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Advertising department

Functions of advertising manager



Plans the ad campaign and prepares an ad budget. budget. In smaller org., creates and produce ad. org. ad. In larger org., interacts with the account org. executive of an ad agency also prepare sales promotional materials. materials. Handles admin department. department. CoCo-ordinates with operation and marketing dept to facilitate the working of the sales dept. dept. Supervises the promotional activity and evaluates the result. result.

Advertising Agency

An advertising agency or ad agency is a service business dedicated to creating, planning and handling advertising (and sometimes other forms of promotion) for its clients. clients. An ad agency is independent from the client and provides an outside point of view to the effort of selling the client's products or services. services. An agency can also handle overall marketing and branding strategies and sales promotions for its clients. clients. Typical ad agency clients include businesses and corporations, non-profit organizations and government nonagencies Agencies may be hired to produce an advertising campaign

Organization of an ad agency
Chief executive

Account manager

Creative director

Media manager

Support service

Admin manager

Copy writers


Media planning - print

Marketing research

Human resources


Media planning - electronic

Sales promotions

Finance and accounts


Media planning other media

Media buyers

Functions of an ad agency


Understand the product, technology, market Understand the methods of distribution and selling Assess the different media for conveying the message Prepare an advertising plan Mutually beneficial partnership with agencies and advertiser

Selection Of An Ad Agency
Well Known Creativity Sound Track Record Account Executive Accounts they handles Personal Equation Ability and presentation Unique Considerations

Types of ad agencies

Full Service Agencies Modular agencies In House agencies Creative Boutiques Mega agencies The Specialists Agency

Structuring The Ad Agency

Chief executive

Client group I

Client group II

Client group III

Client group IV

Account management

Creative services

Media services

Support service

Compensation of Ad Agency

Media commission (15%) Mark up (17.65%)

Fees - Fees commission - Retainership Incentives based / performance based compensation

Client Agency Relationship (CAR)

Client Agency relationship


The agency avoids advertising a close substitute competing product. The client, too, product. avoids engaging the services of another competing agency Agency receive green signal form clients Agency keeps the media commission for itself, and the client undertakes to foot the bill promptly If media grant and cash discount, it is passed on to the client The agency is not taken to task for media lapses in terms of scheduling, positioning etc

CAR relationship may breaks due to..



International alignments may cause a changes Management changes Product conflicts with mergers, takeovers or new product introductions disappointment with each other Brand failures

Agency - media relationship

Agency alone responsible for payment to the media Agency does not allow any cut from the commission received from the media to go the client Media do not discriminate amongst the agencies dealt with and follow a uniform policy for all the agencies Media do not alter the adverting material without the prior consent of the agency

Top 10 Advertisement Agency Of India


Adbur Pvt Ltd Akshara Advertising Mudra communication ltd Chaitra Leo Burnett Pvt Ltd Contract Advertising (India) Ltd Crayons Advertising and Marketing Pvt Ltd Creative Advertising Enterprise Nexus Communications Pvt. Ltd Euro RSCG Advertising Pvt Ltd Everest Integrated Communications Limited

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