Jeffs flat.

Rory McIntosh

Rory is a teenager who lives with his grandfather, Granda, ever since his father walks out on his mother and him when he was a baby. He now cares for his aging and ailing Granda. They live by themselves in a flat without any home help. Matured / Insightful Thinks his father does not know how to handle Granda which results in their poor relationship. (page 159) Has sense of humour / Cheeky Always teasing Granda or thinking of him in a humorous way. (page 152, 159) Responsible and a person of action Would never be parted from Granda for anything. (page 149)

Granda has looked after Rory since he was small. Now Rory looks after him as his physical and mental health deteriorates. Granda prefers to stay alone with Rory rather than going into a home for the old. When he was young, Granda learnt how to fish. He was a motor mechanic and owned a Morris Minor once. Attached to Rory / Doting. (page 152) Old / Ailing / Sickly Health continues to deteriorate. (page 161) Emotional and afraid Does not want to be rejected by his son. (page 144) Prejudiced Believes all his children turn their backs on parents when they grow up. (page 146) Resourceful and clever Knows all about the stars in the sky. (page 150)

Norma is Annies rich cousin who put up Rory and Granda at her isolated cottage in the Lake District. She can only allow them to stay one night as her husband who will return the next day is likely to disapprove her action. She has a daughter, Nicola, who alerts Rory when Norma reports them to the police. Concerned (page 145 and 160)

Normas daughter Care about Granda (page 145) Concerned about Granda and Rory Alerts Rory when her mother reports Rory and Granda to the police. (page 147)

He is Rorys father who abandons both his wife and baby son. He eventually reconciles with Granda and Rory who live close to him when Granda recovers from his dead incident. He lives in Liverpool with his wife, Karen and two daughters, Rhonda and Ava. Prior to this, Karen is unaware that he has a father and a son. Has a poor relationship with his father (page 159) Reunites with his father (Granda) and son (Rory) (page 157 and 159) Comes back to help Rory and Granda after hearing about them from the media.


is a troubled girl who lives at the childrens home at Castle Street and is unlike the other children. Her mother is in jail and nobody wants to foster her, not even her aunts, which is why she is in the home. Due to her temperament, she is treated differently from the other children who live at the home. Disturbed Scared of being alone. (page 160)


...a police car... purring silently, like a tiger stalking its prey. (page 150) He put on a spurt, like an athlete heading for the finishing line, (page 151)

he was snoring like a bear. (page153)


...a police car wailing towards us or, more likely, purring silently, (page 150)

Rory is able to handle Granda far better than his own father, Jeff who is very apologetic.

Rory symbolises the younger generation who is compassionate, kind and grateful towards the older generation.

Granda symbolises the older generation who tries to make up for mistakes made and to take up responsibility for raising an abandoned grandson, Rory.

Sammy and Ruby represent the kind public who are compassionate towards Granda and Rory.

Moral values

Determination Rory and Granda are determined to stay together. Eventually, they end up in Liverpool together and find happiness with their family.

Religious piety Rory is religious in his own way. He talks to God in a friendly, chatty way. He asks God for help and makes childlike promises to Him if he gets what he wants. His prayers are heart-warming appeals and at times, heart wrenching.

Love towards family. - This is shown when Granda and Rory are willing to take the risk of running away from their shelters, Castle Street and Rachnadar, just to be together. - Their bond is so strong that it surpasses the fear of the unknown and being caught by the authorities.

APPRECIATE OTHERS Friends may come and go but family members are there forever . So we should learn to appreciate them. Unconditional love A man came towards Rory and tried to talk to him. Rory was not interested in talking to anyone. His mind was on his Granda. He did not want to be separated from him.

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