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By Amadea Kevala Click to edit Master subtitle style

Findings & Analysis for Watch World Indonesia


Research Objectives

To understand customers habits and behaviors toward international brand watch products evaluate the preference of most customers in deciding to buy a watch



know the mediums of advertisements that trigger their 3/20/12

Respondents Criteria
Decision maker in purchasing watches Purchased an international brand watch from WWI within the last 6 months or planned to purchase one of WWI brand watch within the


Market Size

Watch World Indonesia Market Size 2010: 100/15% x 80.081 = 533,873 World Indonesia Market Size 2011: 100/15% x 74,421 = 502,808 502,808/ 533,873 = 0.94 100% - 94% = 6%


The market size decreases by 6% from 2010 to 2011


Brand Share

Brand Share 2010:

Total sales of Esprit in 2010/ WWI Market Size 2010 x 100% (26,500 + 3,230 +4,670)/ 53387.33 x 100% = 6%

Brand Share 2011:

Total sales of Esprit in 2011/ WWI Market Size 2011 x 100% (30,859+710+1573)/ 502,808 x 100%= 7%

Market Growth
Market Growth: Market Size 2011/ Market Size 2010 = 502,808/ 533,873 = 0,94 1-0.94 = 0.06 Therefore, the market size decreases by 6%.


Strap Wrist Watch Trend 2012 For Men Straps are made up of different materials. But leatherstraps, metal straps and plastic straps are of mentionable importance for the year 2012. Brown and gray straps are also much big in the year 2012. 2. Chain Wrist Watch Trend 2012 For Men

Chain wrist watch is another famous type of mens wrist watches 2012. This kind of watch has chain attached to the time piece. These watches are of formal wear mostly but can also be used for casual wear.

1. Jewellery Wrist Watches For Women 2012 Diamond and gold is used in these watches to make them rich looking and attractive. Women are fond of this kind of watches. These watches are a big trend in year 2012.

2. Clasp Bracelet Watch Trend For

Competitor Analysis


Competitor Analysis


Questionnaire Survey


Questionnaire Survey
Strengths: Design Weakness: Brand
What do you see most from Esprit watches?


In terms of buying watch, what type of buyer are you?


In Depth Interview 1
Why are you loyal to one or two brands?


Irreplaceable Bored

comfort (in terms of price, brand, usage, flexibility etc.) sticking to only one brand brands choices

Alternative Prioritized


In Depth Interview 2
What do you think about ESPRIT? What comes to your mind when you are referred to Esprit watches?
ESPRIT watch has had its peak long time

ago with its casual style of watch and middleupper class brand. However, as time goes by, new brand watches arrive and I no longer found it attractive as before. It somehow becomes obsolete and has very limited and boring choices of styles. Furthermore, it is no 3/20/12


the interviews, we can see that customers choose two brands due to their two contrasting natures: They get easily bored using only one brand They dont like adapting themselves with new kind of watches every single time. Once they find comfort in one brand, they will keep repeating on using it. Therefore, two-three brands are

1. 2.


From the questionnaire survey as well as in depth interviews, it is clarified that Esprits weakness lies on its design. This can be seen by the highest percentage of people choosing design as the most important aspect when buying a watch. Furthermore, survey also indicates that people most spend 1-5 million/ month, indicating their purchasing buying power 3/20/12 and consumer behavior. Therefore, it is


Increase its watch design by establishing high-end designer watches made in modern styles.

This can be done by: -Building alliance with top designers such as Michael Kors, Marc Jacobs, or Karl Largerfield -Using skimming pricing strategy along with revamped styles of presenting its watches from packaging up to store design.



Build customer loyalty by:

-Collaborating with other top brands (that are not watches) such as MAC, Blackberry, Apple, Starbucks, & others through vouchers, discounts, buy 1 get 1 free type of promotions, and points collection. -Establishing the best customer service by setting up a website to have an online order with unlimited access and time all over the world. In other words, people can buy Esprit watch products anytime anywhere. It can also provide the fastest delivery system which really meets customers convenience. -Setting up a membership card which can be used to collect points for Esprit watches. After reaching a total of 1 million transaction, customers can obtain selected products from Esprit such as its clothes, T-shirts, jeans, jackets, shoes, and bags. This will also be a way to promote Esprit 3/20/12


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